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1st TILDA Symposium and Workshop on Industrial LES and DNS

  From Monday 21 November 2016 at 13h00 to Wednesday 23 November 2016 at 13h00


1st TILDA Symposium & Workshop on Industrial LES & DNS   (coordinated by NUMECA Int.)

Symposium Objectives:
The ability to simulate aerodynamic flows using CFD methods has progressed rapidly over the last decades and has given rise to a change in design processes in aeronautics already. But more improvement is necessary to overcome the (still) existing lack in confidence in CFD usage, based on turbulence modelling.
The 1st “TILDA” symposium will offer a platform for presenting innovative methods and approaches combining advanced and efficient high-order numerical schemes (HOMs) with innovative approaches for LES and DNS in order to resolve all relevant flow features on several tens of thousands of processors. This will pave the way to get close to a full LES/DNS solution for levels of 1 to 10 billion degrees-of-freedom (DOF) not exceeding turn-around times of one to two day.
By this, an improved physical knowledge together with more accurate predictions of non-linear, unsteady flows will directly contribute to enhanced reliability of industrial CFD approaches in general.

The main highly innovative objectives, targeting at industrial needs read:

Advances in high fidelity LES/DNS methodologies
Advances on high order grid generation
HPC issues on multiple platforms (CPU/GPU) for high fidelity LES/DNS simulations
Test cases for industrial relevant applications – the TILDA partners will present results for a set of selected test cases treated as part of the project.
Moreover, the 1st TILDA Symposium offers the opportunity to communicate and exchange knowledge for academic researchers, graduate students, industrial engineers, as well as industrial R&D managers and consultants working in the fields of turbulent-flow modelling, simulations and measurements as well as multidisciplinary CFD applications.

Invited Speakers:
N. Sandham (SOTON, UK): “High order simulations of shock-wave/boundary-layer interactions”
K. Fujii (Tokyo University of Science and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Japan): “Large-scale LES Simulations Analysis Required in Real Industrial Applications – Aero-acoustics and Flow Separation Control as two representative examples”

Download the provisional program

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