Cerfacs Enter the world of high performance ...


  Wednesday 29 January 2025 at 9h30

  HDR Defense       JCA room, Cerfacs, Toulouse    

Contribution to the modeling of reaction waves in confined media: application to novel combustion technologies and safety


This defense will present my contributions to the modeling of reacting waves for both safety and novel technologies applications.  The first part will be dedicated to my research centered around the accurate modeling of large scale explosions, focusing on revisiting classical modeling strategies tailored for large-scale applications to properly account for the intricacies of hydrogen combustion. The second part will be dedicated to the fundamental description of the mechanisms controlling the inhibition of propagating flames, with particular attention paid to the case of hydrogen. The last part is focused on the modeling of deflagration and detonation waves for novel combustion systems, i.e. constant-volume-combustion and rotating-detonation devices.


Ronan Vicquelin Professeur des Universités  Université Paris-Saclay/ CentraleSupelec /EM2C Rapporteur
Ashwin Chinnayya Professeur des Universités ENSMA/Pprime Rapporteur
Pierre BoivinChargé de Recherche Université de Aix-Marseille/M2P2/CNRS Rapporteur
Nabiha ChaumeixDirectrice de Recherche Université d'Orléans/ICARE/CNRS Examinatrice
Pascale DomingoDirectrice de Recherche INSA Rouen/CORIAExaminatrice
Christophe Proust Directeur de Recherche UTC Compiègne/INERISExaminateur
Laurent Selle Directeur de Recherche IMFT/INPT Parrain

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