HDR - Senior Researcher at Cerfacs
CFD Team and Globc Team
42 avenue Gaspard Coriolis
31 057 Toulouse, Cedex 01, FRANCE.
E-mail: florent.duchaine@cerfacs.fr
Phone : +33 (0) 5 61 19 30 73
Fax : +33 (0) 5 61 19 30 00
Florent Duchaine @ Google Scholar
Florent Duchaine @ Cerfacs
Florent Duchaine @ Research Gate
Habilitation a Diriger des Recherches (Manuscript, Defense) | |
Senior Researcher at CERFACS | |
Young Senior at CERFACS | |
Post-doctoral position at IMFT: Eulerian models for turbulent spray combustion with polydispersity and Numerical investigations of combustor wall temperature effect on Flame Describing Functions | |
Post-doctoral position at CERFACS: Unsteady conjugate heat transfer through the coupling of Large Eddy Simulation and heat transfer in solids. | |
Phd Thesis at CERFACS supervised by T.J. Poinsot and L.Y.M Gicquel: Multiobjective Shape Optimization on Parallel Architectures with Metamodels and Couplers. Application to Aeronautical Combustion Chambers. | |
Mastere specialise en mecanique des fluides numerique de l'ENSEEIHT. | |
Diplome d'etude approfondie Mecanique Energetique de l'Ecole Doctorale EMMA - Mention TB. | |
Ingenieur en mecanique des fluides et thermique de l' ESSTIN. | |
Baccalaureat Scientifique (option : SVT, specialite : mathematiques) - Mention TB. |