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Couplers developed at CERFACS


Coupling numerical models is a central issue in many research fields such as climate modelling, computational fluid dynamics, atmospheric chemistry, etc.

Ideally, a coupler, i.e., the software interface between the different models, should allow the realization of coupled simulations on different types of platforms at a minimal cost, the  testing of different coupling algorithms (e.g. time strategy or interpolation methods), or to change the numerical modeling components that participate in the coupled simulation in order to realize coupled model intercomparisons. Two couplers are developed at CERFACS: OASIS and OpenPalm.


OASIS3-MCT coupling

OASIS3-MCT coupling

The OASIS coupler « Ocean Atmosphere Sea Ice Soil » is a software allowing synchronized exchanges of coupling information between numerical codes representing different components of the climate system.

For further information :  site Web OASIS

Contact at CERFACS : Sophie Valcke


OpenPALM coupling

OpenPALM coupling

OpenPalm is a software allowing the concurrent execution and the intercommunication of programs based on in-house as well as commercial codes. For climate modelling an ocean model could be coupled with and atmospheric model through OpenPalm, for a combustion chamber temperature simulation a combustion model could be coupled with a radiation model…

For further information : site Web OpenPalm

Contact at CERFACS : Florent Duchaine

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