Contact Informations

Florent Duchaine

Florent Duchaine

HDR - Senior Researcher at Cerfacs
CFD Team and Globc Team
42 avenue Gaspard Coriolis
31 057 Toulouse, Cedex 01, FRANCE.

Short CV

  • 2017
  • Habilitation a Diriger des Recherches (Manuscript, Defense)
  • 2013 - ...
  • Senior Researcher at CERFACS
  • 2010 - 2013
  • Young Senior at CERFACS
  • 2009 - 2010
  • Post-doctoral position at IMFT: Eulerian models for turbulent spray combustion with polydispersity and Numerical investigations of combustor wall temperature effect on Flame Describing Functions
  • 2007 - 2009
  • Post-doctoral position at CERFACS: Unsteady conjugate heat transfer through the coupling of Large Eddy Simulation and heat transfer in solids.
  • 2004 - 2007
  • Phd Thesis at CERFACS supervised by T.J. Poinsot and L.Y.M Gicquel: Multiobjective Shape Optimization on Parallel Architectures with Metamodels and Couplers. Application to Aeronautical Combustion Chambers.
  • 2003 - 2004
  • Mastere specialise en mecanique des fluides numerique de l'ENSEEIHT.
  • 2002 - 2003
  • Diplome d'etude approfondie Mecanique Energetique de l'Ecole Doctorale EMMA - Mention TB.
  • 1998 - 2003
  • Ingenieur en mecanique des fluides et thermique de l' ESSTIN.
  • 1998
  • Baccalaureat Scientifique (option : SVT, specialite : mathematiques) - Mention TB.

    Complete CV in pdf

    Research activities

    • Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
    • Multiphysics
    • Conjugate Heat Transfer (CHT)
    • Combustion instabilities
    • High Performance Code Coupling
    • Massively parallel computations
    • Large Eddy Simulations (LES)
    • Multiphase flows
    • Optimization
    • Applications: internal combustion engines, turbomachinery, ...
    • Conjugate heat transfer in gas turbine components with the coupling of Large Eddy Simulation, radiation and conduction.
    • Identification of coupling strategies for conjugate heat transfer computations on massively parallel architectures
    • Large Eddy Simulation in turbomachinery. Development of TurboAVBP.
    • Large Eddy Simulations of biological droplet dispersion: transmission of COVID-19

    • Florent Duchaine

    • Development of the OpenPALM coupler (Download OpenPALM)
    • In charge of the Couplage and interface transversal axis of Cerfacs.
    • Participation in the Cerfacs challenges
      • COUGAR: towards the computation of compressor/combustion chamber/turbine interactions in Large Eddy Simulation.
      • DECOLA: Large Eddy Simulation in spatial propulsion.
    • 2020 - 2024: Involved in the Clean Sky project CIRRUS
    • 2019 - 2024: Working with Phd Students of the SCIROCCO ERC advanced grant project
    • 2020 - 2023: Working with Phd Students from Marie Curie project "Inspiring pressure gain combustion integration research and education" (INSPIRE-ETN)
    • 2018 - 2022: Involved in the Clean Sky project FLORA (FLOw control in RAdial compressor)
    • 2019 - 2020: Coordination of the STAE project MORRITOS (MOdelisation du RefRoIdissement de Turbine par ventilatiOn en Simulation aux grandes echelles)
    • 2017 - 2020: Coordination of the ASTRID project SIMUMOPS dedicated to innovative propulsion systems with Constant Volume Combustion.
    • 2017 - 2020: Working within the FUI project ICARUS (Intensive Calculation for AeRo and automotive engines Unsteady Simulations).
    • 2016 - 2019: Working within the DGA project OPTIMA (OPtimization Thermique de l'Integration des Moteurs d'Avions).
    • 2013 - 2018: Working with Phd Students of the INTECOCIS ERC advanced grant project
    • 2014 - 2017: Coordination of the RTRA project SIMACO3FI (Vers la simulation d'un moteur aéronautique complet par couplage de codes fluide instationnaires).
    • 2014 - 2017: Working within the ANR project TIMBER (OPtimization Thermique de l'Integration des Moteurs d'Avions).
    • 2014 - 2017: Working within the PIA project ELCI (software environment for computation-intensive applications).
    • 2014 - 2017: Working within the PIA project CASCADE
    • 2012 - 2015: Working within the FUI project "Couplage d'Outils de Simulation Multiphysiques pour l'aérOnautique et l'eSpace" (COSMOS+)
    • 2012 - 2015: Working with Phd Students and Post-Doc from Marie Curie project "Coupled Parallel Simulation of Gas Turbine" (COPA-GT)
    • 2010 - 2014: In charge of the European project "Full Aero-thermal Combustor-Turbine interactiOn Research" (FACTOR) for the CERFACS
    • 2011 - 2014: Management for CERFACS and scientific development in the RTRA COFFECI project (Couplage Fluide/Fluide entre Codes Instationnaires) dealing with the simulation of a whole gas turbine by use of fuid/fluid coupling.
    • 2009 - 2012: In charge of coupling solutions for massively parallel computations in the FNRAE project "Simulations couplées Thermique RAyonnement Suies dans les moteurs aéronautiqueS" (STRASS)

    • 2021-2022: Involved in the PRACE project GASTON with IMFT - investiGation of the flAme Structure wiThin pOrous Networks
    • 2021-2022: Involved in the PRACE project LESFAN with LMFA - aeroacoustic Large Eddy Simulation of a 360 degrees FAN-OGV stage
    • 2020: Head of the PRACE project CFDforCOVID
    • 2020-2021: Involved in the PRACE project FULLEST with Safran and Akira - First fUlL engine computation with Large Eddy SimulaTion (Interview success story)
    • 2019-2020: Involved in the PRACE project CornerLES with Safran Tech - Corner separation predictions using Large Eddy Simulations
    • 2015-2016: Involved in the PRACE project LES for FACTOR - Large Eddy Simuation of combustor/turbine interactions with Safran Helicopter Engines
    • 2013-2014: Involved in the PRACE project Simulation of thermal environment of industrial combustors and comparison with experiments with Safran Helicopter Engines
    • 2012-2013: Involved in the PRACE SIMAC project - Simulation of ignition mechanisms in annular multi-injector combustors and comparison with experiments) with EM2C.
    • Mehdi Cizeron* (2022-2025 - CERFACS): Numerical simulation of parietal flows and complex aerodynamics.
    • Shriram Sankurantripati* (2021-2024 - CERFACS/VALEO): Large-Eddy Simulations of airborn droplet dispersion in ventilated spaces.
    • Nicola Detomaso* (2020-2023 - CERFACS): Large-Eddy Simulation of pressure gain combustion (INSPIRE ITN Project).
    • Antony Cellier* (2020-2023 - CERFACS): Advanced simulation of Li-Ion batteries - SAFT/TOTAL.
    • Shubham Agarwal** (2018-2021 - CERFACS): Optimization of film cooling holes with Large Eddy Simulation.
    • Aurelien Perrot* (2018-2021 - CERFACS): CIFRE Safran Helicopter Engines, Film cooling modeling in Large Eddy Simulation.
    • Clovis Gout** (2018-2021 - CERFACS): CIFRE Safran Tech, Mono channel Large Eddy Simulations of turbomachinery stages.
    • Benjamin Martin* (2018-2021 - CERFACS): Large Eddy Simulation of gas turbine component interactions. (Manuscript)
    • Paul Pouech* (2017-2020 - CERFACS): Large Eddy Simulations of constant volume combustors.
    • Soizic Esnault* (2017-2020 - CERFACS): Aerothermal predictions in acoustic liners with Large Eddy Simulation (Manuscript).
    • Mael Harnieh** (2016-2019 - CERFACS): Aerothermal predictions in high pressure turbine with Large Eddy Simulation (Manuscript).
    • Martin Thomas** (2016-2019 - CERFACS): CIFRE Safran HE: Combustion chamber/turbine interaction. (Manuscript)
    • Luc Potier** (2014-2018 - CERFACS): Large Eddy Simulation of the combustion and heat transfer in sub-critical rocket engines (Manuscript).
    • Thomas Grosnickel** (2014-2018 - CERFACS): Conjugate heat transfer in gas turbine ribs. (Manuscript)
    • Pierre Aillaud** (2014-2017 - CERFACS): Heat transfer in high pressure stators: impinging jets and trailing edge flows (Manuscript).
    • Luis Segui Troth** (2013-2016 - CERFACS): Marie Curie action COPA-GT, wall modeling for heat transfer in LES (Manuscript).
    • Sandrine Berger** (2012-2015 - CERFACS): CIFRE Turbomeca, Aerothermal predictions in aeronautical combustion chambers by coupling Large Eddy Simulation, radiation and conduction (Manuscript).
    • Dimitrios Papadogiannis (2011-2014 - CERFACS): Marie Curie action COPA-GT, interaction between turbomachineries and combustion chamber (Manuscript).
    • Charlie Koupper** (2011-2014 - CERFACS): EU Projet (FACTOR, Towards the unsteady multi-physic simulations of aeronautical gas turbine combustion chamber and turbine components (Manuscript).
    • Stéphan Jauré** (2009-2012 - CERFACS): CIFRE SNECMA, Conjugate heat transfer in gas turbine combustion chamber. Identification of coupling strategies for massively parallel computations (Manuscript).
    • Elena Collado Morata (2009-2012 - CERFACS): CIFRE Turbomeca, Impact of the unsteady aerothermal environment on the turbine blades temperature (Manuscript).

    • * Direction of the PhD.
      ** Official co-direction of the PhD.
    • Camille Castells (2021): Large Eddy Simulations of wind turbine
    • Xavier Lamboley (2021): Development of the CWIPI coupler.
    • Carlos Perez Arroyo (2019-2021 - CERFACS): Large-Eddy Simulations of fan, compressor and combustion chamber of a gas turbine
    • Dorian Dupuy (2019-2020 - CERFACS): Large Eddy Simulations of film cooling configurations (MORRITOS RTRA project).
    • Luc Potier (2018-2020 - CERFACS): Large Eddy Simulations of constant volume combustors.
    • Laure Labarrere (2018-2019 - CERFACS): Large Eddy Simulations of constant volume combustors (SIMUMOPS Project).
    • Nicolas Odier (2015-2017 - CERFACS): RTRA SIMACO3FI project dealing with the simulation of a whole gas turbine by use of fuid/fluid coupling.
    • Jérome De Laborderie (2013-2015 - CERFACS): RTRA COFFECI project (Couplage Fluide/Fluide entre Codes Instationnaires) dealing with the simulation of a whole gas turbine by use of fuid/fluid coupling.
    • Gaofeng Wang (2011-2013 - CERFACS): RTRA COFFECI project (Couplage Fluide/Fluide entre Codes Instationnaires) dealing with the simulation of a whole gas turbine by use of fuid/fluid coupling.
    • Damien Poitou (2009-2011 - CERFACS): FRAE Project STRASS, Analysis of the interaction between turbulent combustion and thermal radiation using unsteady coupled LES/DOM simulations.
    • Jorge Amaya (2010 - CERFACS): Unsteady coupled convection, conduction and radiation simulations on parallel architectures for combustion applications.
    • Eric Matas (2022 - CERFACS): Large-Eddy Simulations of heat transfer in ribber channels of automobile radiators.
    • Balazs Vince (2022 - CERFACS): Large-Eddy Simulations of an optimal film cooling hole geometry.
    • Enzo de Souza (2022 - CERFACS): Actuator disc and line implementation in a Large-Eddy Simulation solver in the context of wind turbine computations.
    • Alexis Boudin (2021 - CERFACS): Turbulence injection methods for Large-Eddy Simulations.
    • Jerome Dabas (2021 - CERFACS): Large-Eddy Simulation of wind turbine.
    • Mehdi Cizeron (2020 - CERFACS): Large-Eddy Simulations of droplet dispersion to predict the trajectories and distribution of COVID-loaded droplets over long times in the volume and on surfaces (Report).
    • Teddy Gresse (2019 - CERFACS): Large-Eddy Simulation of sand ingestion in a centrifugal compressor (Report).
    • Clovis Gout (2018 - CERFACS): Examination of phase lag approximation for turbomachinery simulations in a LES context. (Report)
    • Benjamin Martin (2018 - CERFACS): Study of sand injection in a radial compressor with large eddy simulation (Report).
    • Shubman Agarwal (2018 - CERFACS): Examination of phase lag approximation for turbomachinery simulations in a LES context.
    • Gauthier Le Chenadec (2016 - CERFACS): Numerical simulation of an acoustic liner (Report).
    • Nikolaos Simiriotis (2016 - CERFACS): Large Eddy Simulation of the 777 shape hole (Report).
    • Thomas Grosnickel (2014 - CERFACS): Conjugate heat transfer in gas turbine ribs. (Report)
    • Yamina Boumediene (2014 - CERFACS): Comparison of OASIS-MCT and OpenPALM HPC performances (Report).
    • Benjamin Lux (2013 - Inria): Dynamic Load Balancing for Massively Parallel Coupled Codes.
    • Francis Shum Kivan (2013 - CERFACS): Large Eddy Simulation and heat transfer of impiging jets (Report).
    • Pierre Trespeuch (2011 - CERFACS): comparison between OASIS and OpenPALM (Report).
    • Thomas Leonard (2006 - CERFACS): Comparison between AVBP and elsA for turbomachinery applications (Report).
    • Matthieu Tarillon (2006 - SNECMA): Determination of an industrial combustor wall temperature by code coupling.
    • Karine Minatchi (2005 - SNECMA): Determination of an industrial combustor wall temperature by code coupling.
    • Clement Vuchener. Equilibrage de charge dynamique avec un nombre variable de processeurs base sur des methodes de partitionnement de graphe. Universite de Bordeaux – INRIA HiePACS – LaBRI. 2014. (Manuscript)
    • Maria Predari. Load Balancing for Parallel Coupled Simulations. Universite de Bordeaux – INRIA HiePACS – LaBRI. 2016. (Manuscript)
    • J. M. Zavala-Ake. A high-performance computing coupling tool for partitioned multi-physics applications. Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya. 2018 (Manuscript)
    • Louis Viot. Couplage et synchronisation de modeles dans un code scenario d'accidents graves dans les reacteurs nucleaires. Universite Paris-Saclay, Ecole Doctorale de mathematiques Hadamard. 2018. (Manuscript)
    • G. Exilard. Large Eddy Simulation of constant volume combustion in a ground-breaking new aeronautical engine. Universite de Paris-Saclay. IFP-Energies nouvelles. 2018. (Manuscript)
    • L. Boulet. Modeling of conjugate heat transfer including radiation in reactive medium. Certification burner characterisation for fire resistance tests of helicopter engine casing. 2018. (Manuscript)
    • L. Palluotto. Quasi-Monte Carlo computation of radiative heat transfer in coupled Large Eddy Simulation of a swirled premixed flame. Universite Paris-Saclay/Universite Libre de Bruxelles. CentraleSupelec. 2019 (Manuscript)
    • R. Salem. Algorithmes de couplage aerothermique pour des applications turbomachines. Universite Paris-Saclay. 2020 (Manuscript)
    • D. Lewis. From analytical to fully numerical predictions of the broadband noise radiated by a full fan-OGV stage. Universite de Lyon. 2020. (Manuscript)
    • L. Rojda. Modelisation du fonctionnement des compresseurs pendant le declenchement du pompage. Universite de Lyon. 2020. (Manuscript)
    • R. Vicente Cruz. High-fidelity simulation of conjugate heat transfer between a turbulent flow and a duct geometry. Ecole Doctorale Science et Ingenieurie des Materiaux, Mecanique, Energetique (ED 609). 2021. (Manuscript)


    • (65) S. Esnault, F. Duchaine, L.Y.M Gicquel and S. Moreau. Analysis of upstream turbulence impact on wall heat transfer in an acoustic liner with Large-Eddy Simulations. Accepted in MPDI Applied Sciences, Special Issue Developments in Heat Transfer.

    • (64) P.A. Masset, F. Duchaine, A. Pestre and L. Selle. Modelling challenges of volume-averaged combustion in inert porous media Accepted in Combustion and Flame.

    • (63) A. Cellier, F. Duchaine, T. Poinsot, G. Okyay, M. Leyko and M. Pallud. An analytically reduced chemistry scheme for large eddy simulation of lithium-ion battery fires. Combustion and Flame. 2023. (Web link)

    • (62) N. Detomaso, D. Laera, P. Pouech, F. Duchaine and T. Poinsot. Large-Eddy Simulation of a pistonless constant volume combustor: a new concept of pressure gain combustion. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, GTP-22-1524, 2022. (Web link)

    • (61) L. Potier, F. Duchaine, B. Cuenot, D. Saucereau and J. Pichiliou. Prediction of wall heat fluxes in a rocket engine with Conjugate Heat Transfer based on Large-Eddy Simulation. Special Issue of MDPI Entropy, Computational Fluid Dynamics and Conjugate Heat Transfer, 2022. (Web link)

    • (60) B. Martin, F. Duchaine, L.Y.M. Gicquel, N. Odier and J. Dombard. Accurate inlet boundary conditions to capture combustion chamber and turbine coupling with Large-Eddy Simulation. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, GTP-21-1355, 2022, 144(2): 021007. (Web link)

    • (59) F. Duchaine, M. Cizeron, N. Odier, J. Dombard, S. Marchall, N. Francois and T. Poinsot. High-Performance Computational Fluid Dynamics for Respiratory Droplet Turbulent Dispersion in a Ventilated City Bus. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 35(9), pp 758-777, 2021. (Web link)

    • (58) B. Martin, F. Duchaine L.Y.M. Giquel and N. Odier. Generation of realistic boundary conditions at the combustion chamber / turbine interface using Large-Eddy Simulation. In Special issue of MPDI Energies, Aerothermal Interaction between Combustor and Turbine, 2021, 14(24), 8206;. (Web link)

    • (57) A. Colombie, E. Laroche, F. Chedevergne, R. Manceau, F. Duchaine and L.Y.M Gicquel. Large-Eddy-Simulation-based analysis of Reynolds-stress budgets for a round impinging jet. Physics of Fluid, 2021, 33, 115109. (Web link)

    • (56) C. Perez Arroyo, J. Dombard, F. Duchaine, L. Gicquel, B. Martin and N. Odier. Towards the Large-Eddy Simulation of a full engine: Integration of a 360 azimuthal degrees fan, compressor and combustion chamber. Part I: Methodology and initialisation. Journal of the Global Power and Propulsion Society. 2021, (May), pp1-16. (Web link)

    • (55) C. Perez Arroyo, J. Dombard, F. Duchaine, L. Gicquel, B. Martin and N. Odier. Towards the Large-Eddy Simulation of a full engine: Integration of a 360 azimuthal degrees fan, compressor and combustion chamber. Part II: Comparison against stand-alone simulations. Journal of the Global Power and Propulsion Society. 2021, (May), pp1-16. (Web link)

    • (54) P. Pouech, F. Duchaine and T. Poinsot. Premixed flame ignition in high speed flows over a backward facing step. Combustion and Flame, Vol 229, 111398, 2021. (Web link)

    • (53) D. Dupuy, A. Perrot, N. Odier, L.Y.M. Gicquel and F. Duchaine. Boundary-condition models of film-cooling holes for large-eddy simulation of turbine vanes. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol 166, 120763, 2021. (Web link)

    • (52) N. Odier, A. Thacker, M. Harnieh, G. Staffelbach, L. Gicquel, F. Duchaine, N. Garcia Rosa, J-D Muller. A mesh adaptation strategy for complex wall-modeled turbomachinery LES. Computers and Fluid, Vol 214, 2021. (Web link)

    • (51) A. Perrot, L.Y.M. Gicquel, F. Duchaine, N. Odier, J. Dombard and T. Grosnickel. Unsteady analysis of heat transfer coefficient distribution in a static ribbed channel for an established flow. Journal of Turbomachinery. TURBO-20-1259. (Web link)

    • (50) S. Agarwal, L.Y.M. Gicquel, F. Duchaine, N. Odier, J. Dombard, D. Bonneau and M. Slusarz. Analysis of the unsteady flow field inside a fan-shaped cooling hole predicted by large-eddy simulation. Journal of Turbomachinery. TURBO-20-1235. 2021, 143(3): 031011. (Web link)

    • (49) D. Dupuy, L.Y.M. Gicquel, N. Odier, F. Duchaine and T. Arts. Analysis of the effect of intermittency in a high-pressure turbine blade. Phycics of Fluids, 32, 095101 (2020). (Web link)

    • (48) S. Esnault, F. Duchaine and L.Y.M. Gicquel. Large Eddy Simulations of heat transfer within a multi-perforation synthetic jets configuration. Journal of Turbomachinery, 142(6): 061010, 2020. (Web link)

    • (47) T. Grosnickel, F. Duchaine, L.Y.M. Gicquel and C. Koupper. Large-Eddy Simulation of the flow developing in static and rotating ribbed channels. Journal of Turbomachinery, 142(4):041003, 2020. (Web link)

    • (46) M. Harnieh, M. Thomas, R. Bizzari, J. Dombard, F. Duchaine and L. Gicquel. Assessment of a coolant injection model on cooled high-pressure vanes with Large-Eddy Simulation. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 104, pages 643-672 (2020). (Web link)

    • (45) J. de Laborderie, F. Duchaine, L. Gicquel and S. Moreau. Wall-modeled Large-Eddy Simulations of a Multistage High-Pressure Compressor. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 104, pages 725-751 (2020). (Web link)

    • (44) C. Perez Arroyo, T. Leonard, M. Sanjose, S. Moreau and F. Duchaine. Large Eddy Simulation of a scale-model turbofan for fan noise source diagnostic. Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 445, 14 April 2019, Pages 64-76. (Web link)

    • (43) C. Laurent, L. Esclapez, D. Maestro, G. Staffelbach, B. Cuenot, L. Selle, T. Schmitt, F. Duchaine, T. Poinsot. Flame-wall interaction effects on the flame root stabilization mechanisms of a doubly-transcritical LO2/LCH4 cryogenic flame. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Volume 37, Issue 4, 2019, Pages 5147-5154. (Web link)

    • (42) N. Odier, M. Sanjose, L. Gicquel, T. Poinsot, S. Moreau and F. Duchaine. A characteristic inlet boundary condition for compressible, turbulent, multispecies turbomachinery flows. Computer and Fluids, 178, pp 41-55, 2019. (Web link)

    • (41) R. Bizzari, D. Lahbib, A. Dauptain, F. Duchaine, L. Gicquel and F. Nicoud. A thickened-hole model for Large Eddy Simulations over multiperforated liners. Flow Turbulence and Combustion, 101(3), pp 705-717, 2018. (Web link)

    • (40) R. Bizzari, S. Richard, F. Duchaine, F. Nicoud, A. Dauptain and D. Lahbib. Low order modeling method for assessing the temperature of multi-perforated plates. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 127(B), pp 727-742, 2018. (Web link)

    • (39) L. Boulet, P. Benard, G. Lartigue, V. Moureau, S. Didorally, N. Chauvet, F. Duchaine. Modeling of conjugate heat transfer in a kerosene/air spray flame used for aeronautical fire resistance tests. Flow Turbulence and Combustion, 101(2), pp579-602, 2018. (Web link)

    • (38) J. de Laborderie, F. Duchaine, L.Y.M. Gicquel, O. Vermorel, G. Wang and S. Moreau. Numerical Analysis of a High-Order Unstructured Overset Grid Method for Compressible LES of Turbomachinery. Journal of Computational Physics, 363(15), pp 371-398, 2018. (Web link)

    • (37) S. Berger, F. Duchaine and L.Y.M. Gicquel. Bluff-body thermal property and initial state effects on a laminar premixed flame anchoring pattern. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 100(2), pp 561-591, 2018 (web link)

    • (36) D. Mejia, M. Miguel-Brebion, A. Ghani, T. Kaiser, F. Duchaine, L. Selle, T. Poinsot. Influence of flame-holder temperature on the acoustic flame transfer functions of a laminar flame. Combustion and Flame. Volume 188, pp 5-12, 2018. (Web link)

    • (35) P. Aillaud, L. Y. M. Gicquel, and F. Duchaine. Jet impingement onto flat and concave surfaces: A detailed comparison of flow dynamics and heat transfer. Phys. Rev. Fluids, Vol. 2-11, pp 114608-114642, 2017. (Web link)

    • (34) F. Duchaine, J. Dombard, L.Y.M Gicquel and C. Koupper. On the importance of inlet boundary conditions for aerothermal predictions of turbine stages with Large Eddy Simulation. Computers and Fluids. Vol. 154-1. pp 60-73, 2017. (Web link)

    • (33) P. Aillaud, F. Duchaine, L.Y.M Gicquel and S. Didorally. Secondary peak in the Nusselt number distribution of impinging jet flows: A phenomenological analysis. Physics of Fluids. 28(9):, 2016. (Web link) Download the document

    • (32) S. Scholl. T. Verstraete, F. Duchaine and L. Gicquel. Large Eddy Simulation and conjugate heat transfer of a rib-roughened internal turbine blade cooling channel. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. Vol 61 - Part B, pp 650-664, 2016. (Web link)

    • (31) M. Brebion, D. Mejia, P. Xavier, F. Duchaine, B. Bedat, L. Selle and T. Poinsot. Joint experimental and numerical study of the influence of flame holder temperature on the stabilization of a laminar methane flame on a cylinder. Combustion and Flame. 172:153-161, 2016. (Web link)

    • (30) L. Labarrere, T. Poinsot, A. Dauptain, F. Duchaine, M. Bellenoue and B. Boust. Experimental and numerical study of cyclic variations in a Constant Volume Combustion Chamber. Combustion and Flame. 172:49-61, 2016 (Web link)

    • (29) S. Berger, S. Richard, F. Duchaine, G. Staffelbach and L. Gicquel. On the sensitivity of a helicopter combustor wall temperature to convective and radiative thermal loads. Applied Thermal Engineering. 103(25):1450-1459,2016. (Web link)

    • (28) R. Mari, B. Cuenot, J.P. Rocchi, L. Selle and F. Duchaine. Effect of pressure on Hydrogen/Oxygen coupled flame-wall interaction. Combustion and Flame. 168:409-419, 2016. (Web link) Download the document

    • (27) D. Papadogiannis, F. Duchaine, L. Gicquel, G. Wang and S. Moreau. Effects of Sub-Grid-Scale modeling on the deterministic and stochastic turbulent energetic distribution in LES of a high pressure turbine stage. Journal of Turbomachinery. 138(9), 091005. 2016. (Web link)

    • (26) M.P. Errera and F. Duchaine. Comparative study of coupling coefficients in Dirichlet-Robin precedure for fluid-structure aerothermal simulations. Journal of Computational Physics. 2016. 312:218–234. (Web link)

    • (25) G. Wang, M. Sanjose, S. Moreau, D. Papadogiannis, F. Duchaine and L.Y.M Gicquel. Noise mechanisms in a transonic high-pressure turbine stage. International Journal of Aeroacoustics, 0(0) 1–18, 2016. (Web link)

    • (24) C. Koupper, T. Bacci, B. Facchini, A. Picchi, L. Tarchi, L. Gicquel, F. Duchaine and G. Bonneau. Experimental and numerical calculation of turbulent timescales at the exit of an engine representative combustor simulator. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power. 2015;138(2):021503-021503-10 (Web link)

    • (23) D. Papadogiannis, F. Duchaine, L.Y.M. Gicquel, G. Wang, S. Moreau and F. Nicoud. Assessment of the indirect combustion noise generated in a transonic high-pressure turbine stage. ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. 2015;138(4):041503-041503-8. (Web link)

    • (22) F. Duchaine, S. Jauré, D. Poitou, E. Quémerais, G. Staffelbach, T. Morel and L. Gicquel. Analysis of High Performance Conjugate Heat Transfer with the OpenPALM Coupler. Journal of Computational Science and Discovery. 8:015003, 2015. Download the document

    • (21) S. Scholl, T. Verstraete, J. Torres-Garcia, F. Duchaine and L. Y. M. Gicquel. Influence of the Thermal Boundary Conditions on the Heat Transfer of a Rib-Roughened Cooling Channel using LES. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy. 2015. 229(5), 498-507 (Web link).

    • (20) A. Poubeau, R. Paoli, A. Dauptain, F. Duchaine and G. Wang. Large Eddy Simulation of a solid rocket booster jet: towards a better prediction of the impact of solid-fuel launchers on the atmosphere. AIAA Journal. 2015. Vol. 53, No. 6, pp. 1477-1491. (Web link)

    • (19) C. Koupper, L. Gicquel, F. Duchaine and G. Bonneau. Advanced combustor exit plane temperature diagnostics based on Large Eddy Simulations. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion. 2015. 95(1) :79-96 (Web link)

    • (18) T. Leonard, N. Gourdain, L. Gicquel and F. Duchaine. Steady / Unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes and Large Eddy Simulations of Turbine Blade at High Subsonic Outlet Mach Number. Journal of Turbomachinery. 2014. 137(4), 041001 (Web link).

    • (17) C. Koupper, G. Bonneau, G. Caciolli, B. Facchini, L. Tarchi, L.Y.M. Gicquel and F. Duchaine. Development of an Engine Representative Combustor Simulator Dedicated to Hot Streak Generation. Journal of Turbomachinery. 2014. 136(11), 111007 (Web link).

    • (16) N. Gourdain F. Sicot, F. Duchaine and L. Gicquel. Large Eddy Simulation of flows in industrial compressors: a path from 2015 to 2035. Philosophical Transactions A. 2014. 372(2022):20130323. (Web link)

    • (15) F. Duchaine, M. Boileau, Y. Sommerer and T. Poinsot. Large Eddy Simulation of the flow and heat transfer around two square cylinders in a tandem arrangement. Journal of Heat Transfer. 2014. 136(10), 101702 (Web link)

    • (14) G. Wang, F. Duchaine, D. Papadogiannis, I. Duran, S. Moreau and L.Y.M Gicquel. An overset grids method for large eddy simulation of turbomachinery stages. Journal of Computational Physics, 274:333-355. 2014. (Web link)

    • (13) A. Bonhomme, G. Wang, L. Selle, F. Duchaine and T. Poinsot. A parallel multidomain coupled strategy to compute turbulent flows in fan-stirred bombs. Computers and Fluids, 101:183-193. 2014. (Web link)

    • (12) G. Lecocq, D. Poitou, I. Hernandez, F. Duchaine, E. Riber and B. Cuenot. A methodology for soot prediction including thermal radiation in complex industrial burners. Flow Turbulence and Combustion, 92(4):947-970. 2014. (Web link)

    • (11) C. Koupper, T. Poinsot, L. Gicquel and F. Duchaine. On the ability of characteristic boundary conditions to comply with radial equilibrium in turbomachinery simulations. AIAA Journal. Vol. 52, No. 12 (2014), pp. 2829-2839. (Web link).

    • (10) S. Jauré, F. Duchaine, G. Staffelbach and L.Y.M. Gicquel. Massively parallel conjugate heat transfer solver based on Large Eddy Simulation and application to an aeronautical combustion chamber. Journal of Computational Science and Discovery, 6:015008, 2013. Download the document

    • (9) F. Duchaine, N. Maheu, V. Moureau, G. Balarac and S. Moreau. Large Eddy Simulation and Conjugate Heat Transfer Around a Low-Mach Turbine Blade. Journal of Turbomachinery 136(5), 2013. (Web link).

    • (8) M. Boileau, F. Duchaine, J.-C. Jouhaud and Y. Sommerer. Large Eddy Simulation of of heat transfer around a square cylinder using unstructured grids. AIAA Journal, Vol. 51, No. 2 (2013), pp. 372-385. (Web link)

    • (7) E. Collado Morata, N. Gourdain, F. Duchaine, L.Y.M. Gicquel. Effect of free-stream turbulence on high pressure turbine blade heat transfer using structured and unstructured LES. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 55(21-22):5754-5768, 2012. Download the document

    • (6) D. Poitou, J. Amaya and F. Duchaine. Parallel computation for the radiative heat transfer using the DOM in combustion applications: direction, frequency, sub-domain decomposition and hybrid methods. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B Fundamentals, 62-1, 2012. Download the document

    • (5) F. Duchaine, F. Boudy, D. Durox and T. Poinsot. Sensitivity analysis of transfer functions of laminar flames. Combustion and Flame, 158(12):2384-2394, 2011. (Web link)

    • (4) F. Duchaine, A. Corpron , V. Moureau , F. Nicoud , T. Poinsot. Development and assessment of a coupled strategy for conjugate heat transfer with Large Eddy Simulation. Application to a cooled turbine blade. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 30(6): 1129-1141, 2009.Download the document

    • (3) N. Gourdain, L. Gicquel, G. Staffelbach, O. Vermorel, F. Duchaine, J-F. Boussuge and T. Poinsot. High performance parallel computing of flows in complex geometries - part 2: applications, Computational Science & Discovery 2(1): 015004, 2009. Download the document

    • (2) F. Duchaine, S. Mendez, F. Nicoud, A. Corpron, V. Moureau, and T. Poinsot. Conjugate heat transfer with large eddy simulation. Application to gas turbine components. In C.R.A.S. Mécanique, 2009. 337(6-7), 550-561 Download the document

    • (1) F. Duchaine, T. Morel and L.Y.M. Gicquel. Computational-Fluid-Dynamics-Based Kriging Optimization Tool for Aeronautical Combustion Chambers. AIAA Journal, 47(3):631-645, 2009. Download the document
    • F. Duchaine, S. Berger, G. Staffelbach and L. Gicquel. Partitioned High Performance Code Coupling Applied to CFD. In LNCS, Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues High-Performance Scientific Computing. First JARA-HPC Symposium, JHPCS 2016, Aachen, Germany, October 4-5, 2016, Di Napoli, E., Hermanns, M.-A., Iliev, H., Lintermann, A., Peyser, A. (Eds.) (Web link)

    • G. Duchaine. De l'autre coté. Edilivre. 2015. (Web link)

    • Gicquel L.Y.M., Vermorel O., Duchaine F., Riber E., Dauptain A., Staffelbach G., Cuenot B., and Poinsot T. J. ERCOFTAC - Best Practice Guidelines in Computational Fluid Dynamics of Turbulent combustion, Chapter 4: Gas Turbine and Industrial Burners. 2013.

    • G. Dufour, N. Gourdain, F. Duchaine, O. Vermorel, L. Gicquel, J-F. Boussuge and T. Poinsot. Large Eddy Simulation Applications. VKI Lecture Series Numerical Investigations in Turbomachinery: the State of the Art, Rhodes-St-Genese (Belgique), Sept. 21-25, 2009. Download the document

    • Combustion Modeling: Combustor Simulation. ASME TurboExpo 2015, Turbine technical conference and exposition. Montreal, Quebec. June 15-19, 2015.

    • High fidelity coupled simulation of reacting systems. 15th International Conference on Numerical Combustion. Avignon, France. April 19-22, 2015.

    • F. Duchaine High-Performance Computational Fluid Dynamics for Virus Propagation in Closed Domains. HPC User Forum, Hyperion Research, May 2021. (Video) (Slides)

    • F. Duchaine. Presentation of the PRACE project CFDforCOVID. COVID-19 Day PRACEdays21 Scientific Parallel Track COVID-19. March 2021.

    • F. Duchaine. High-Performance Computational Fluid Dynamics for Virus Propagation in Closed Domains. SIAM CSE21, Virtual Conference, MS12 Highlights of HPC Response to the COVID19 Pandemic. March 2021.

    • F. Duchaine. Conjugate heat transfer methodologies for gas turbine combustion aero thermal investigation. Heat Transfer Committee Tutorial jointly with Combustion, Fuels and Emissions Committee. ASME TurboExpo 2019. June 17-21, 2019, Phoenix, AZ, USA.

    • F. Duchaine. Recent work in aerospace propulsion at Cerfacs. SpaceX Seminar, Los Angeles, USA. June 13, 2019.

    • F. Duchaine. Prediction of combustor and turbine thermal environment by Large-Eddy Simulations. Combustor-Turbine Wall Heat Transfer Workshop. UTRC, Hartford (CN), USA. March 11-12 2019.

    • F. Duchaine and L. Gicquel. Conjugate heat transfer methodologies for gas turbine combustion aero thermal investigation. Heat Transfer Committee Tutorial jointly with Combustion, Fuels and Emissions Committee. ASME TurboExpo 2018. June 11-15, 2018, Oslo, Norway.

    • F. Duchaine, S. Berger, G. Staffelbach and L. Gicquel. Partitioned High Performance Code Coupling Applied to CFD. JHPCS'16 - JARA-HPC Symposium. Oct. 4-5 2016. Aachen, Germany. Download the document

    • G. Staffelbach, B. Cuenot, A. Dauptain, J. Dombard, F. Duchaine, L. Gicquel, A. Misdariis, E. Riber, O. Vermorel T. Poinsot, J. Legaux, I. D'Ast, N. Monnier. JHPCS'16 - JARA-HPC Symposium. Oct. 4-5 2016. Aachen, Germany. Download the document

    • G. Staffelbach, A. Dauptain, E. Riber, O. Vermorel, L. Gicquel, B. Cuenot, F. Duchaine and J. Dombard. HPC and Combustion. EuroMPI 2015, Septemner 21-23, Bordeaux, France. Download the document

    • F. Duchaine, D. Papadogiannis, J. De Laborderie, L.Y.M Gicquel, G. Wang and S. Moreau. Towards the simulation of compressor, combustion chamber and turbine interactions. 3rd ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference. July 20-23, 2015, Aachen, Germany

    • F. Duchaine et al. Efficient Couplers for Extreme Computing. EESI Final Conference, May 28-29, 2015. Download the document

    • F. Duchaine et al. User presentation on Data Centric Approach in turbulent flows. EESI Final Conference, May 28-29, 2015. Download the document

    • L.Y.M. Gicquel, B. Cuenot, G. Staffelbach, O. Vermorel, E. Riber, A. Dauptain, F. Duchaine, J. Dombard and T. Poinsot. Simulations of ignition and acoustic instabilities. In Workshop on Turbulent Combustion, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, June 9th-10th, 2014.

    • F. Duchaine, G. Wang, D. Papadogiannis, S. Moreau and L. Gicquel. On code coupling - Focus on multi-fluid/components coupling. CRCT - Centre de Recherche sur la Combustion Turbulente, Centrale Paris, Châtenay-Malabry (France), March 27, 2014.

    • A. Thevenin, Th. Morel, F. Duchaine, A. Piacentini, M. Kirmse, S.Valcke and L. Coquart. OASIS3-MCT and Open-PALM: 2 open source codes couplers. In Advanced Dynamical Core Modeling for Atmospheric and Oceanic Circulations, Pradesh, India, 2013.

    • F. Duchaine, A. Thevenin, A. Piacentini, E. Quémerais, and T. Morel. OpenPALM, an open source code coupler for massively parallel multi-physics/multi-components applications and dynamic algorithms. In Bibliothèques pour le calcul scientifique: outils, enjeux et écosystème, Paris, France, 2013.

    • F. Duchaine, T. Morel, S. Jauré, D. Poitou, G. Staffelbach, L. Gicquel and E. Quémerais. High Performance Conjugate Heat Transfer with the OpenPALM Coupler. Coupling Workshop, Boulder, CO, USA, February 20-22, 2013.

    • L.Y.M. Gicquel, B. Cuenot, G. Staffelbach, O. Vermorel, E. Riber, A. Dauptain, F. Duchaine, N. Gourdain, F. Sicot and T. Poinsot. CERFACS State-of-the-art and recent investigations for temperature predictions in Turbo-machineries - Invited conference. In GE Global Research Symposium on High Fidelity Simulations of Combustion Turbine Systems, Niskayuna, NY, USA, 2012.

    • L.Y.M. Gicquel, B. Cuenot, G. Staffelbach, O. Vermorel, E. Riber, A. Dauptain, F. Duchaine, and T. Poinsot. LES modeling and sensitivity issues - implications on the prediction and flame dynamics - Invited conference. In GE Global Research Symposium on LES of Turbulent Reacting Flows for GT Design, Niskayuna, NY, USA, 2011.

    • F. Duchaine and G. Staffelbach. Large Eddy Simulation and Muti-physics for Engine computations on Massively Parallel Machines. Toward petaflop numerical simulation on parallel hybrid architectures, CEA-EDF-INRIA summer school, INRIA, Sophia Antipolis (France), June 6-10, 2011

    • F. Duchaine, D. Mejia, L. Selle, T. Poinsot, F. Boudy and D. Durox. Couplage entre thermique et instabilitées de combustion. CRCT - Centre de Recherche sur la Combustion Turbulente, Centrale Paris, Châtenay-Malabry (France), March 29, 2011

    • A. Piacentini, T. Morel, A. Thévenin and F. Duchaine. The dynamic parallel PALM coupler. Workshop on "Coupling Technologies for Earth System Modelling : Today and Tomorrow", CERFACS, Toulouse (France), Dec. 15-17, 2010.

    • T. Poinsot and F. Duchaine. Simulations of fame/wall interactions and effects on combustion instabilities. First International Workshop on Near-Wall Reactive Flows, Lufthansa Center, Darmstadt/Seeheim-Jungenheim (Allemagne), Nov. 18-19, 2010.

    • T. Poinsot, T. Leonard, F. Duchaine, V. Moureau, L. Pons, J. Amaya, E. Collado and B. Cuenot. LES and multi-physics for engine computations on massively parallel machines. MUSAF - Multiphysics and Unsteady Simulations for Aeronautical Flows, CERFACS, Toulouse (France), Sept. 27-29, 2010 Download the document

    • F. Duchaine and T. Poinsot. Prédictions aérothermiques par couplage de codes de simulations aux grandes échelles et de thermique. CRCT - Centre de Recherche sur la Combustion Turbulente, IFP, Rueil-Malmaison (France), March 30, 2010

    • F. Duchaine, M. Garcia, P. Wolf, G. Staffelbach, M. Boileau, M. Leyko, B. Enaux and T. Poinsot. Massively Parallel simulation of combustion engines. CScADS Workshop on Scientific Data Analysis and Visualization for Petascale Computing, Tahoe City, (CA, USA), Aug. 3-6, 2009.
    • (74) N. Detomaso, D. Laera, P. Pouech, F. Duchaine and T. Poinsot. Large-Eddy Simulation of a pistonless constant volume combustor: a new concept of pressure gain combustion. GT2022-81366. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2022 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition GT2022. June 13-17, 2022, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

    • (73) J. Dabas, L. Gicquel, N. Odier and F. Duchaine. Large-Eddy Simulation of wind turbine flows. GT2022-82096. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2022 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition GT2022. June 13-17, 2022, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

    • (72)S. Agarwal, L. Gicquel, F. Duchaine, N. Odier, J. Dombard, D. Bonneau and M. Slusarz. Large-Eddy Simulation based optimization of a fan-shaped cooling hole geometry to enhance cooling performance. GT2022-79923. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2022 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition GT2022. June 13-17, 2022, Rotterdam, The Netherlands

    • (71) C. Perez Arroyo, J. Dombard, F. Duchaine, L.Y.M. Gicquel and N. Odier. Numerical Investigation of the Interaction Between Gas-Turbine Engine Components With Dynamic Mode Tracking. GT2021-60087. In ASME TurboExpo 2021, Online.

    • (70) C. Gout, D. Papadogiannis, J. Dombard, F. Duchaine, L.Y.M. Gicquel and N. Odier. Assessment of Profile Transformation for Turbomachinery Large Eddy Simulations - From Academic to Industrial Applications. GT2021-59293. In ASME TurboExpo 2021, Online.

    • (69) S. Agarwal, L.Y.M. Gicquel, F. Duchaine, N. Odier, J. Dombard, D. Bonneau and M. Slusarz. Autonomous Large Eddy Simulations Setup for Cooling Hole Shape Optimization. GT2021-59196 In ASME TurboExpo 2021, Online.

    • (68) B. Martin, F. Duchaine, L.Y.M. Gicquel, N. Odier and J. Dombard. Accurate Inlet Boundary Conditions to Capture Combustion Chamber and Turbine Coupling With Large-Eddy Simulation. GT2021-58854. In ASME TurboExpo 2021, Online.

    • (67) B. Martin, F. Duchaine, L.Y.M. Gicquel, N. Odier and J. Dombard. Wall-resolved large-eddy simulation of the LS89 cascade using an explicit local time-stepping method. GT2020-14171. In ASME TurboExpo 2020, London, England.

    • (66) J. Dombard, F. Duchaine, L.Y.M. Gicquel, N. Odier, K. Leroy, N. Buffaz, S. Le-Guyader, J. Demolis, S. Richard and T. Grosnickel. Evaluation of the capacity of RANS/URANS/LES in predicting the performance of a high-pressure turbine - effect of load and off design condition. GT2020-15447. In ASME TurboExpo 2020, London, England.

    • (65) S. Agarwal, L.Y.M. Gicquel, F. Duchaine, N. Odier, J. Dombard, D. Bonneau and M. Slusarz. Analysis of the unsteady flow field inside a fan-shaped cooling hole predicted by large-eddy simulation. GT2020-14201. In ASME TurboExpo 2020, London, England.

    • (64) S. Agarwal, L.Y.M. Gicquel, F. Duchaine, N. Odier, J. Dombard, D. Bonneau and M. Slusarz. Effect of the in-hole vortical structures on the cylindrical-hole film-cooling effectiveness. GT2020-14258. In ASME TurboExpo 2020, London, England.

    • (63) M. Harnieh, N. Odier, J. Dombard, F. Duchaine and L.Y.M. Gicquel. Loss predictions in the high-pressure film-cooled turbine blade cascade T120D by mean of wall-resolved Large-Eddy Simulation. GT2020-14231. In ASME TurboExpo 2020, London, England.

    • (62) M. Harnieh, N. Odier, J. Dombard, F. Duchaine and L.Y.M. Gicquel. Loss predictions in the high-pressure film-cooled turbine vane of the factor project by mean of wall-modeled Large-Eddy Simulation. GT2020-14232. In ASME TurboExpo 2020, London, England.

    • (61) A. Perrot, L.Y.M. Gicquel, F. Duchaine, N. Odier, J. Dombard and T. Grosnickel. Unsteady analysis of heat transfer coefficient distribution in a static ribbed channel for an established flow. GT2020-14493. In ASME TurboExpo 2020, London, England.

    • (60) C. Perez Arroyo, J. Dombard, F. Duchaine, L.Y.M. Gicquel, N. Odier, G. Exilard, S. Richard N. Buffaz and J. Demolis. Large-Eddy Simulation of an integrated high-pressure compressor and combustion chamber of a typical turbine engine architecture. GT2020-16288. In ASME TurboExpo 2020, London, England.

    • (59) D. Papadogiannis, S. Mouriaux, J-S Cagnone, K. Hillewaert, F. Duchaine and S. Hiernaux. Influence of the numerical strategy on wall-resolved LES of a compressor cascade. In Proceedings of 13th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics and Thermodynamics ETC13, April 8-12, 2019; Lausanne, Switzerland. Download the document

    • (58) S. Esnault, F. Duchaine and L.Y.M. Gicquel. Large Eddy Simulations of heat transfer within a multi-perforation synthetic jets configuration. GT2019-91375. In ASME TurboExpo 2019, Phoenix, AZ, USA.

    • (57) T. Grosnickel, F. Duchaine, L.Y.M. Gicquel and C. Koupper. Large-Eddy Simulation of the flow developing in static and rotating ribbed channels. GT2019-90370. In ASME TurboExpo 2019, Phoenix, AZ, USA.

    • (56) M. Thomas, J. Dombard, F. Duchaine, L.Y.M Gicquel and C. Koupper. Large-Eddy Simulation of combustor and complete single-stage high-pressure turbine of the FACTOR test rig. GT2019-91206. In ASME TurboExpo 2019, Phoenix, AZ, USA.

    • (55) B. Martin, M. Thomas, J. Dombard, F. Duchaine and L.Y.M. Gicquel. Analysis of solid particule ingestion and dynamics in a turbomachine using Large-Eddy Simulation. GT2019-91215. In ASME TurboExpo 2019, Phoenix, AZ, USA.

    • (54) N. Odier, T. Poinsot, F. Duchaine, L.Y.M Gicquel and S. Moreau. Inlet and outlet characteristics boundary conditions for Large-Eddy Simulations of turbomachinery. GT2019-90747. In ASME TurboExpo 2019, Phoenix, AZ, USA.

    • (53) Harnieh, M., Thomas, M., Bizzari, R., Gicquel, L. Y. M. and Duchaine, F. Assessment of a coolant injection model on cooled high-pressure vanes in Large Eddy Simulation. In 12th International Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements (ETMM12). Montpellier, France, 9 2018, ERCOFTAC (Ed.)

    • (52) M. Thomas, F. Duchaine, L. Gicquel and C. Koupper. Impact of realistic inlet condition on LES predictions of isolated high pressure vanes. In 12th International Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements (ETMM12). Montpellier, France, 9 2018, ERCOFTAC (Ed.)

    • (51) V. Brunet, E. Croner, A. Minot, J. de Laborderie, E. Lippinois, S. Richard, J-F Boussuge, J. Dombard, F. Duchaine, L. Gicquel, T. Poinsot, G. Puigt, G. Staffelbach, L. Segui, O. Vermorel, N. Villedieu, J-S Cagnone, K. Hillewaert, Michel, G. Lartigue and V. Moureau. Comparison of Various CFD Codes for LES Simulations of Turbomachinery: From Inviscid Vortex Convection to Multi-Stage Compressor. GT2018-75523. In ASME Turbo Expo 2018, Oslo, Norway.

    • (50) L.M. Segui, L. Y. M. Gicquel, F. Duchaine, J. de Laborderie. Importance of Boundary Layer Transition in a High-Pressure Turbine Cascade Using LES. GT2018-75711. In ASME Turbo Expo 2018, Oslo, Norway.

    • (49) M. Harnieh, L. Gicquel, F. Duchaine. Large Eddy Simulations of a Highly Loaded Transonic Blade With Separated Flow. GT2018-75730. In ASME Turbo Expo 2018, Oslo, Norway.

    • (48) N. Odier, F. Duchaine, L. Gicquel, G. Staffelbach, A. Thacker, N. Garcia Rosa, G. Dufour, J-D Muller. Evaluation of Integral Turbulence Scale Through the Fan Stage of a Turbofan Using Hot Wire Anemometry and Large Eddy Simulation. GT2018-75741. In ASME Turbo Expo 2018, Oslo, Norway.

    • (47) J. Dombard, F. Duchaine, L. Gicquel, G. Staffelbach, N. Buffaz and I. Trebinjac. Large Eddy Simulations in a Transonic Centrifugal Compressor. GT2018-77023. In ASME Turbo Expo 2018, Oslo, Norway.

    • (46)P. Aillaud, F. Duchaine, L. Gicquel and C. Koupper. On the Use of Periodic Boundary Condition for Large Eddy Simulation of Trailing Edge Cutback Film Cooling With Internal Ribs. GT2018-75801. In ASME Turbo Expo 2018, Oslo, Norway.

    • (45) C. Perez-Arroyo, T. Leonard, M. Sanjose, S.Moreau, F. Duchaine. Large eddy simulation of the source diagnostic test turbofan for broadband noise predictions. In 17TH International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery (ISROMAC). 16 - 21 December, 2017 - Maui, USA.

    • (44) P. Aillaud, F. Duchaine, G. Staffelbach and L.Y.M Gicquel. Large Eddy Simulation of trailing edge cutback film cooling: Impact of internal stiffening ribs on the adiabatic effectiveness. In 7th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences, 3 - 6 July, 2017 - Milan, Italy.

    • (43) L.M. Segui, L.Y.M. Gicquel, F. Duchaine and J. de Laborderie. LES of the LS89 cascade: influence of inflow turbulence on the flow predictions. In Proceedings of 12th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics ETC12, April 3-7, 2017; Stockholm, Sweden. Download the document

    • (42) J. de Laborderie, F. Duchaine and L. Gicquel. Analysis of a high-pressure multistage axial compressor at off-design conditions with coarse Large-Eddy Simulation. In Proceedings of 12th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics ETC12, April 3-7, 2017; Stockholm, Sweden. Download the document

    • (41) N. Odier, F. Duchaine, L. Gicquel, G. Dufour, N. Garcia Rosa LES validation in an actual fan configuration through experimental and RANS comparison. In Proceedings of 12th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics ETC12, April 3-7, 2017; Stockholm, Sweden. Download the document

    • (40) T. Grosnickel, F. Duchaine, L.Y.M Gicquel and C. Koupper. Large-Eddy Simulations of static and rotating ribbed channels in adiabatic and isothermal conditions. GT2017-64241. In ASME Turbo Expo 2017, Charlotte, NC, USA.

    • (39) M. Harnieh, L.Y.M. Gicquel and F. Duchaine. Sensitivity of Large-Eddy Simulations to inflow condition and modeling if applied to a transonic high-pressure cascade vane. GT2017-64686. In ASME Turbo Expo 2017, Charlotte, NC, USA.

    • (38) F. Duchaine. Sensitivity analysis of heat transfer in a honeycomb acoustic liner to inlet conditions with Large-Eddy Simulation. GT2017-63243. In ASME Turbo Expo 2017, Charlotte, NC, USA.

    • (37) F. Duchaine, J. Dombard, L.Y.M. Gicquel and C. Koupper. Integrated Large-Eddy Simulation of combustor and turbine interactions: effect of turbine stage inlet conditions. GT2017-63473. In ASME Turbo Expo 2017, Charlotte, NC, USA.

    • (36) P. Aillaud, F. Duchaine, L.Y.M. Gicquel and S. Didorally. Characterization of the surface curvature effect using LES for a single impinging jet. GT2017-64159. In ASME Turbo Expo 2017, Charlotte, NC, USA.

    • (35) M. Thomas, A. Dauptain, F. Duchaine, L.Y.M. Gicquel, C. Koupper and F. Nicoud. Comparison of heterogeneous and homogeneous coolant injection models for Large Eddy Simulation of multiperforated liners present in a combustion simulator. GT2017-64622. In ASME Turbo Expo 2017, Charlotte, NC, USA.

    • (34) M. Thomas, F. Duchaine, L.Y.M. Gicquel and C. Koupper. Advanced statistical analysis estimating the heat load issued bu hot streaks and turbulence on a high-pressure vane in the context of adiabatic Large-Eddy Simulations. GT2017-64648. In ASME Turbo Expo 2017, Charlotte, NC, USA.

    • (33) S. Berger, S. Richard, F. Duchaine and L. Gicquel. Variations of anchoring pattern of a bluff-body stabilized laminar premixed flame as a function of the wall temperature. GT2016-56473. In ASME Turbo Expo 2016, Seoul, South Korea.

    • (32) P. Aillaud, F. Duchaine and L. Gicquel. LES of a round impinging jet: investigation of the link between Nusselt secondary peak and near-wall vortical structures. GT2016-56111. In ASME Turbo Expo 2016, Seoul, South Korea.

    • (31) D. Lahbib, A. Dauptain, F. Duchaine and F. Nicoud. Large-Eddy Simulation of conjugate heat transfer around a multi-perforated plate with deviation. GT2016-56442. In ASME Turbo Expo 2016, Seoul, South Korea.

    • (30) J. de Laborderie, F. Duchaine, O. Vermorel, L. Gicquel and S. Moreau. Application of an overset grid method to the Large-Eddy Simulation of a high speed multistage axial compressor. GT2016-56344. In ASME Turbo Expo 2016, Seoul, South Korea.

    • (29) C. Koupper, G. Bonneau, L. Gicquel and F. Duchaine. Large-Eddy Simulation of the combustor turbine interface: study of the potential and clocking effects. GT2016-56443. In ASME Turbo Expo 2016, Seoul, South Korea.

    • (28) P. Aillaud, F. Duchaine, L. Gicquel. Analyse aerothermique d'un jet circulaire impactant sur plaque plane a l'aide de la SGE. In Congres Francais de Thermique 2016. 31 may - 3 june 2016. Toulouse, France.

    • (27) S. Berger, F. Duchaine and L. Gicquel. Influence des conditions aux limites thermiques sur la stabilisation d'une flamme laminaire premelangee. In Congres Francais de Thermique 2016. 31 may - 3 june 2016. Toulouse, France.

    • (26) T. Leonard, M. Sanjose, S. Moreau and F. Duchaine. Large Eddy Simulation of a scale-model turbofan for fan noise source diagnostic. In 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference. 30 May - 1 June 2016. Lyon, France. (Web link)

    • (25) M.P. Errera and F. Duchaine. Stable and fast numerical schemes for conjugate heat transfer. In ICHMT International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer, May 25-29, 2015, Rutgers University, Piscataway, USA. Download the document

    • (24) S. Scholl, T. Verstraete, J. Torres-Garcia, F. Duchaine, L. Y. M. Gicquel Influence of the Thermal Boundary Conditions on the Heat Transfer of a Rib-Roughened Cooling Channel using LES. In 11th European Turbomachinery Conference, 2015, March 23-27, Madrid, Spain.

    • (23) C. Koupper, T. Bacci, B. Facchini, A. Picchi, L. Tarchi, L. Gicquel, F. Duchaine and G. Bonneau. Experimental and numerical calculation of turbulent timescales at the exit of an engine representative combustor simulator. GT2015-42278. In ASME Turbo Expo 2015, Montreal, Canada.

    • (22) D. Papadogiannis, F. Duchaine, L. Gicquel, G. Wang, S. Moreau and F. Nicoud. Assessement of the indirect combustion noise generated in a transonic high-pressure turbine stage. GT2015-42399. In ASME Turbo Expo 2015, Montreal, Canada.

    • (21) S. Berger, S. Richard, G. Staffelbach, F. Duchaine and L. Gicquel. Aerothermal prediction of an aeronautical combustion chamber based on the coupling of Large Eddy Simulation, solid conduction and radiation solvers. GT2015-42457. In ASME Turbo Expo 2015, Montreal, Canada.

    • (20) G. Wang, S. Moreau, F. Duchaine, J. de Laborderie and L.Y.M. Gicquel. LES Investigation of Aerodynamics Performance in an Axial Compressor Stage. In CFD Canada, June 1-4, 2014, Toronto, Canada. Download the document

    • (19) D. Papadogiannis, F. Duchaine, F. Sicot, L.Y.M. Gicquel, G. Wang and S. Moreau. Large Eddy Simulation of a high pressure turbine stage: effects of sub-grid scale modelling and mesh resolution. GT2014-25876. In ASME Turbo Expo 2014, Dusseldorf, Germany. Download the document

    • (18) C. Koupper, G. Bonneau, G. Caciolli, B. Facchini, L. Tarchi, L.Y.M. Gicquel and F. Duchaine. Development of an Engine Representative Combustor Simulator Dedicated to Hot Streak Generation. GT2014-25120. In ASME Turbo Expo 2014, Dusseldorf, Germany. Download the document

    • (17) F. Shum Kivan, F. Duchaine and L.Y.M. Gicquel. Large-Eddy Simulation and Conjugate Heat Transfer in a round impinging jet. GT2014-25152. In ASME Turbo Expo 2014, Dusseldorf, Germany. Download the document

    • (16) B. Cuenot, A. Dauptain, F. Duchaine, L. Gicquel, T. Poinsot, E. Riber, G. Staffelbach, O. Vermorel. Simulations aux Grandes Echelles : instabilites thermo-acoustiques, combustion diphasique et couplages multi-physiques. In 21ieme Congres Francais de Mecanique, Bordeaux, 26 au 30 aout 2013. Download the document

    • (15) G. Wang, S. Moreau, F. Duchaine, N. Gourdain, and L.Y.M. Gicquel. Large Eddy Simulations of the MT1 high-pressure turbine using TurboAVBP. In CFD Canada, May 6-9, 2013, Sherbrooke, Quebec.

    • (14) T. Leonard, F. Duchaine, L.Y.M. Gicquel, G. Wang and N. Gourdain. Application of Large-Eddy Simulation to rotor/stator configurations. In Congrès Français de Mécanique, August 26-30, 2013, Bordeaux, France. Download the document

    • (13) F. Duchaine, S. Jauré, D. Poitou, E. Quémerais, G. Staffelbach, T. Morel and L. Gicquel. High performance conjugate heat transfer with the OpenPALM coupler. In V International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering - Coupled Problems 2013, Ibiza, Spain, 2013.

    • (12) G. Wang, D. Papadogiannis, F. Duchaine, G. Staffelbach, N. Gourdain, L.Y.M. Gicquel. Towards Massively Parallel Large Eddy Simulation of Turbine Stages. GT2013-94852. In ASME Turbo Expo 2013, San Antonio, Texas USA. Download the document

    • (11) F. Duchaine, N. Maheu, V. Moureau, G. Balarac and S. Moreau. Large Eddy Simulation and Conjugate Heat Transfer Around a Low-Mach Turbine Blade. GT2013-94257. In ASME Turbo Expo 2013, San Antonio, Texas USA. Download the document

    • (10) J. Habert, S. Ricci, A. Piacentini, G. Jonville, T. Morel, F. Duchaine, A. Thevenin, E. Le Pape, O. Thual, N. Goutal, F. Zaoui and R. Ata. Estimation of lateral inflows using data assimilation in the context of real-time flood forecasting for the Marne catchment in France. In XIXth TELEMAC-MASCARET User Conference. Oxford, UK, October 18-19, 2012. Download the document

    • (9) M. Rochoux, J.-M. Bart, S. Ricci, B. Cuenot, A. Trouvé, F. Duchaine and T. Morel. Towards Data-Driven Simulations of Wildfire Spread using Ensemble-based Data Assimilation. H23C-1367. In 2012 AGU Fall Meeting, 3-7 December 2012, San Francisco, USA.

    • (8) A. Piacentini, S. Ricci, E. Le Pape, J. Habert, G. Jonville, N. Goutal, S. Barthélémy, T. Morel, F. Duchaine and O. Thual. Towards operational flood forecasting using Data Assimilation. H23C-1367. In 2012 AGU Fall Meeting, 3-7 December 2012, San Francisco, USA.

    • (7) S. Ricci, A. Piacentini, R. Ata, N. Goutal, E. Razafindrakoto, F. Zaoui, M. Gant, T. Morel, F. Duchaine, O. Thual. A variational Data Assimilation algorithm to better estimate the salinity for the Berre lagoon with Telemac3D. H21J-03. In 2012 AGU Fall Meeting, 3-7 December 2012, San Francisco, USA.

    • (6) S. Jauré, F. Duchaine and L. Gicquel. Comparisons of Coupling Strategies for Massively Parallel Conjugate Heat Transfer with Large Eddy Simulation. In IV International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering - Coupled Problems 2011, Kos Island, Greece, 2011 Download the document

    • (5) A. Piacentini, T. Morel, A. Thévenin and F. Duchaine. O-PALM : An Open Source Dynamic Parallel Coupler. In IV International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering - Coupled Problems 2011, Kos Island, Greece, 2011 Download the document

    • (4) F. Wlassow, F. Duchaine, G. Leroy and N. Gourdain. 3D Simulation of Coupled Fluid Flow and Solid Heat Conduction for the Calculation of Blade Wall Temperature in a Turbine Stage. GT2010-22513. In ASME Turbo Expo 2010, Glasgow, Scotland UK. Download the document

    • (3) N. Gourdain, F. Duchaine, E. Collado and L. Gicquel. Advanced Numerical Simulation Dedicated to the Prediction of Heat Transfer in a Highly Loaded Turbine Guide Vane. GT2010-22793. In ASME Turbo Expo 2010, Glasgow, Scotland UK. Download the document

    • (2) T. Leonard, F. Duchaine, N. Gourdain and L. Gicquel. Steady / Unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes and Large Eddy Simulations of Turbine Blade at High Subsonic Outlet Mach Number. GT2010-22469. In ASME Turbo Expo 2010, Glasgow, Scotland UK. Download the document

    • (1) F. Duchaine, L.Y.M. Gicquel, T.J. Poinsot, D. Bissières, and C. Bérat. Optimization Loop Based on a CFD RANS Code. In ICAS 2006, Hamburg, Germany, 2006. Download the document
    • F. Duchaine, L. Segui, J. de Laborderie, N. Odier, J. Dombard and L. Gicquel. Large-Eddy Simulations of turbomachinery flows: from wall-resolved academic configurations to wall-modeled industrial geometries. 72nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Saturday¿Tuesday, November 23¿26, 2019; Seattle, Washington (Web link)

    • S. Agarwal, M. Leyko and F. Duchaine. Large-Eddy Simulation of thermal runaway in a Lithium-Ion battery module. 15th International Conference on Numerical Combustion. Aachen, Germany. May 6-8, 2019.

    • P. Pouech, F. Duchaine and T. Poinsot. Ignition of a premixed methane-air flow over a turbulent backward-facing step by Direct Numerical Simulation. 15th International Conference on Numerical Combustion. Aachen, Germany. May 6-8, 2019.

    • T. Poinsot, B. Cuenot, L. Gicquel, G. Staffelbach, A. Dauptain and F. Duchaine. Using LES of ignition, quenching and instabilities to design future gas turbines. 15th International Conference on Numerical Combustion. Avignon, France. April 19-22, 2015.

    • M. Rochoux, B. Cuenot, F. Duchaine, E. Riber, D. Veynante and N. Darabiha. Analysis of Large Eddy Simulations of a laboratory-scale fire. 15th International Conference on Numerical Combustion. Avignon, France. April 19-22, 2015.

    • S. Berger, F. Duchaine, L. Gicquel and S. Richard. Aerothermal prediction of an aeronautical combustion chamber based on the coupling of Large Eddy Simulation, solid conduction and radiation numerical solvers. 15th International Conference on Numerical Combustion. Avignon, France. April 19-22, 2015.

    • F. Cadieux, J.A. Domaradzki, T. Sayadi, S. Bose, F. Duchaine. DNS and LES of Separated Flows at Moderate Reynolds Numbers. Bulletin of the American Physical Society. 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Volume 57, Number 17. 2012. Download the document

    • S. Ricci, A. Piacentini, R. Ata, N. Goutal, E. Razafindrakoto, F. Zaoui, M. Gant, T. Morel, F. Duchaine, O. Thual. A variational Data Assimilation algorithm to better estimate the salinity for the Berre lagoon with Telemac3D. Workshop Telemac-Mascaret. 2012.

    • J. Amaya, D. Poitou, E. Collado, F. Duchaine, B. Cuenot and T. Poinsot. Couplage combustion - thermique structure - rayonnement. In Journée SFT Rayonnement thermique en milieu semi-transparent, Lyon, France, 2011 Download the document

    • A. Dauptain, G Frichet, F. Duchaine, E. Riber, G. Dejean, T. Poinsot. Transferring Large Eddy Simulation tools from laboratories experts to industry users: a challenge for the INCA community. In 3ème Colloque INCA, ONERA, Toulouse, France, 2011. Download the document

    • R. Fransen, E. Collado Morata, F. Duchaine, N. Gourdain, L.Y.M. Gicquel, L. Vial and G. Bonneau. Comparison of RANS and LES in high pressure turbines. In 3ème Colloque INCA, ONERA, Toulouse, France, 2011. Download the document

    • F. Duchaine, S. Mendez, F. Nicoud, A. Corpron, V. Moureau, and T. Poinsot. Conjugate heat transfer with large eddy simulation. Application to gas turbine components. In 2ème Colloque INCA, CORIA, Rouen, France, 2008. Download the document

    • F. Duchaine, L.Y.M. Gicquel, D. Bissières, C. Bérat, and T.J. Poinsot. Automatic Design Optimization Applied to Lean Premixed Combustor Cooling. In 1st Workshop INCA, pages 295-304, SNECMA Villaroche, France, 2005. Download the document
    • A. Ghani, M. Miguel-Brebion, L. Selle, F. Duchaine and T. Poinsot. Effect of wall heat transfer on screech in a turbulent premixed combustor In Proceedings of the Summer Program Center for Turbulence Research, NASA AMES - Stanford University, USA, 2016. Download the document

    • D. Papadogiannis, G. Wang, S. Moreau, F. Nicoud, F. Duchaine, L. Gicquel and J. Nichols. Assessment of the indirect combustion noise generated in a transonic high-pressure turbine stage. In Proceedings of the Summer Program Center for Turbulence Research, NASA AMES - Stanford University, USA, 2014. Download the document

    • N. Maheu, V. Moureau, P. Domingo, F. Duchaine and G. Balarac. Large-Eddy Simulations of flow and heat transfer around a low-Mach number turbine blade. In Proceedings of the Summer Program Center for Turbulence Research, NASA AMES - Stanford University, USA, 2012 Download the document

    • R. Mari, B. Cuenot, F. Duchaine and L. Selle. Stabilization mechanisms of a supercritical hydrogen / oxygen flame. In Proceedings of the Summer Program Center for Turbulence Research, NASA AMES - Stanford University, USA, 2012 Download the document

    • F. Cadieux, J. A. Domaradzki, T. Sayadi, S. Bose and F. Duchaine. DNS and LES of Separated Flows at Moderate Reynolds Numbers. In Proceedings of the Summer Program Center for Turbulence Research, NASA AMES - Stanford University, USA, 2012 Download the document

    • F. Duchaine and T. Poinsot. Sensitivity of flame transfer functions of laminar flames. In Proceedings of the Summer Program Center for Turbulence Research, NASA AMES - Stanford University, USA, 2010 Download the document

    • F. Duchaine, S. Mendez, F. Nicoud, A. Corpron, V. Moureau and T. Poinsot. Coupling heat transfer solvers and Large Eddy Simulations for combustion applications. In Proceedings of the Summer Program Center for Turbulence Reseach, NASA AMES - Stanford University, USA, 2008. Download the document
    • L. Gicquel, C. Koupper and F. Duchaine. Bringing combustor and turbine simulations together. PRACE DIGEST 2016 - Industry Edition. Download the document

    • F. Duchaine, J. de Laborderie, G. Staffelbach and L. Gicquel. GENCI/CINES : Rapport de Grand Challenge Sur OCCIGEN - Simulations aux grandes échelles d'un compresseur axial multi-étages. Technical Report. CR-CFD-15-28, CERFACS, January 2015. Download the document

    • Peter Michielse, Sergi Girona. European Exascale Software Initiative 2 - Deliverable - D8.3 Report on first technical workshop. 2013. Download the document

    • F. Duchaine, T. Morel, L. Gicquel, S. Jauré, E. Quémerais et A. Refloch. Simulations aérothermiques des foyers de combustion aéronautique - Rapport de Grand challenge sur CURIE (CEA-TGCC). Technical Report TR-CMGC-12-98, CERFACS, October 2012.

    • F. Duchaine, J. Amaya, E. Collado, D. Poitou, G. Lecoq, E. Riber, B. Cuenot, G. Staffelbach and L. Gicquel. Calcul aérothermique d'un secteur de moteur Ardiden 3 - Dé fit TURBOMECA. Contract Report STRASS Project CR-CMGC-12-97, CERFACS, October 2012.

    • F. Duchaine, T. Morel, E. Quémerais, B. Cirou, D. Poitou et S. Jauré. Couplage et architectures massivement parallèles. Contract Report STRASS Project CR-CMGC-12-96, CERFACS, October 2012.

    • F. Duchaine, S. Jauré, J. Amaya, D. Poitou, B. Cuenot et L. Gicquel. Méthodologies de couplage pour l'aérothermique. Contract Report STRASS Project CR-CMGC-12-95, CERFACS, October 2012.

    • F. Duchaine, F. Habets, M. Launay, T. Morel, W. Queyrel, D. Ripoche. Spatialisation du modele agronomique Stics a l'aide de Open-PALM Parasol. Technical Report, PIREN Seine, 2012. Download the document

    • F. Duchaine, E. Quémerais et T. Morel. Tutorial OpenPALM Mise en oeuvre de la librarie CWIPI. Technical Report TR-CMGC-12-17, CERFACS, April 2012.

    • P. Trespeuch, S. Valcke, T. Morel and F. Duchaine. Réalisation d'un modèle couplé océan-atmosphère avec le coupleur dynamique de codes parallèles OpenPALM. Technical Report TR-CMGC-12-4, CERFACS, January 2012. Download the document

    • F. Duchaine, T. Morel and E. Quemerais. OpenPALM tutorial: a first toy with NSC2KE. Technical Report TR-CMGC-11-45, CERFACS, January 2011. Download the document

    • F. Duchaine, T. Morel and A. Piacentini. On a first use of CWIPI at CERFACS. Technical Report TR-CMGC-11-3, CERFACS, January 2011. Download the document

    • F. Duchaine, R. Belt, et Laurent Selle. Intégration d'un modèle de coalescence de type DQOMOM dans le code AVBP multi-classe. ANR SIGLE. Rapport contractuel. IMFT, Octobre 2010.

    • F. Duchaine. Optimisation de Forme Multi-Objectif sur Machines Parallèles avec Méta-Modèles et Coupleurs. Application aux Chambres de Combustion Aéronautiques - TH/CFD/07/96. PhD thesis, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, 2007. Download the document

    • F. Duchaine, P. Klotz and N. Savary. Recommendations for Optimisation Methods (single & two-phase flow). INTELLECT D.M. Contract report CR/CFD/07/144, CERFACS, December 2007.

    • F. Duchaine. Guide d'utilisation de la chaîne de calcul thermique N3SNatur-ASTRE-Abaqus pour la prédiction des températures de parois. Technical Report CR/CFD/06/51, CERFACS, July 2006.

    • F. Duchaine. Mise en place d'une chaîne de calcul N3S-Natur - ASTRE - Abaqus en vue de la prédiction des températures de parois des chambres de combustion à l'aide du coupleur PALM MP. rapport contractuel CR/CFD/06/118, CERFACS, January 2006.

    • F. Duchaine. On the Use of Gaussian Processes to Approximate CPU Expensive Function. Technical Report, November 2005. Download the document

    • F. Duchaine, L.Y.M. Gicquel, D. Bissières, and C. Bérat. Automatic Chain Optimization for Low NOx Injection System and Combustors. INTELLECT D.M. Contract report CR/CFD/05/54, CERFACS, July 18 2005.

    • F. Duchaine. Palmérisation de N3SNatur. Technical Report TR/CFD/05/8, CERFACS, February, 2005. Download the document

    • F. Duchaine. On Moving Mesh Technics (For 2D Grids). Technical Report, January 2005. Download the document
    • F. Duchaine et L. Gicquel. Simulation integree : un nouvel outil au service de l'aeronautique. The Conversation.
    • F. Duchaine. Multiphysique, une discipline pour mieux prédire et comprendre les phénomènes complexes. The Conversation.