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Reacting flows

Description : 3D simulation of RDE with unstructured mesh using AVBP software.
Simulation of the plenum in order to quantify the effect of the reverse flow.


Description : 3D simulation of RDE with unstructured mesh using AVBP software.
Here, a slice perpendicular to the detonation direction.
We can see a shock wave going back into the plenum.


Description : 3D simulation of RDE with unstructured mesh using AVBP software.
Top view of the engine.
The slices are at differents level in the combustion chamber.
There are the main shock wave due to the detonation which is moving, and behind secondary shocks.



XU10_4cycles4 consecutive cycles of the XU10 four-valve piston engine



Description : LES of particle-laden turbulent jet (Hishida 1987) using the Euler-Euler approach



Description : Flame front propagation in the LES of the ignition of a full helicopter combustor


Description : LES of the ignition of a full helicopter combustor


Description : Two-phase flow LES of an ignition sequence in an helicopter combustor


Description : Velocity fields of the F7P motored single-cylinder engine


Description : Cold flow simulation


Description : Eulerian and Lagrangian droplet temperature in a multipoint injector


Temporal evolution of kerosene droplets in the Euler-Lagrange simulation of the evaporating two-phase flow in the Mercato test-rig


Description : Temporal evolution of a kerosene spray structure in the Euler-Euler simulation of the evaporating two-phase flow in the Mercato test-rig. The iso-surface of liquid volume fraction (al=4.5×10-4) marks the liquid dense structure rotating at the same frequency than that of the PVC structure marked with an iso-surface of Q criterion (1.2×108 s-2)


Description : LES of 4 consecutive cycles of the F7P single-cylinder engine



Description : F7P_unst_lean_allCyclic variability in a 4-valve spark ignited engine (F7P, unstable lean operating point)


Description : F7P_unst_dil_allCyclic variability in a 4-valve spark ignited engine (F7P, unstable operating point by dilution)


Description : LES of combustion with heat-losses and cooling of a lean, partially premixed lab-scale gas turbine burner.


Description : LES of combustion without heat-losses and cooling of a lean, partially premixed lab-scale gas turbine burner.


Description : Isosurface of temperature and methane mass fraction in a partially premixed test rig


Description : Buechner Pulsated flame visualisation of a partially premixed industrial burner


Description : Particle velocities of a LES Lagrangian simulation of a confined bluff body (Boreé 2001)


Description : LES of an helicopter combustor with centrifugal injection of kerosene and cooling by air injection through many holes and multiperforated walls


Description : Thermoacoustic instabilities in an annular combustion chamber


Description : LES Lagrangian simulation of a confined bluff body (Boreé 2001)


Description : LES of combustion instability in a lean, partially premixed lab-scale gas turbine burner.









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