The CFD team at CERFACS develops a wide range of software tools for fluid flows, with or without chemical reaction. The major codes are listed below:

Explosions in building: LES with the high-fidelity solver AVBP on an INCITE machine: 1 billion cells. A premixed flame propagates from the left to the right side of the picture and increases speed when it meets obstacles and generates turbulence. See many more examples and movies here. in the field of combustion and turbo machinery
AVBP is the in-house CERFACS parallel code for LES (Large Eddy Simulation) of unsteady compressible flows in complex geometries with or without combustion. It uses a high-order Taylor-Galerkin scheme on hybrid meshes for multi-species perfect or real gases, and scales up to 250,000 cores with grids of 2 to 4 billion cells. New versions of AVBP are released bi-annually.
AVBP is applied to optimize and design combustion chambers, turbo machinery, safety analysis, pollutant formation (CO, NO, soot), UQ analysis. The AVBP fully compressible formulation allows to investigate phenomena such as thermoacoustic instabilities, shocks or detonation.
AVBP has become a world standard for LES of combustion in engines and gas turbines. It is used by multiple laboratories (IMF Toulouse, Centralesupelec/EM2C, TU Munich, TU Berlin, Von Karmann Institute, ETH Zurich, etc.) and in industry (SAFRAN, ARIANEGROUP, AIRBUS, TotalEnergies). It is also used as a benchmark code by many computing centers.
More information on the AVBP Website ; Contact: Olivier Vermorel
JAGUAR is a new high-order method developed at CERFACS and based on spectral difference techniques. It can offer very high orders of accuracy (4 to 8) on arbitrary meshes. Jaguar is developed jointly by CERFACS and ONERA to build a high-order tool for combustion and more generally for energetic applications.
elsA is a software owned by ONERA and co developed for certain aspects by CERFACS. For example, for aircraft aerodynamics or for turbo machinery, CERFACS develops certain aspects of elsA and applies this tool to various design problems.