
The 4 colors BIC ball-pen allows a single pen to switch between different ball-pens. Likewise, your UNIX terminal can switch between several distinct Python virtual environments ( “venv” for short), with a total control over the packages loaded in each venv.

What is a Python virtual environment and why you should use it?

One big change when passing from Python 2 to Python 3 is the use of virtual environments (venv). The idea is simple: in a virtual environment, you may install a set of libraries exclusive to this environment. Venvs avoid compatibility issues (i.e. less problems with python), and help a lot all support operation (faster resolution of problems).

A collection of virtual environment tutorials and motivators

Virtual environment is not a COOP invention, but “the recommended way to master your python framework”. It can be related to your first contact with the UNIX environment variables (.bashrc,module load, etc…). See the following link for non-COOP venvs explanations:

Let us add two situations where venvs show their usefulness

Divide to Reign

When you you work in a venv, you are limiting the number of packages you are working with. Listing (pip list) and Checking (pip check) is just far easier and faster with a smaller number of packages.

For support, you can create an ID card of your python environment, which is simply the list of packages installed. The smaller the list is, the faster your dear support will be able to be in the exact state as you are on a different machine.

Avoiding conflicts

You work on a fist project “A” in the spring. Project “A” uses the package “awesome_stats 2.3”, but was not upgraded to support “awesome_stats 3.O” or later. You do not care about this menial detail.

You work on a second project “B” in summer. “B” is using the new features of “awesome_stats 3.O”. The installation will install seamlessly the version 3.0. (Actually, if you were doing a pip check on your terminal, project “A” would complain, but who does this regularly?)

You come back to project “A” in autumn, but it obviously does not work anymore. If you revert to “awesome_stats 2.3”, project “B” would meet the same fate. This is, technically speaking, a dependency hell of conflicting dependencies.

Two virtual environments would make this problem non-existent.

How to install a virtual environment?


First you have to install Python 3, you can find how to do it on Make sure you are using the right version of Python with the command ‘which python’

python -m venv

The command to install a virtual environment is

python -m venv -awesome_new_environement-

If you want to create a duplication of your base environment (copy of all pre-installed packages), you can use the --system-site-packages optional argument. Not recommended, since keeping your venvs as small as possible should be your top priority

If venv is not installed and you are on linux, you may need to ask for it with more conviction:

sudo apt-get install python3-venv
Worked example

Here is an example with the venv totoro created in a folder python_venvs at the root level:

mylogin@mymachine:~>python -m venv ~/python_venvs/totoro
mylogin@mymachine:~>ls totoro
bin/    include/    lib/    pyvenv.cfg

This command will create a folder totoro with inside three folders and a file: bin/, include/, lib/ and pyvenv.cfg. Now that you have created your environment, you have to activate it before installing the libraries you need on it. To activate your virtual environment, use the activate shell script inside the venv:

mylogin@mymachine:~>source ~/totoro/bin/activate
(totoro) mylogin@mymachine:~>

You should see at the beginning of the command line the name of your virtual environment. Now you can install every library you need:

(totoro) mylogin@mymachine:~>pip install numpy
(totoro) mylogin@mymachine:~>pip install scipy

You can quit your virtual environment and go back to the default one with deactivate:

(totoro) mylogin@mymachine:~>deactivate

The packages available in totoro are no more visible. Try pip list to check.

Common troubleshoots

Virtual environments can experience troubles. Here are some good practices.

As soon as you create your virtual environment, update its pip and setuptools:

(totoro) mylogin@mymachine:~>pip install --upgrade pip
(totoro) mylogin@mymachine:~>pip install --upgrade setuptools

These two libraries changes fast, keep them as updated as possible to limit troubles.

Never use the --user option of pip. This will put some of your dependencies in a user-defined place. In case of support, this trick will make you loose hours.

Take care of third party actions impacting your $PYTHONPATH. This variabl must be handle by your venv only. Common trouble makers are: 1. module load **** The modules often changes envirionment variables. A module module load python/3.8.2 done while in a venv is a poison bullet. 1. Shell scripts, especially profile shell scripts, often edit your environment variables. If one action deals with python tools, it probably update $PYTHONPATH.

Installing package properly

Once you have your virtual environment setup, you might end up in the need to install packages to which you have access through git for example and want to install it as well as its various dependencies. The way to do it properly is to avoid using python install and python develop, those two commands might lead you to dependencies not installed in your virtual environment. A better ans safer way to do it and avoid doing the pip install -dependency1- -dependency2- and so on is to directly used the pip install command in the repository folder.

To do so, make sure you are in the same folder as the of the package you’re currently trying to install and use one of these two commands : - pip install . if you want to install the python package in install mode, this will first look for the dependencies and collect the files from pypi and then install everything to have a safe running package, it’s only after collecting all the files that the command python install is executed; - pip install -e . if you want to install the python package in develop mode.

If you still have doubt about the difference between install and develop mode, you can refer to the link above.

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Antoine Dauptain is a research scientist focused on computer science and engineering topics for HPC.

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