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PhD positions available in two Marie Curie programs to begin at CERFACS in 2017 on combustion instabilities

CERFACS has won two Marie Curie (ec.europa.eu/research/mariecurieactions) projects on instabilities in combustion systems: the first one MAGISTER will focus on machine learning methods for combustion instabilities and is coordinated by Un. Twente (Netherlands) while the second one (ANNULIGHT) will target annular chambers found in real gas turbines and is coordinated by NTNY (Norway). These two high visibility programs will allow to hire three PhD students who will integrate a very complete formation project based on PhD tutoring at CERFACS, strong relations with industry (SIEMENS, KLM, SAFRAN HELICOPTER ENGINES, SAFRAN AIRCRAFT ENGINES, GENERAL ELECTRIC, ANSALDO, ROLLS ROYCE) and multiple secondments at partners laboratories (CAMBRIDGE, TWENTE, CENTRALESUPELEC, KARLSRUHE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, TU BERLIN, TU MUNCHEN, ETH ZURICH, NTNY, MINES DE PARIS, SAFRAN TECH). Applications can be sent to poinsot@cerfacs.fr, cuenot@cerfacs.fr, lgicquel@cerfacs.fr.

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