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Sparse Days – Video

Wednesday 06/09/2017

  1. Theo Mary – Block Low-Rank multifrontal solvers: complexity, performance, and scalability – video
  2. Grégoire Pichon – Sparse Supernodal Solver exploiting Low-Rankness Property – video
  3. Anton Artemov – Recursive inverse factorization – video
  4. Luce le Gorrec – Algorithm based on spectral analysis to detect numerical blocks in matrices – video
  5. Oguz Kaya – Computing Sparse Tensor Decompositions using Dimension Trees – video
  6. Philip Knight – Numerical analysis of dynamic centrality – video
  7. Tim Davis – SuiteSparse:GraphBLAS: graph algorithms via sparse matrix operations on semirings – video

Thursday 07/09/2017

  1. Alex Pothen – Parallel Algorithm Design via Approximation – video
  2. Rob Bisseling – Accelerating the Mondriaan sparse matrix partitioner – video
  3. François-Henry Rouet – LS-GPart: a global, distributed ordering library – video
  4. Robert Lucas – A Tale of Two Codes – video
  5. Gilles Moreau – Direct solution of sparse systems of linear equations with sparse multiple right hand sides – video
  6. Shengxin Zhu – Averaged information splitting and multi-frontal solvers for heterogeneous high-throughput data analysis – video
  7. Lukas Schork – Permuting Spiked Matrices to Triangular Form in the Linear Programming LU Update
  8. Sherry Li – Factorization Based Sparse Solvers and Preconditioners for Exascale – video
  9. Weifeng Liu – Scalability Analysis of Sparse Matrix Computations on Many-core Processors – video
  10. Wei Xue – Refactoring Sparse Triangular Solver on Sunway TaihuLight Many-core Supercomputer

Friday 08/09/2017

  1. Jennifer Scott, Miroslav Tuma – On solving mixed sparse-dense linear least-squares problems – video
  2. Erik Boman – A Parallel Hierarchical Low-Rank Solver for General Sparse Matrices – video
  3. Matthias Bollhoefer – High Performance Block Incomplete LU Factorization – video
  4. Gérard Meurant – An optimal Q-OR method for solving nonsymmetric linear systems – video
  5. Andrew Wathen – Preconditioning for non-symmetric Toeplitz matrices with application to time-dependent PDEs – video
  6. Matthias Maischak – Efficient Parallel iterative solvers for high order DG methods – video







🎓Patrick STREMPFL thesis defence

Wednesday 4 September 2024From 14h00 at 17h00

  Phd Thesis       JCA room, Cerfacs, Toulouse, France    





🎓Benjamin VANBERSEL thesis defence

Thursday 5 September 2024From 14h00 at 17h00

  JCA room, Cerfacs, Toulouse, France    





🎓 Susanne BAUR thesis defence

Thursday 12 September 2024From 14h00 at 18h00

  Thèses Cerfacs       JCA room, Cerfacs, Toulouse, France