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Sparse Days – Video

Mercredi 06/09/2017

  1. Theo Mary – Block Low-Rank multifrontal solvers: complexity, performance, and scalability – video
  2. Grégoire Pichon – Sparse Supernodal Solver exploiting Low-Rankness Property – video
  3. Anton Artemov – Recursive inverse factorization – video
  4. Luce le Gorrec – Algorithm based on spectral analysis to detect numerical blocks in matrices – video
  5. Oguz Kaya – Computing Sparse Tensor Decompositions using Dimension Trees – video
  6. Philip Knight – Numerical analysis of dynamic centrality – video
  7. Tim Davis – SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS: graph algorithms via sparse matrix operations on semirings – video

Jeudi 07/09/2017

  1. Alex Pothen – Parallel Algorithm Design via Approximation – video
  2. Rob Bisseling – Accelerating the Mondriaan sparse matrix partitioner – video
  3. François-Henry Rouet – LS-GPart: a global, distributed ordering library – video
  4. Robert Lucas – A Tale of Two Codes – video
  5. Gilles Moreau – Direct solution of sparse systems of linear equations with sparse multiple right hand sides – video
  6. Shengxin Zhu – Averaged information splitting and multi-frontal solvers for heterogeneous high-throughput data analysis – video
  7. Lukas Schork – Permuting Spiked Matrices to Triangular Form in the Linear Programming LU Update
  8. Sherry Li – Factorization Based Sparse Solvers and Preconditioners for Exascale – video
  9. Weifeng Liu – Scalability Analysis of Sparse Matrix Computations on Many-core Processors – video
  10. Wei Xue – Refactoring Sparse Triangular Solver on Sunway TaihuLight Many-core Supercomputer

Vendredi 08/09/2017

  1. Jennifer Scott, Miroslav Tuma – On solving mixed sparse-dense linear least-squares problems – video
  2. Erik Boman – A Parallel Hierarchical Low-Rank Solver for General Sparse Matrices – video
  3. Matthias Bollhoefer – High Performance Block Incomplete LU Factorization – video
  4. Gérard Meurant – An optimal Q-OR method for solving nonsymmetric linear systems – video
  5. Andrew Wathen – Preconditioning for non-symmetric Toeplitz matrices with application to time-dependent PDEs – video
  6. Matthias Maischak – Efficient Parallel iterative solvers for high order DG methods – video







🎓 Soutenance de Thèse : Susanne BAUR

Jeudi 12 septembre 2024Du 14h00 à 18h00

  Thèses Cerfacs       Salle JCA, Cerfacs, Toulouse, France    





Apprentissage machine pour la science des données

Du lundi 7 octobre 2024 au jeudi 10 octobre 2024






Bases théoriques pour la compréhension et l’analyse de Simulations aux Grandes Echelles compressibles

Du lundi 14 octobre 2024 au mercredi 16 octobre 2024

  Formation       Cerfacs, Toulouse, France