Description : Vortex shedding structure for the non-reacting case visualized by an iso-contour of Qcrit = 2 x 10^8 s-1 colored by transverse velocity w.
Description : Volume rendering (velocity magnitude) for a jet impinging on a concave surface (Reynolds = 30,000 and nozzle to plate distance H = 2D where D is the jet diameter) obtained with Large Eddy Simulation. Scale: Red: High velocity, Blue: Low velocity.
Description : Volume rendering (velocity magnitude) for a jet impinging on a flat plate (Reynolds = 23,000 and nozzle to plate distance H = 2D where D is the jet diameter) obtained with Large Eddy Simulation. Scale: Red: High velocity, Blue: Low velocity.
Description : Volume rendering (passive scalar) for a jet impinging on a flat plate (Reynolds = 23,000 and nozzle to plate distance H = 2D where D is the jet diameter) obtained with Large Eddy Simulation. A passive scalar is injected at the inlet to see the development of the jet. Scale: Red (opaque): Z = 1, Blue