Gaipl, L., Jaravel, T., Douasbin, Q. and Poinsot, T. (2025) LES of the combustion efficiency of wake stabilized methane jet flames in crossflow, Combustion and Flame, 273, pp. Article number 113916, doi: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2024.113916
author = {Gaipl, L. and Jaravel, T. and Douasbin, Q. and Poinsot, T. },
title = {LES of the combustion efficiency of wake stabilized methane jet flames in crossflow},
year = {2025},
volume = {273},
pages = {Article number 113916},
doi = {10.1016/j.combustflame.2024.113916},
journal = {Combustion and Flame}}
Lumet, E., Rochoux, M., Jaravel, T. and Lacroix, S. (2025) Uncertainty-aware surrogate modeling for urban air pollutant dispersion prediction, Building and Environment, 267 (Part C) , pp. Article number 112287, doi: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2024.112287
[bibtex] [pdf]
author = {Lumet, E. and Rochoux, M. and Jaravel, T. and Lacroix, S. },
title = {Uncertainty-aware surrogate modeling for urban air pollutant dispersion prediction},
year = {2025},
number = {Part C},
volume = {267},
pages = {Article number 112287},
doi = {10.1016/j.buildenv.2024.112287},
journal = {Building and Environment},
pdf = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/Building_Envir_AR_CMGC_25_4.pdf}}
Lumet, E., Jaravel, T. and Rochoux, M. (2025) Dataset of microscale atmospheric flow and pollutant concentration large-eddy simulations for varying mesoscale meteorological forcing in an idealized urban environment, Data in Brief, 58, pp. Article number 111285, doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2025.111285
[bibtex] [pdf]
author = {Lumet, E. and Jaravel, T. and Rochoux, M. },
title = {Dataset of microscale atmospheric flow and pollutant concentration large-eddy simulations for varying mesoscale meteorological forcing in an idealized urban environment},
year = {2025},
volume = {58},
pages = {Article number 111285},
doi = {10.1016/j.dib.2025.111285},
journal = {Data in Brief},
pdf = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/Data_Brief_AR_CMGC_25_6.pdf}}
Meziat-Ramirez, F., Douasbin, Q., Dounia, O., Vermorel, O. and Jaravel, T. (2025) Flame-turbulence interactions in lean hydrogen flames: implications for turbulent flame speed and fractal modelling, Combustion and Flame, 273, pp. Article number 113926, doi: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2024.113926
author = {Meziat-Ramirez, F. and Douasbin, Q. and Dounia, O. and Vermorel, O. and Jaravel, T. },
title = {Flame-turbulence interactions in lean hydrogen flames: implications for turbulent flame speed and fractal modelling},
year = {2025},
volume = {273},
pages = {Article number 113926},
doi = {10.1016/j.combustflame.2024.113926},
journal = {Combustion and Flame}}
Lumet, E., Jaravel, T., Rochoux, M., Vermorel, O. and Lacroix, S. (2024) Assessing the Internal Variability of Large-Eddy Simulations for Microscale Pollutant Dispersion Prediction in an Idealized Urban Environment, Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 190 (2) , pp. Article number 9, doi: 10.1007/s10546-023-00853-7
author = {Lumet, E. and Jaravel, T. and Rochoux, M. and Vermorel, O. and Lacroix, S. },
title = {Assessing the Internal Variability of Large-Eddy Simulations for Microscale Pollutant Dispersion Prediction in an Idealized Urban Environment},
year = {2024},
number = {2},
volume = {190},
pages = {Article number 9},
doi = {10.1007/s10546-023-00853-7},
journal = {Boundary-Layer Meteorology}}
Vanbersel, B., Meziat-Ramirez, F., Mohanamuraly, P., Staffelbach, G., Jaravel, T., Douasbin, Q., Dounia, O. and Vermorel, O. (2024) A Systematic Adaptive Mesh Refinement Method for Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flame Propagation, Flow Turbulence and Combustion, 112 (4) , pp. 1127-1160, doi: 10.1007/s10494-024-00534-6
author = {Vanbersel, B. and Meziat-Ramirez, F. and Mohanamuraly, P. and Staffelbach, G. and Jaravel, T. and Douasbin, Q. and Dounia, O. and Vermorel, O. },
title = {A Systematic Adaptive Mesh Refinement Method for Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flame Propagation},
year = {2024},
number = {4},
volume = {112},
pages = {1127-1160},
doi = {10.1007/s10494-024-00534-6},
journal = {Flow Turbulence and Combustion}}
Foudad , M., Sanchez-Gomez, E., Jaravel, T., Rochoux, M. and Terray, L. (2024) Past and future trends in clear-air turbulence over the northern hemisphere, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 129 (13) , pp. e2023JD040261, doi: 10.1029/2023JD040261
author = {Foudad , M. and Sanchez-Gomez, E. and Jaravel, T. and Rochoux, M. and Terray, L. },
title = {Past and future trends in clear-air turbulence over the northern hemisphere},
year = {2024},
number = {13},
volume = {129},
pages = {e2023JD040261},
doi = {10.1029/2023JD040261},
journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres}}
Hok, J.-J., Dounia, O., Detomaso, N., Jaravel, T., Douasbin, Q. and Vermorel, O. (2024) A modeling strategy for the Thickened Flame simulation of propagating lean hydrogen–air flames, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 78, pp. 1133-1141, doi: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2024.06.298
author = {Hok, J.-J. and Dounia, O. and Detomaso, N. and Jaravel, T. and Douasbin, Q. and Vermorel, O. },
title = {A modeling strategy for the Thickened Flame simulation of propagating lean hydrogen–air flames},
year = {2024},
volume = {78},
pages = {1133-1141},
doi = {10.1016/j.ijhydene.2024.06.298},
journal = {International Journal of Hydrogen Energy}}
Meziat-Ramirez, F., Vanbersel, B., Dounia, O., Jaravel, T., Douasbin, Q. and Vermorel, O. (2024) Numerical study of the flame acceleration mechanisms of a lean hydrogen/air deflagration in an obstructed channel, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 89, pp. 224-232, doi: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2024.09.230
author = {Meziat-Ramirez, F. and Vanbersel, B. and Dounia, O. and Jaravel, T. and Douasbin, Q. and Vermorel, O. },
title = {Numerical study of the flame acceleration mechanisms of a lean hydrogen/air deflagration in an obstructed channel},
year = {2024},
volume = {89},
pages = {224-232},
doi = {10.1016/j.ijhydene.2024.09.230},
journal = {International Journal of Hydrogen Energy}}
Nony, B., Rochoux, M., Jaravel, T. and Lucor, D. (2023) Reduced-order modeling for parameterized large-eddy simulations of atmospheric pollutant dispersion, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 37 (6) , pp. 2117-2144, doi: 10.1007/s00477-023-02383-7
author = {Nony, B. and Rochoux, M. and Jaravel, T. and Lucor, D. },
title = {Reduced-order modeling for parameterized large-eddy simulations of atmospheric pollutant dispersion},
year = {2023},
number = {6},
volume = {37},
pages = {2117-2144},
doi = {10.1007/s00477-023-02383-7},
journal = {Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment}}
Dounia, O., Jaravel, T. and Vermorel, O. (2022) On the controlling parameters of the thermal decomposition of inhibiting particles: A theoretical and numerical study, Combustion and Flame, 240, pp. 111991, doi: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2022.111991
author = {Dounia, O. and Jaravel, T. and Vermorel, O. },
title = {On the controlling parameters of the thermal decomposition of inhibiting particles: A theoretical and numerical study},
year = {2022},
volume = {240},
pages = {111991},
doi = {10.1016/j.combustflame.2022.111991},
journal = {Combustion and Flame}}
Jaravel, T., Dounia, O., Malé, Q. and Vermorel, O. (2021) Deflagration to detonation transition in fast flames and tracking with chemical explosive mode analysis, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38 (3) , pp. 3529-3536, doi: 10.1016/j.proci.2020.09.020
author = {Jaravel, T. and Dounia, O. and Malé, Q. and Vermorel, O. },
title = {Deflagration to detonation transition in fast flames and tracking with chemical explosive mode analysis},
year = {2021},
number = {3},
volume = {38},
pages = {3529-3536},
doi = {10.1016/j.proci.2020.09.020},
journal = {Proceedings of the Combustion Institute},
abstract = {In the context of vapour cloud explosion, the flame acceleration process can lead to conditions promoting deflagration to detonation transition (DDT), potentially leading to increased damages in accidental scenarios. This study focuses on this phenomenon by performing simulations of detonation reinitiation for fast flames in the Chapman-Jouguet deflagration regime. It is obtained experimentally by the attenuation of an incident detonation by an array of obstacles. A primary objective of the paper is to demonstrate the ability of the numerical model to reproduce the major experimental trends, namely the variation of the reinitiation propensity for different initial pressures and blockage ratios (BRs). Chemical explosive mode analysis (CEMA) is also adapted to the context of this study, in order to identify locally the propagation regime and to provide insights on the reinitiation mechanism. An \textit{a priori} validation of the CEMA methodology is first performed on relevant canonical one-dimensional configurations. Subsequently, ensembles of five realizations are computed at different initial pressures and BRs and compared to experimental data. They are shown to reproduce the major observed trends in terms of detonation reinitiation length with respect to the operating conditions, with significant variability from one realization to another. In addition, the reinitiation mechanism is also found to be consistent with experimental observations and a previous numerical study of the same configuration. The CEMA methodology adapted to this context is able to identify locally the different propagation regimes, and to track the highly reactive zones that coherently couple with transverse pressure perturbations, leading to the formation of a strongly reacting kernel which eventually triggers the detonation reinitiation. },
keywords = {Fast flame, detonation, deflagration to detonation transition, chemical explosive mode analysis},
url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1540748920306817}}
Dounia, O., Vermorel, O., Jaravel, T. and Poinsot, T. (2021) Time scale analysis of the homogeneous inhibition/suppression of premixed flames by alkali metals, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38 (2) , pp. 2371-2378, doi: 10.1016/j.proci.2020.06.030
author = {Dounia, O. and Vermorel, O. and Jaravel, T. and Poinsot, T. },
title = {Time scale analysis of the homogeneous inhibition/suppression of premixed flames by alkali metals},
year = {2021},
number = {2},
volume = {38},
pages = {2371-2378},
doi = {10.1016/j.proci.2020.06.030},
journal = {Proceedings of the Combustion Institute},
abstract = {A time scale analysis of the homogeneous flame inhibition problem is carried out to identify the main parameters controlling the gas phase chemical interaction of the alkali metal inhibitors with the flame chemistry. First, submodels for the interaction of alkali metals with the flame are analyzed to show that a simplified 2-step inhibition cycle can capture the essential features of this interaction. Second, it is shown that this cycle is auto-catalytic, which explains the high efficiency of alkali metals in inhibiting flames even at low concentrations. Third, the time scales associated to this inhibition cycle are linked to the free flame termination time scale via a non-dimensional parameter characterizing the efficiency of an inhibitor at promoting radical scavenging. It is shown that this parameter accounts for the main trends observed in the literature and can also be used to provide estimates for the chemical flame suppression limit.
keywords = {homogeneous flame inhibition, alkali metals, laminar flames},
url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1540748920300560}}
Xing, V., Lapeyre, C., Jaravel, T. and Poinsot, T. (2021) Generalization Capability of Convolutional Neural Networks for Progress Variable Variance and Reaction Rate Subgrid-Scale Modeling, Energies, 14 (16) , pp. 5096, doi: 10.3390/en14165096
[bibtex] [pdf]
author = {Xing, V. and Lapeyre, C. and Jaravel, T. and Poinsot, T. },
title = {Generalization Capability of Convolutional Neural Networks for Progress Variable Variance and Reaction Rate Subgrid-Scale Modeling},
year = {2021},
number = {16},
volume = {14},
pages = {5096},
doi = {10.3390/en14165096},
journal = {Energies},
abstract = {Deep learning has recently emerged as a successful approach to produce accurate subgrid-scale (SGS) models for Large Eddy Simulations (LES) in combustion. However, the ability of these models to generalize to configurations far from their training distribution is still mainly unexplored, thus impeding their application to practical configurations. In this work, a convolutional neural network (CNN) model for the progress-variable SGS variance field is trained on a canonical premixed turbulent flame and evaluated a priori on a significantly more complex slot burner jet flame. Despite the extensive differences between the two configurations, the CNN generalizes well and outperforms existing algebraic models. Conditions for this successful generalization are discussed, including the effect of the filter size and flame–turbulence interaction parameters. The CNN is then integrated into an analytical reaction rate closure relying on a single-step chemical source term formulation
and a presumed beta PDF (probability density function) approach. The proposed closure is able to accurately recover filtered reaction rate values on both training and generalization flames.},
keywords = {large eddy simulation; turbulent combustion; deep learning; convolutional neural network; progress variable variance; generalization},
pdf = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/energies-14-05096-v2.pdf}}
Jaravel, T., Riber, E., Cuenot, B. and Pepiot, P. (2018) Prediction of flame structure and pollutant formation of Sandia flame D using Large Eddy Simulation with direct integration of chemical kinetics, Combustion and Flame, 188 (february) , pp. 180-198, doi: 10.1016/j.combustflame.2017.08.028
author = {Jaravel, T. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. and Pepiot, P. },
title = {Prediction of flame structure and pollutant formation of Sandia flame D using Large Eddy Simulation with direct integration of chemical kinetics},
year = {2018},
number = {february},
volume = {188},
pages = {180-198},
doi = {10.1016/j.combustflame.2017.08.028},
journal = {Combustion and Flame},
abstract = {Large Eddy Simulation (LES) with direct integration of reduced chemical kinetics including NO chemistry is performed on the Sandia flame D. This approach allows a detailed analysis of the flame structure and pollutant formation. The Analytically Reduced Chemistries (ARCs) are obtained using Directed Relation Graph method with Error Propagation (DRGEP) and Quasi-Steady-State (QSS) approximation. Two ARCs containing both 22 species are derived for methane–air oxidation, from GRI 2.11 and GRI 3.0 detailed mechanisms. They correctly predict fuel consumption speed, as well as NO and CO concentrations in laminar premixed and non-premixed flames at atmospheric conditions. It is found that the NO production strongly depends on the detailed mechanism, being significantly higher with GRI 3.0 in rich premixed flames and in diffusion flames. The two ARCs are then used in highly-resolved LES of the Sandia flame D. The numerical results are in very good agreement with the experiment in terms of aerodynamics, mixture fraction and temperature profiles. The CO concentration is also well predicted with the two ARCs. For NO, a satisfactory agreement with the measurements is obtained with the ARC based on GRI 2.11, while a significant over-prediction is obtained with the GRI 3.0-based ARC, consistently with the differences observed in laminar cases between the two GRI versions. A detailed investigation of the flame structure including a comparison with reference laminar flames reveals that the flame structure is essentially non-premixed. The presence of the pilot jet alters the mixing process, leading to a flame structure that falls between two extreme non-premixed combustion regimes corresponding to the interaction of the rich central jet with either the hot gases from the pilot, or the coflow of fresh air. The associated laminar diffusion flamelets indicate that this particular flame structure influences the formation of pollutants, with a strong impact on CO production.},
keywords = {Pollutant prediction, Reduced chemistr, Large Eddy Simulation},
url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0010218017303504}}
Jaravel, T., Riber, E., Cuenot, B. and Bulat, G. (2017) Large Eddy Simulation of a model gas turbine burner using reduced chemistry with accurate pollutant prediction, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 36 (3) , pp. 3817–3825, doi: 10.1016/j.proci.2016.07.027
author = {Jaravel, T. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. and Bulat, G. },
title = {Large Eddy Simulation of a model gas turbine burner using reduced chemistry with accurate pollutant prediction},
year = {2017},
number = {3},
volume = {36},
pages = { 3817–3825},
doi = {10.1016/j.proci.2016.07.027},
journal = {Proceedings of the Combustion Institute},
abstract = {Complying with stringent pollutant emission regulations requires a strong optimization process, for which
Large Eddy Simulation (LES) is a promising tool at the design stage of modern gas turbine combustors. Yet
the accurate prediction of pollutant formation remains a challenge because of the complex flame structure in
this type of configuration. The strategy retained for the present LES study is to employ analytically reduced
mechanism (ARC) with accurate pollutant chemistry in combination with the Dynamic Thickened Flame
model (DTF) in the SGT-100 burner. The reduction of the mechanism is first presented and validated in
the burner operating conditions on canonical cases. Then, comparisons of LES results with the experimental
data show the excellent agreement of velocity statistics and a good agreement in terms of flame shape and
exhaust pollutant prediction. The turbulent flame structure is further analyzed and compared with laminar
unstrained and strained flames. Unmixedness and strain are found to significantly impact pollutant formation
and flame stabilization. The ARC/DTF strategy accounts for these effects with a very good compromise
between cost and accuracy.},
url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1540748916302838}}
Schulz, O., Jaravel, T., Poinsot, T., Cuenot, B. and Noiray, N. (2017) A criterion to distinguish autoignition and propagation applied to a lifted methane-air jet flame, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 36 (2) , pp. 1637-1644, doi: 10.1016/j.proci.2016.08.022
author = {Schulz, O. and Jaravel, T. and Poinsot, T. and Cuenot, B. and Noiray, N. },
title = {A criterion to distinguish autoignition and propagation applied to a lifted methane-air jet flame},
year = {2017},
number = {2},
volume = {36},
pages = {1637-1644},
doi = {10.1016/j.proci.2016.08.022},
journal = {Proceedings of the Combustion Institute}}
Lumet, E., Rochoux, M., Jaravel, T. and Lacroix, S. (2024) Reduced-cost EnKF for parameter estimation of microscale atmospheric pollutant dispersion models, 19th International EnKF workshop, Os, Norvège, 17-19 June. 2024
[bibtex] [pdf]
author = {Lumet, E. and Rochoux, M. and Jaravel, T. and Lacroix, S. },
title = {Reduced-cost EnKF for parameter estimation of microscale atmospheric pollutant dispersion models},
year = {2024},
booktitle = {19th International EnKF workshop, Os, Norvège, 17-19 June},
pdf = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/19th-intrnational-EnKF-workshop_PR_CMGC_24_44.pdf}}
Rochoux, M., Lumet, E., Jaravel, T. and Lacroix, S. (2024) Prendre en compte les incertitudes dans les prévisions de dispersion atmosphérique de polluants en milieu urbain - Invited conference, Forum TERATEC 2024 - Atelier Risques naturels et technologiques, Paris, France, 29-30 Mai. 2024
author = {Rochoux, M. and Lumet, E. and Jaravel, T. and Lacroix, S. },
title = {Prendre en compte les incertitudes dans les prévisions de dispersion atmosphérique de polluants en milieu urbain - Invited conference},
year = {2024},
booktitle = {Forum TERATEC 2024 - Atelier Risques naturels et technologiques, Paris, France, 29-30 Mai}}
Lumet, E., Rochoux, M., Jaravel, T. and Lacroix, S. (2024) Surrogate-based data assimilation for microscale atmospheric pollutant dispersion, EGU General Meeting 2024, Vienne, Autriche, 15-19 April. 2024
[url] [pdf]
author = {Lumet, E. and Rochoux, M. and Jaravel, T. and Lacroix, S. },
title = {Surrogate-based data assimilation for microscale atmospheric pollutant dispersion},
year = {2024},
booktitle = {EGU General Meeting 2024, Vienne, Autriche, 15-19 April},
keywords = {EGU Poster},
pdf = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/EGU-General-Meeting-2024_PR_CMGC_24_50.pdf},
url = {https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU24/EGU24-17987.html}}
Garnier, F., Jaravel, T., Douasbin, Q. and Poinsot, T. (2024) Large-Eddy Simulation of pressurized hydrogen releases: dispersion and fire stabilization mechanisms, 15 th International Symposium on Hazards, Prevention and Mitigation of Industrial Explosions (ISHPMIE), Naples, Italy, June 10-14 . 2024, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.12515711
author = {Garnier, F. and Jaravel, T. and Douasbin, Q. and Poinsot, T. },
title = {Large-Eddy Simulation of pressurized hydrogen releases: dispersion and fire stabilization mechanisms},
year = {2024},
booktitle = {15 th International Symposium on Hazards, Prevention and Mitigation of Industrial Explosions (ISHPMIE), Naples, Italy, June 10-14 },
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.12515711}}
Meziat-Ramirez, F., Dounia, O., Jaravel, T., Douasbin, Q. and Vermorel, O. (2024) Towards the LES of large-scale explosions: study of a larger-than-laboratory-scale H2/air vented explosion, 15 th International Symposium on Hazards, Prevention and Mitigation of Industrial Explosions (ISHPMIE), Naples, Italy, June 10-14 . 2024, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.12621001
author = {Meziat-Ramirez, F. and Dounia, O. and Jaravel, T. and Douasbin, Q. and Vermorel, O. },
title = {Towards the LES of large-scale explosions: study of a larger-than-laboratory-scale H2/air vented explosion},
year = {2024},
booktitle = {15 th International Symposium on Hazards, Prevention and Mitigation of Industrial Explosions (ISHPMIE), Naples, Italy, June 10-14 },
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.12621001},
keywords = {paper}}
Garnier, F., Jaravel, T., Boudin, A., Laera, D. and Poinsot, T. (2024) Influence of turbulent inflow conditions on the Large-Eddy Simulation of a non-premixed hydrogen-air jet flame, Low-Carbon Combustion, Nancy, France 25-26 April. 2024
[bibtex] [pdf]
author = {Garnier, F. and Jaravel, T. and Boudin, A. and Laera, D. and Poinsot, T. },
title = {Influence of turbulent inflow conditions on the Large-Eddy Simulation of a non-premixed hydrogen-air jet flame},
year = {2024},
booktitle = {Low-Carbon Combustion, Nancy, France 25-26 April},
pdf = {https://cerfacs.fr/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Garnier_F_Low-Carbon-Combustion_PR_CFD_24_110.pdf}}
Foudad , M., Sanchez-Gomez, E., Rochoux, M., Jaravel, T. and Terray, L. (2023) Present climate characterization and future changes in Clear-Air Turbulence (CAT) over the northern hemisphere, EASA (European Union Aviation Safety Agency) Conference, Cologne, Germany, 23-24 march. 2023
author = {Foudad , M. and Sanchez-Gomez, E. and Rochoux, M. and Jaravel, T. and Terray, L. },
title = {Present climate characterization and future changes in Clear-Air Turbulence (CAT) over the northern hemisphere},
year = {2023},
booktitle = {EASA (European Union Aviation Safety Agency) Conference, Cologne, Germany, 23-24 march}}
Nony, B., Rochoux, M., Jaravel, T. and Lucor, D. (2023) Reduced-order model for microscale atmospheric dispersion combining multi-fidelity LES and RANS data, 5th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering (UNCECOMP), Athens, Greece, 12-14 june. 2023, doi: 10.7712/120223.10337.19817
author = {Nony, B. and Rochoux, M. and Jaravel, T. and Lucor, D. },
title = {Reduced-order model for microscale atmospheric dispersion combining multi-fidelity LES and RANS data},
year = {2023},
booktitle = {5th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering (UNCECOMP), Athens, Greece, 12-14 june},
doi = {10.7712/120223.10337.19817}}
Vanbersel, B., Meziat-Ramirez, F., Vermorel, O., Jaravel, T., Douasbin, Q. and Dounia, O. (2023) LES of Explosions and Adaptive Mesh Refinement, Journée de la combustion turbulente, Paris, 30 March. 2023
author = {Vanbersel, B. and Meziat-Ramirez, F. and Vermorel, O. and Jaravel, T. and Douasbin, Q. and Dounia, O. },
title = {LES of Explosions and Adaptive Mesh Refinement},
year = {2023},
booktitle = {Journée de la combustion turbulente, Paris, 30 March},
keywords = {presentation}}
Vanbersel, B., Meziat-Ramirez, F., Vermorel, O., Jaravel, T., Douasbin, Q. and Dounia, O. (2023) Large Eddy Simulations of a Hydrogen-Air Explosion in an Obstructed Chamber Using Adaptive Mesh Refinement, International Conference on Hydrogen Safety ICHS 2023, Quebec, September 19-21. 2023
author = {Vanbersel, B. and Meziat-Ramirez, F. and Vermorel, O. and Jaravel, T. and Douasbin, Q. and Dounia, O. },
title = {Large Eddy Simulations of a Hydrogen-Air Explosion in an Obstructed Chamber Using Adaptive Mesh Refinement},
year = {2023},
booktitle = {International Conference on Hydrogen Safety ICHS 2023, Quebec, September 19-21},
keywords = {Paper and Presentation}}
Vanbersel, B., Meziat-Ramirez, F., Dounia, O., Douasbin, Q., Jaravel, T. and Vermorel, O. (2023) Large Eddy Simulations of a hydrogen-air deflagration in an obstacle-laden channel using Adaptive Mesh Refinement, 11th European Combustion Meeting, Rouen, 26-28 April. 2023
author = {Vanbersel, B. and Meziat-Ramirez, F. and Dounia, O. and Douasbin, Q. and Jaravel, T. and Vermorel, O. },
title = {Large Eddy Simulations of a hydrogen-air deflagration in an obstacle-laden channel using Adaptive Mesh Refinement},
year = {2023},
booktitle = {11th European Combustion Meeting, Rouen, 26-28 April},
keywords = {paper and poster},
url = {https://ecm2023.sciencesconf.org/}}
Foudad , M., Sanchez-Gomez, E., Jaravel, T., Rochoux, M. and Terray, L. (2023) Impact du changement climatique sur les turbulences en ciel clair, liens avec l'EASA et Airbus - Invited conference, Commission Aviation de transport du CSM, Météo France, Saint-Mandé, 21 septembre. 2023
author = {Foudad , M. and Sanchez-Gomez, E. and Jaravel, T. and Rochoux, M. and Terray, L. },
title = {Impact du changement climatique sur les turbulences en ciel clair, liens avec l´EASA et Airbus - Invited conference},
year = {2023},
booktitle = {Commission Aviation de transport du CSM, Météo France, Saint-Mandé, 21 septembre},
keywords = {invite}}
Foudad , M., Sanchez-Gomez, E., Jaravel, T., Rochoux, M. and Terray, L. (2023) Past and Future Trends in Clear-Air Turbulence over the Northern Hemisphere - Invited conference, Séminaire University of Reading, UK, June 13. 2023
author = {Foudad , M. and Sanchez-Gomez, E. and Jaravel, T. and Rochoux, M. and Terray, L. },
title = {Past and Future Trends in Clear-Air Turbulence over the Northern Hemisphere - Invited conference},
year = {2023},
booktitle = {Séminaire University of Reading, UK, June 13},
keywords = {invite}}
Foudad , M., Sanchez-Gomez, E., Rochoux, M., Jaravel, T. and Terray, L. (2022) Present climate characterization and future changes in Clear-Air Turbulence (CAT) over the northern hemisphere, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria and online, 23–27 May - EGU22-2796. 2022, doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-2796
author = {Foudad , M. and Sanchez-Gomez, E. and Rochoux, M. and Jaravel, T. and Terray, L. },
title = {Present climate characterization and future changes in Clear-Air Turbulence (CAT) over the northern hemisphere},
year = {2022},
booktitle = {EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria and online, 23–27 May - EGU22-2796},
doi = {10.5194/egusphere-egu22-2796},
keywords = {EGU PAPER},
url = {https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU22/EGU22-2796.html}}
Foudad , M., Sanchez-Gomez, E., Rochoux, M., Jaravel, T. and Terray, L. (2022) Analysis of recent trends of clear-air turbulence in wintertime over the northern hemisphere, AOGS 19th annual meeting. 2022
author = {Foudad , M. and Sanchez-Gomez, E. and Rochoux, M. and Jaravel, T. and Terray, L. },
title = {Analysis of recent trends of clear-air turbulence in wintertime over the northern hemisphere},
year = {2022},
booktitle = {AOGS 19th annual meeting}}
Rochoux, M., Nony, B., Zhang, C., Lucor, D., Jaravel, T., Collin, A. and Moireau, P. (2022) Assimilating fire front position and emulating boundary-layer flow simulations for wildland fire behavior ensemble prediction and reanalysis - invited conference, Séminaire UQSay, online, 19 May. 2022
author = {Rochoux, M. and Nony, B. and Zhang, C. and Lucor, D. and Jaravel, T. and Collin, A. and Moireau, P. },
title = {Assimilating fire front position and emulating boundary-layer flow simulations for wildland fire behavior ensemble prediction and reanalysis - invited conference},
year = {2022},
booktitle = {Séminaire UQSay, online, 19 May}}
Rochoux, M., Nony, B., Zhang, C., Lucor, D., Jaravel, T., Collin, A., Moireau, P. and Trouvé, A. (2022) Assimilating fire front position and emulating boundary-layer flow simulations for wildland fire behavior ensemble prediction and reanalysis - invited conference, Séminaire UQSay, online 19 mai. 2022
author = {Rochoux, M. and Nony, B. and Zhang, C. and Lucor, D. and Jaravel, T. and Collin, A. and Moireau, P. and Trouvé, A. },
title = {Assimilating fire front position and emulating boundary-layer flow simulations for wildland fire behavior ensemble prediction and reanalysis - invited conference},
year = {2022},
booktitle = {Séminaire UQSay, online 19 mai}}
Lumet, E., Rochoux, M., Lacroix, S., Jaravel, T. and Vermorel, O. (2022) Sensitivity analysis of microscale pollutant dispersion large-eddy simulations towards observation network design, 21st International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, Aveiro, 27-30 September, Portugal. 2022
author = {Lumet, E. and Rochoux, M. and Lacroix, S. and Jaravel, T. and Vermorel, O. },
title = {Sensitivity analysis of microscale pollutant dispersion large-eddy simulations towards observation network design},
year = {2022},
booktitle = {21st International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, Aveiro, 27-30 September, Portugal}}
Hok, J.-J., Vermorel, O., Jaravel, T. and Douasbin, Q. (2022) Effect of Flame Front Thermo-Diffusive Instability on Flame Acceleration in a Tube, 28th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Napoli, Italy., 6 2022
author = {Hok, J.-J. and Vermorel, O. and Jaravel, T. and Douasbin, Q. },
title = {Effect of Flame Front Thermo-Diffusive Instability on Flame Acceleration in a Tube},
year = {2022},
month = {6},
booktitle = {28th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Napoli, Italy},
keywords = {Oral presentation}}
Nony, B., Rochoux, M., Lucor, D. and Jaravel, T. (2022) Adaptive Gaussian process surrogate modelling of large-eddy simulations for microscale atmospheric dispersion, 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Oslo, 05-09 June, Norway. 2022
author = {Nony, B. and Rochoux, M. and Lucor, D. and Jaravel, T. },
title = {Adaptive Gaussian process surrogate modelling of large-eddy simulations for microscale atmospheric dispersion},
year = {2022},
booktitle = {8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Oslo, 05-09 June, Norway}}
Lumet, E., Rochoux, M., Jaravel, T. and Lacroix, S. (2021) Assimilation de données de capteurs mobiles pour la simulation de panache atmosphérique à micro-échelle, Atelier “Mesure de la qualité de l’air”, Instrumentation pour le suivi environnemental, Cycle d’ateliers nationaux 2021, online event, 29-30 September. 2021
author = {Lumet, E. and Rochoux, M. and Jaravel, T. and Lacroix, S. },
title = {Assimilation de données de capteurs mobiles pour la simulation de panache atmosphérique à micro-échelle, Atelier “Mesure de la qualité de l’air”, Instrumentation pour le suivi environnemental},
year = {2021},
booktitle = {Cycle d’ateliers nationaux 2021, online event, 29-30 September},
keywords = {oral}}
Nony, B., Rochoux, M., Lucor, D. and Jaravel, T. (2021) Compound parametric metamodeling of large-eddy simulations for micro-scale atmospheric dispersion, 20th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes (HARMO), Tartu (Estonia), 14-18 June. 2021
author = {Nony, B. and Rochoux, M. and Lucor, D. and Jaravel, T. },
title = {Compound parametric metamodeling of large-eddy simulations for micro-scale atmospheric dispersion},
year = {2021},
booktitle = {20th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes (HARMO), Tartu (Estonia), 14-18 June},
keywords = {oral}}
Nony, B., Rochoux, M., Lucor, D. and Jaravel, T. (2021) Metamodelling for micro-scale atmospheric pollutant dispersion large-eddy simulation, MascotNum Annual Conference, Aussois (France), 27-30 April. 2021
author = {Nony, B. and Rochoux, M. and Lucor, D. and Jaravel, T. },
title = {Metamodelling for micro-scale atmospheric pollutant dispersion large-eddy simulation},
year = {2021},
booktitle = {MascotNum Annual Conference, Aussois (France), 27-30 April},
keywords = {poster}}
Rochoux, M., Costes, A., Paugam, R., Rea, G., Thouron, L., Trucchia, A., Zhang, C., Jaravel, T., Lac, C., Masson, V., Trouvé, A., Vermorel, O. and Lucor, D. (2019) Emulating environmental modeling systems in presence of uncertainties: overview and challenges, Workshop on Frontiers of Uncertainty Quantification in Fluid Dynamics, Pisa,11-13 September, Italy. 2019
author = {Rochoux, M. and Costes, A. and Paugam, R. and Rea, G. and Thouron, L. and Trucchia, A. and Zhang, C. and Jaravel, T. and Lac, C. and Masson, V. and Trouvé, A. and Vermorel, O. and Lucor, D. },
title = {Emulating environmental modeling systems in presence of uncertainties: overview and challenges},
year = {2019},
booktitle = {Workshop on Frontiers of Uncertainty Quantification in Fluid Dynamics, Pisa,11-13 September, Italy}}
Rochoux, M., Jaravel, T., Vermorel, O., Auguste, F., Nony, B., Rea, G. and Thouron, L. (2019) High-resolution simulation and uncertainty analysis for air pollutant dispersion at site scale, Journées Utilisateurs Meso-NH, OMP Toulouse, 7-8 October. 2019
author = {Rochoux, M. and Jaravel, T. and Vermorel, O. and Auguste, F. and Nony, B. and Rea, G. and Thouron, L. },
title = {High-resolution simulation and uncertainty analysis for air pollutant dispersion at site scale},
year = {2019},
booktitle = {Journées Utilisateurs Meso-NH, OMP Toulouse, 7-8 October}}
Jaravel, T., Riber, E., Cuenot, B. and Bulat, G. (2016) Large Eddy Simulation of a model gas turbine burner using reduced chemistry with accurate pollutant prediction, 36th International Symposium on Combustion. Korean Section of the Combustion Institute, Seoul, Korea 2016
author = {Jaravel, T. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. and Bulat, G. },
title = {Large Eddy Simulation of a model gas turbine burner using reduced chemistry with accurate pollutant prediction},
year = {2016},
booktitle = {36th International Symposium on Combustion},
organization = {Korean Section of the Combustion Institute},
address = {Seoul, Korea}}
Schulz, O., Jaravel, T., Poinsot, T., Cuenot, B. and Noiray, N. (2016) A criterion to distinguish autoignition and propagation applied to a lifted methane-air jet flame, 36th International Symposium on Combustion. Korean Section of the Combustion Institute, Seoul, Korea 2016
author = {Schulz, O. and Jaravel, T. and Poinsot, T. and Cuenot, B. and Noiray, N. },
title = {A criterion to distinguish autoignition and propagation applied to a lifted methane-air jet flame},
year = {2016},
booktitle = {36th International Symposium on Combustion},
organization = {Korean Section of the Combustion Institute},
address = {Seoul, Korea}}
Felden, A., Jaravel, T., Riber, E., Cuenot, B. and Pepiot, P. (2016) Predicting pollutant emissions in complex burners using analytically reduced chemistry, MUSAF III. ONERA , Toulouse, France 2016
author = {Felden, A. and Jaravel, T. and Riber, E. and Cuenot, B. and Pepiot, P. },
title = {Predicting pollutant emissions in complex burners using analytically reduced chemistry},
year = {2016},
booktitle = {MUSAF III},
organization = {ONERA },
address = {Toulouse, France},
url = {http://musaf2016.onera.fr/sites/musaf2016.onera.fr/files/combustion_4_riber.pdf}}
Bauerheim, M., Jaravel, T., Esclapez, L., Cazalens, M., Bourgois, S., Rullaud, M., Riber, E., Gicquel, L. and Cuenot, B. (2015) Multiphase flow LES study of the fuel split effects on combustion instabilities in an ultra low-NOx annular combustor, Asme turbo expo 2015: turbine technical conference and exposition., Montreal, Canada 2015
author = {Bauerheim, M. and Jaravel, T. and Esclapez, L. and Cazalens, M. and Bourgois, S. and Rullaud, M. and Riber, E. and Gicquel, L. and Cuenot, B. },
title = {Multiphase flow LES study of the fuel split effects on combustion instabilities in an ultra low-NOx annular combustor},
year = {2015},
booktitle = {Asme turbo expo 2015: turbine technical conference and exposition},
address = {Montreal, Canada}}