Wide Interest Seminar: Eric Pardyjak
Jeudi 6 octobre 2016 à 11h00
« High-Resolution Modeling of Environmental Transport Processes for Sustainable Cities »
by Eric Pardyjak, University of Utah
Cities are diverse places with heterogeneous landscapes and are home to a complex range processes occurring over a wide range of length and time scales. Understanding and modeling these process is critical to improved sustainability related to goals of improving urban microclimate, reducing energy and water usage, increasing clean energy production and mitigating pollution emissions. Due to difficulty in simulating the large disparity in length scales covering these processes, little is known about their impact. In this presentation, a description of our approach, which is designed to bridge these scales and improve our understanding of different processes occurring in urban environments at local (neighborhood), city, and meso-scales (using a suite of computationally based strategies) will be discussed. In particular, two modeling approaches at different ends of the computation spectrum will be discussed: the fast running QUIC EnvSim model and the large-eddy simulation based fluid structure interaction code Uintah:MPMICE will be introduced. A discussion of the potential of these models as well as the challenges associated with these tools will be presented.
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