Combustion & Turbomachines

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Extracted from master courses given at ENSEEIHT Toulouse.

Turbomachines - A course by given G. Meauzé
Course on turbomachinery given at CERFACS in October 2009.

Illustration: the aerodynamics of turbomachinery.
Additional materials for master courses
Video illustrations
- Combustion explained to children (and others). Serious science but also a lot of fun! This video introduces the basics of what a flame is, in a creative and rigorous manner.. The purpose is to make this educative material available to schools and to a non-expert audience. Creation: G. Lacaze (Ph.D. from Cerfacs), J. Zador and J. Prager, researchers at the Combustion Research Facility, Sandia National Laboratories, California.
- Azimuthal instability mode in an annular combustion chamber. This animation shows fields of pressure (left) and of temperature (right) in an annular combustion chamber submitted to an azimuthal instability mode. Reference: G. Staffelbach, L. Gicquel, G. Boudier and T. Poinsot. Large Eddy Simulation of self-excited azimuthal modes in annular combustors. Proc. Comb. Inst. 32, 2009, 2909-2916.
- Direct Numerical Simulation of an ethylene air lifted flame in heated air. This animation displays fields of mixture fraction in a Direct Numerical Simulation of an ethylene air lifted flame in heated air. Reference: C. S. Yoo, E. S. Richardson, R. Sankaran and J. H. Chen, A DNS study on the stabilization mechanism of a turbulent lifted ethylene jet flame in highly-heated coflow. Proc. Combust. Inst. 33 (2010).
- Vorticity in a flame. This movie displays fields of vorticity (color field) and the flame position for a flame forced by injected turbulence on the left boundary of the domain. The computation is performed using a DNS solver developed at CORIA (Rouen). Reference: L. Vervisch, R. Hauguel, P. Domingo and M. Rullaud. Three facets of turbulent combustion modelling: DNS of premixed V-flame, LES of lifted non premixed flame and RANS of jet flame. J. Turb. , 5:004, 2004.

- Laminar flame forced by an acoustic wave - IWM method. This animation shows fields of temperature (top) in a laminar flame forced by an acoustic wave at the inlet. The bottom plots display the velocity (left) and pressure (right) fields at the reference point (black dot on top figure). The inlet boundary condition corresponds to an acoustic wave injection (the IWM method. Reference: A. Kaufmann, F. Nicoud and T. Poinsot. Flow forcing techniques for numerical simulation of combustion instabilities, Combustion and Flame, 131, 371-385, 2002.

- Laminar flame forced by an acoustic wave - IVM method. This animation shows fields of temperature (top) in a laminar flame forced by an acoustic wave at the inlet. The bottom plots display the velocity (left) and pressure (right) fields at the reference point (black dot on top figure). The inlet boundary condition corresponds to a simple forcing of the inlet velocity. This method called IVM induces false acoustic resonances and leads to the explosion of the computation. Reference: A. Kaufmann, F. Nicoud and T. Poinsot. Flow forcing techniques for numerical simulation of combustion instabilities, Combustion and Flame, 131, 371-385, 2002.
Published on March 2nd, 2023
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