getting hip help

he <command>

Generating a 2d quad mesh

ge <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> <n1> <n2>

(x1,y1): coordinates of the 1st corner (x2,y2): coordinates of the 2nd corner n1: number of POINTS used to discretize direction X n2: number of POINTS used to discretize direction Y

Converting a quad mesh to tri

copy q2t

Extruding a 2d mesh

For linear extrusion:

copy 3d <zBeg> <zEnd> <Nslices> <axis>

(zBeg,ZEnd): Coordinates of the beginning and the end of extrusion along the axis The axis is discretized with Nslices.

or for axi periodic extrusion:

copy 3d <Angle_begin> <Angle_End> <Nslices> a

Beginning and ending angles for an axi-periodic extrusion with Nslices. Note that the periodic axis is always X.

How to check boundary patches

li su

Note: if more than one mesh is present in memory use instead ( patches with the same name will be displayed only once.

li su all

Changing the patch order

se bc-or <bndname> #neworder

How to read an AVBP mesh (7.X or above)

re hd mesh.mesh.h5

with the solution dataset needed for restart

re hd mesh.mesh.h5 -s mesh.sol.h5

with all datasets

re hd -a mesh.mesh.h5 -s mesh.sol.h5

Note: The solution file is only required if you want to perform transformations that will impact both mesh and solution (interpolation, rotation, etc).

How to write an AVBP 7.X mesh

wr hd -7 mesh


re hd source.mesh.h5 -s source.sol.h5

re hd target.mesh.h5

in gr 1

wr hd -7 target

How to put in place a periodic pair

se bc-ty <bndname1> u##

se bc-ty <bndname2> l##

with ## 00, 01 , 02 the index of the periodic pair.

Removing all periodicities

se bc-ty * n

if you want to remove specific periodicities

se bc-ty <bndname1> n

se bc-ty <bndname2> n

Forcing axi periodicity

se bc-ty <bndname1> u##

se bc-ty <bndname2> l##

se pe-ro ##  <axis> <angle>

with axis x, y, z and the angle in degrees (right hand rule)

How to rotate a current mesh

tr ro <axis> <angle>

With axis (x, y or z) and the angle ( right hand rule).

How to translate a current mesh

tr tr <dx> <dy> <dz>

With dx, dy and dz the 3 length to translate the mesh to

How to scale a current mesh

tr sc <sx> <sy> <sz>

With sx, sy and dz the 3 scaling values in the 3 directions

Refining or coarsening the mesh with a constant factor

mm -f <adaptation_factor>

All edges of the mesh will be multiplied by this factor.

ex: mm -f 0.5

Here each hedge will be divided by 2.

ex: mm -f 1.5

Here each hedge will be enlarged by 1.5

To control the graduation between edges you can use.

mm -f <value> -g <graduation>

Default graduation is 1.4, -1 disables the graduation control

mm -f <value> -l <edge_min> -u <edge_max>

Here edge min tries to clip the minimum edge size to this value and edge max does the same foe the max. Final edge size can be up to 30% different because of mesh quality criteria internal to mmg.

Refining or coarsening the mesh with a user defined variable field

Here a solution file must be provided with the mesh.

mm -v <varname>

User can get varnames with the command


variable field refining/coarsening can be combined with graduation and edge_min keywords as well.

Dealing with periodicity and adaptation

Since 20.01 hip can adapt periodic meshes.

If an issue is seen it is possible to freeze the periodic nodes to keep the periodicity but adapt the rest.

To freeze periodic nodes se ad-per 0

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Gabriel Staffelbach was a research scientist focused on new developments in HPC. He is now working at ONERA

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