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CIMI semester Workshops on “High performance linear and non-linear methods for large scale applications”

  From Monday 11 January 2016 to Friday 15 January 2016

  Workshop       Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse et Cerfacs, Toulouse    

In the framework of the CIMI semester on “High performance linear and non-linear methods for large scale applications”, we are pleased to announce the forthcoming workshops :


January 11th-12th 2016

Workshop on  “Parallel in time methods” at University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse


The workshop will address the solution of large scale, time dependent problems with time parallel methods.The idea of concurrency in the time domain is attracting growing interest in many different communities ranging from applied mathematics and computer science to climate and earth sciences as well as engineering sciences.

Confirmed invited speakers are currently :
Matthew Emmett (Computer Modelling Group Ltd, Calgary, Canada),
Martin Gander (University of Geneva, Switzerland) and
Robert Speck (Juelich Supercomputing Centre, Germany).

Interested participants are asked to propose a contribution to the workshop in the form of an abstract before December 16th 2015 by mail to vasseur@cerfacs.fr



January 13th-15th 2016

Workshop on “Optimisation and Data Assimilation”  at Cerfacs, Toulouse


In this workshop, we want to address the challenge of solving non-linear large scale and structured optimization problems on high performance computers that occur in applications involving huge data sets, such as data assimilation. The workshop will bring together experts on optimization methods and practitioners that will present the main difficulties encountered in practice and the most successful algorithmic developments recently discovered.

Confirmed invited speakers are currently :
Yurii Nesterov (Louvain University, Belgium),
Pavel Sakov (Bureau of Meteorology, Australia),
Luis Nunes Vicente (University of Coimbra, Portugal),
Stephen Wright (University of Wisconsin, USA) and
Oleg Burdakov (Linkoping University, Sweden).

Interested participants are asked to propose a contribution to the workshop in the form of an abstract before December 16th 2015 by mail to ehouarn.simon@enseeiht.fr

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