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Modélisation du climat et de son changement global
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Isphording, R., Alexander, L.V., Bador, M., Green, D. and Evans, J. (2024) A Standardized Benchmarking Framework to Assess Downscaled Precipitation Simulations, Journal of Climate, 37 (4) , pp. 1089-1110, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-23-0317.1

@ARTICLE{AR-CMGC-24-60, author = {Isphording, R. and Alexander, L.V. and Bador, M. and Green, D. and Evans, J. }, title = {A Standardized Benchmarking Framework to Assess Downscaled Precipitation Simulations}, year = {2024}, number = {4}, volume = {37}, pages = {1089-1110}, doi = {10.1175/JCLI-D-23-0317.1}, journal = {Journal of Climate}}

Hunn, R.J.H., Herold, N., Alexander, L.V., Donat, M.G., Allan, R., Bador, M., Brunet, M., Cheng, V., Wan Ibadullah, W.M., Ibrahim, M.K.I., Kruger, A., Kubota, H., Lippmann, T.J.R., Marengo, J., Mbatha, S., McGree, S., Ngwenya, S., Pabon-Caicedo, J.D., Ramos, A., Salinger, J., van der Schrier, G., Srivastava, A., Trewin, B., Vasquez Yanez, R., Vasquez-Aguirre, J., Jimenez, C., Vose, R., Yussof, M.N.A. and Zhang, X. (2024) Observed Global Changes in Sector‐Relevant Climate Extremes Indices—An Extension to HadEX3, Earth and Space Science, 11, pp. e2023EA003279, doi: 10.1029/2023EA003279
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@ARTICLE{AR-CMGC-24-31, author = {Hunn, R.J.H. and Herold, N. and Alexander, L.V. and Donat, M.G. and Allan, R. and Bador, M. and Brunet, M. and Cheng, V. and Wan Ibadullah, W.M. and Ibrahim, M.K.I. and Kruger, A. and Kubota, H. and Lippmann, T.J.R. and Marengo, J. and Mbatha, S. and McGree, S. and Ngwenya, S. and Pabon-Caicedo, J.D. and Ramos, A. and Salinger, J. and van der Schrier, G. and Srivastava, A. and Trewin, B. and Vasquez Yanez, R. and Vasquez-Aguirre, J. and Jimenez, C. and Vose, R. and Yussof, M.N.A. and Zhang, X. }, title = {Observed Global Changes in Sector‐Relevant Climate Extremes Indices—An Extension to HadEX3}, year = {2024}, volume = {11}, pages = {e2023EA003279}, doi = {10.1029/2023EA003279}, journal = {Earth and Space Science}, pdf = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Earth-and-Space-Science-AR_CMGC_24_31.pdf}}

Douchet, L., Menkes, C.E., Herbreteau, V., Larrieu, J. and Bador, M. (2024) Climate-driven models of leptospirosis dynamics in tropical islands from three oceanic basins, PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 18 (4) , pp. e0011717, doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0011717

@ARTICLE{AR-CMGC-24-34, author = {Douchet, L. and Menkes, C.E. and Herbreteau, V. and Larrieu, J. and Bador, M. }, title = {Climate-driven models of leptospirosis dynamics in tropical islands from three oceanic basins}, year = {2024}, number = {4}, volume = {18}, pages = {e0011717}, doi = {10.1371/journal.pntd.0011717}, journal = {PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases}}

Petrova, I.Y., Miralles, D.G., Brient, F., Donat, M.G., Min, S.-K., Kim, Y.-H. and Bador, M. (2024) Observation-constrained projections reveal longer-than-expected dry spells, Nature, 633, pp. 594-600, doi: 10.1038/s41586-024-07887-y

@ARTICLE{AR-CMGC-24-126, author = {Petrova, I.Y. and Miralles, D.G. and Brient, F. and Donat, M.G. and Min, S.-K. and Kim, Y.-H. and Bador, M. }, title = {Observation-constrained projections reveal longer-than-expected dry spells}, year = {2024}, volume = {633}, pages = {594-600}, doi = {10.1038/s41586-024-07887-y}, journal = {Nature}}

Nguyen, P.L., Bador, M., Alexander, L.V. and Lane , T.P. (2023) Selecting regional climate models based on their skill could give more credible precipitation projections over the complex Southeast Asia region, Climate Dynamics, 61 (7-8) , pp. 3431-3452, doi: 10.1007/s00382-023-06751-5

@ARTICLE{AR-CMGC-23-36, author = {Nguyen, P.L. and Bador, M. and Alexander, L.V. and Lane , T.P. }, title = {Selecting regional climate models based on their skill could give more credible precipitation projections over the complex Southeast Asia region}, year = {2023}, number = {7-8}, volume = {61}, pages = {3431-3452}, doi = {10.1007/s00382-023-06751-5}, journal = {Climate Dynamics}}

Nguyen, P.L., Bador, M., Alexander, L.V., Todd, P.L. and Ngo-Duc, T. (2022) More intense daily precipitation in CORDEX-SEA regional climate models than their forcing global climate models over Southeast Asia, International Journal of Climatology, pp. 6537-6561, doi: 10.1002/joc.7619
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@ARTICLE{AR-CMGC-22-30, author = {Nguyen, P.L. and Bador, M. and Alexander, L.V. and Todd, P.L. and Ngo-Duc, T. }, title = {More intense daily precipitation in CORDEX-SEA regional climate models than their forcing global climate models over Southeast Asia}, year = {2022}, pages = {6537-6561}, doi = {10.1002/joc.7619}, journal = {International Journal of Climatology}, url = {https://rmets.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/joc.7619}}

Bador, M. and Alexander, L.V. (2022) Future Seasonal Changes in Extreme Precipitation Scale With Changes in the Mean, Earths Future, 10 (12) , pp. e2022EF002979, doi: 10.1029/2022EF002979

@ARTICLE{AR-CMGC-22-205, author = {Bador, M. and Alexander, L.V. }, title = {Future Seasonal Changes in Extreme Precipitation Scale With Changes in the Mean}, year = {2022}, number = {12}, volume = {10}, pages = {e2022EF002979}, doi = {10.1029/2022EF002979}, journal = {Earths Future}}

Bador, M., Boé, J., Terray, L., Alexander, L.V., Baker, A., Bellucci, A., Haarsma, R., Koenigk, T., Moine, M.-P., Lohmann, K., Putrasahan, D., Roberts, C., Roberts, M., Scoccimarro, E., Schiemann, R., Seddon, J., Senan, R., Valcke, S. and Vannière, B. (2020) Impact of higher spatial atmospheric resolution on precipitation extremes over land in global climate models, Journal of Geophysical Research, 125 (13) , pp. e2019JD032184, doi: 10.1029/2019JD032184

@ARTICLE{AR-CMGC-20-60, author = {Bador, M. and Boé, J. and Terray, L. and Alexander, L.V. and Baker, A. and Bellucci, A. and Haarsma, R. and Koenigk, T. and Moine, M.-P. and Lohmann, K. and Putrasahan, D. and Roberts, C. and Roberts, M. and Scoccimarro, E. and Schiemann, R. and Seddon, J. and Senan, R. and Valcke, S. and Vannière, B. }, title = {Impact of higher spatial atmospheric resolution on precipitation extremes over land in global climate models}, year = {2020}, number = {13}, volume = {125}, pages = {e2019JD032184}, doi = {10.1029/2019JD032184}, journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research}, supplementaryMaterial = {https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1029/2019JD032184}}

Bador, M., Terray, L., Boé, J., Somot, S., Alias, A., Gibelin, A.-L. and Dubuisson, B. (2017) Future summer mega-heatwave and record-breaking temperatures in a warmer France climate, Environmental Research Letters, 12 (7) , pp. 1-12, doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/aa751c
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@ARTICLE{AR-CMGC-17-123, author = {Bador, M. and Terray, L. and Boé, J. and Somot, S. and Alias, A. and Gibelin, A.-L. and Dubuisson, B. }, title = {Future summer mega-heatwave and record-breaking temperatures in a warmer France climate}, year = {2017}, number = {7}, volume = {12}, pages = {1-12}, doi = {10.1088/1748-9326/aa751c}, journal = {Environmental Research Letters}, pdf = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/GLOBC-Article-Futuresummer-Bador_et_al_ERL_2017.pdf}, supplementaryMaterial = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/GLOBC-Article-Bador_et_al_ERL_SI_2017.pdf}}

Bador, M., Terray, L. and Boé, J. (2016) Detection of anthropogenic influence on the evolution of record-breaking temperatures over Europe, Climate Dynamics, 46 (9) , pp. 2717-2735, doi: 10.1007/s00382-015-2725-8
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@ARTICLE{AR-CMGC-16-27824, author = {Bador, M. and Terray, L. and Boé, J. }, title = {Detection of anthropogenic influence on the evolution of record-breaking temperatures over Europe}, year = {2016}, number = {9}, volume = {46}, pages = {2717-2735}, doi = {10.1007/s00382-015-2725-8}, journal = {Climate Dynamics}, pdf = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/GLOBC-2015-Article-Bador-Detection-CLIMDYN.pdf}, url = {http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00382-015-2725-8}}

Bador, M., Terray, L. and Boé, J. (2016) Emergence of human influence on summer record-breaking temperatures over Europe, Geophysical Research Letters, 43, pp. 404-412, doi: 10.1002/2015GL066560
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@ARTICLE{AR-CMGC-16-70, author = {Bador, M. and Terray, L. and Boé, J. }, title = {Emergence of human influence on summer record-breaking temperatures over Europe}, year = {2016}, volume = {43}, pages = {404-412}, doi = {10.1002/2015GL066560}, journal = {Geophysical Research Letters}, pdf = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/GLOBC-Bador_et_al_GRL_2016.pdf}, url = {http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2015GL066560/abstract}}

Andrefouet, S., Dutheil, C., Menkes, C.E., Bador, M. and Lengaigne, M. (2015) Mass mortality events in atoll lagoons: environmental control and increased future vulnerability, Global Change Biology, pp. 195-205, ISSN 1365-2486, doi: 10.1111/gcb.12699
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@ARTICLE{AR-CMGC-15-27804, author = {Andrefouet, S. and Dutheil, C. and Menkes, C.E. and Bador, M. and Lengaigne, M. }, title = {Mass mortality events in atoll lagoons: environmental control and increased future vulnerability}, year = {2015}, pages = {195-205}, issn = {1365-2486}, doi = {10.1111/gcb.12699}, journal = {Global Change Biology}, pdf = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/GLOBC-Andrefouet-MassMortality1.pdf}, url = {http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25088977}}

Bador, M., Naveau, P., Gilleland, E., Castella, M. and Arivelo, T. (2015) Spatial clustering of summer temperature maxima from the CNRM-CM5 climatemodelensembles&E-OBSoverEurope (2006) , pp. 17-24, ISSN 2212-0947
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@ARTICLE{AR-CMGC-15-27827, author = {Bador, M. and Naveau, P. and Gilleland, E. and Castella, M. and Arivelo, T. }, title = {Spatial clustering of summer temperature maxima from the CNRM-CM5 climatemodelensembles&E-OBSoverEurope}, year = {2015}, number = {2006}, pages = {17-24}, issn = {2212-0947}, url = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/GLOBC-BADOR-2015-Spatial.pdf}}


Bador, M. and Alexander, L.V. (2024) Extreme Precipitation in Climate Models and Observations - Invited conference, Workshop on global precipitation monitoring in a joint European effort, Offenbach am Main, Germany, March 12-23 . 2024

@CONFERENCE{PR-CMGC-24-28, author = {Bador, M. and Alexander, L.V. }, title = {Extreme Precipitation in Climate Models and Observations - Invited conference}, year = {2024}, booktitle = {Workshop on global precipitation monitoring in a joint European effort, Offenbach am Main, Germany, March 12-23 }, keywords = {none}}

Bador, M. (2024) Storylines of Extreme Events with AROME, Annual Meeting - LOCALISING, TRACCS, Toulouse, France, January 17-19. 2024

@CONFERENCE{PR-CMGC-24-29, author = {Bador, M. }, title = {Storylines of Extreme Events with AROME}, year = {2024}, booktitle = {Annual Meeting - LOCALISING, TRACCS, Toulouse, France, January 17-19}, keywords = {none}}

Bador, M. and Alexander, L.V. (2023) Future Seasonal Changes in Extreme Precipitation Scale With Changes in the Mean, Open Science Conference, World Climate Research Programme, Kigali, Rwanda, October 23-27. 2023

@CONFERENCE{PR-CMGC-23-151, author = {Bador, M. and Alexander, L.V. }, title = {Future Seasonal Changes in Extreme Precipitation Scale With Changes in the Mean}, year = {2023}, booktitle = {Open Science Conference, World Climate Research Programme, Kigali, Rwanda, October 23-27}}

Bador, M., Roca, R., Trules, J., Cloché, S. and Alexander, L.V. (2023) FROGS: a daily 1°  ×  1° gridded precipitation database of rain gauge, satellite and reanalysis products, Open Science Conference, World Climate Research Programme, Kigali, Rwanda, October 23-27. 2023

@CONFERENCE{PR-CMGC-23-152, author = {Bador, M. and Roca, R. and Trules, J. and Cloché, S. and Alexander, L.V. }, title = {FROGS: a daily 1°  ×  1° gridded precipitation database of rain gauge, satellite and reanalysis products}, year = {2023}, booktitle = {Open Science Conference, World Climate Research Programme, Kigali, Rwanda, October 23-27}}

Nguyen, P.L., Bador, M., Alexander, L.V. and Lane, T. (2023) Selecting regional climate models based on their skill could give more credible precipitation projections over the complex Southeast Asia region, Open Science Conference, World Climate Research Programme, Kigali, Rwanda, October 23-27. 2023

@CONFERENCE{PR-CMGC-23-153, author = {Nguyen, P.L. and Bador, M. and Alexander, L.V. and Lane, T. }, title = {Selecting regional climate models based on their skill could give more credible precipitation projections over the complex Southeast Asia region}, year = {2023}, booktitle = {Open Science Conference, World Climate Research Programme, Kigali, Rwanda, October 23-27}}

Isphording, R., Alexander, L.V., Bador, M., Green, D. and Evans, J. (2023) A standardized benchmarking framework to assess downscaled rainfall simulations, Open Science Conference, World Climate Research Programme, Kigali, Rwanda, October 23-27. 2023

@CONFERENCE{PR-CMGC-23-154, author = {Isphording, R. and Alexander, L.V. and Bador, M. and Green, D. and Evans, J. }, title = {A standardized benchmarking framework to assess downscaled rainfall simulations}, year = {2023}, booktitle = {Open Science Conference, World Climate Research Programme, Kigali, Rwanda, October 23-27}}

Collet, F., Boé, J., Bador, M., Dubus, L. and Jourdier, B. (2023) Characterization of climate conditions leading to compound low wind power production and high electricity consumption in France, Open Science Conference, World Climate Research Programme, Kigali, Rwanda, October 23-27. 2023

@CONFERENCE{PR-CMGC-23-155, author = {Collet, F. and Boé, J. and Bador, M. and Dubus, L. and Jourdier, B. }, title = {Characterization of climate conditions leading to compound low wind power production and high electricity consumption in France}, year = {2023}, booktitle = {Open Science Conference, World Climate Research Programme, Kigali, Rwanda, October 23-27}}

Collet, F., Bador, M., Boé, J., Dubus, L. and Jourdier, B. (2023) Climate conditions associated with low wind power production and high electricity demand events in France, International Conference of Energy Meteorology (ICEM), Padoue, Italie, 27-29 Juin. 2023

@CONFERENCE{PR-CMGC-23-156, author = {Collet, F. and Bador, M. and Boé, J. and Dubus, L. and Jourdier, B. }, title = {Climate conditions associated with low wind power production and high electricity demand events in France}, year = {2023}, booktitle = {International Conference of Energy Meteorology (ICEM), Padoue, Italie, 27-29 Juin}}

Bador, M., Terray, L., Boé, J. and Somot, S. (2015) Physical insights on future european summer heat waves and record-breaking temperatures, IUGG. International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, 22 June - 2 July, Prag, Czech Republic 2015

@CONFERENCE{PR-CMGC-15-29056, author = {Bador, M. and Terray, L. and Boé, J. and Somot, S. }, title = {Physical insights on future european summer heat waves and record-breaking temperatures}, year = {2015}, booktitle = {IUGG}, organization = {International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, 22 June - 2 July}, address = {Prag, Czech Republic}}

Bador, M., Terray, L., Boé, J. and Somot, S. (2015) Physical insights on future european summer heat waves, CFCC. Conference “Our Common Future under Climate Change”, 07-10 July, Paris, France 2015

@CONFERENCE{PR-CMGC-15-29059, author = {Bador, M. and Terray, L. and Boé, J. and Somot, S. }, title = {Physical insights on future european summer heat waves}, year = {2015}, booktitle = {CFCC}, organization = {Conference “Our Common Future under Climate Change”, 07-10 July}, address = {Paris, France}}

Bador, M. and Terray, L. (2013) Detection of anthropogenic influence on the evolution of temperature records over Europe, Abstract gc51b-0955. AGU fall meeting, 9-13 december, San Francisco, USA 2013

@CONFERENCE{PR-CMGC-13-21814, author = {Bador, M. and Terray, L. }, title = {Detection of anthropogenic influence on the evolution of temperature records over Europe}, year = {2013}, booktitle = {Abstract gc51b-0955}, organization = {AGU fall meeting, 9-13 december}, address = {San Francisco, USA}}

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