
Photo Ben White on Unsplash

The COOP team plays a role in technology survey at CERFACS. As such, it selects many resources everyday to guide new code developments, as well as code maintenance and refactoring. The following is a list of useful links for this purpose.

General coding best practices



Developer services

  • analysis-tools, a list of popular tools to analyse codebases (all languages, really…)
  • An online compiler to complile and run several languages (c, fortran, python, cuba, rust, etc…) on several architectures (x86, powerPC, ARM64, etc…). Help you to understand what compiler does behind the scene
  • infer schema online: infer a complete schema from any nested data.
  • understand json-schema elements : a complete SCHEMA reference.
  • regexp101 : online regular expression. The ultimate tool to test, understand, refine your regular expressions.
  • Free resources for developers. An extensive list of many web based services for a large range of purposes: code quality, machine learning, image edition, conversion, etc…
  • A very short UNIX primer to get the most basic UNIX commands. But if you learn by doing, you will probably love this interactive online UNIX tutorial which can be run in the browser of any computer.
  • JAWWS The introduction to Journal of Actually Well Written Science. A nice reading and a potential journal, maybe?



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Antoine Dauptain is a research scientist on computer science and engineering for HPC. He is the assistant team leader of COOP.
Gabriel Staffelbach was a research scientist focused on new developments in HPC. He is now working at ONERA
Corentin Lapeyre was a research scientist focused on AI for physical modeling at Cerfacs until Feb. 2024. He is working now at NVIDIA

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