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New research group “Theory and Climate”

CECI is involved in the development of a new research group (GDR for “Groupement De Recherche”) entitled “Theory and Climate”.

This GDR aims at bringing together the entire community of theorists (mathematicians, physicists, computer scientists, data scientists, etc.) working on climate sciences, with the goal of developing and sharing innovative concepts and tools relevant for a better understanding of climate dynamics. This GDR is interdisciplinary and involves several CNRS research institutes as well as most of French organizations working in these fields.

CECI plans to contribute to issues related to climate dynamics and applied mathematics such as data assimilation and machine learning. Moreover, there are strong links between this GDR and the LEFE-INSU actions, in which CECI researchers are active (LEFE-IMAGO and LEFE-MANU actions).

More information here:


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