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High fidelity Large Eddy Simulations of turbomachinery flows

  From Monday 2 June 2025 to Wednesday 4 June 2025


Cerfacs is Qualiopi certified for its training activities

Duration : 3 days / 21 hours

Satisfaction index

In June 2024, 86% of participants were satisfied or very satisfied

(results collected from 7 respondents out of 11 participants, a response rate of 64%)


This training course aims at providing advanced training and formation in the field of turbomachinery flows. To do so, participants will reinforce their theoretical background in fluid dynamics as understood in the context of turbomachinery applications. These specificities will then be particularly developed in the specific context of Large Eddy Simulations whenever devised for the prediction of these flows. In this case, introduction and use of the in-house CERFACS LES code, named Turbo AVBP, will be specifically detailed. To do so, Hands-on sessions are organized to put the theoretical courses into practice.

Objective of the training session

The objective of this training course is to become familiar with LES of turbomachinery flows and more specifically the use of the proposed tool Turbo AVBP.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this course, you will be able to:

  • Explain the concept of turbulent scale separation and LES
  • Use and constructed test cases around turbomachinery applications with Turbo AVBP,
  • Define a-priori parameters for a Turbo AVBP LES computation (mesh genration, CPU cost…)
  • Become familiar numeric and modeling of LES for such flows
  • Analyze the predictions

Teaching methods

The training is an alternation of theoretical presentations and practical work. A multiple choice question allows the final evaluation. The training room is equipped with computers, the work can be done in sub-groups of two people.

Referent teacher: Laurent Gicquel

Target participants

This training session is for students, engineers, physicists and computer scientists who wish to reinforce or extend their theoretical background to the precise use and analysis of LES simulations. Specific use of Turbo AVBP will also be enforced.

Prerequisites and registration

In order to follow this course, you need to:

  • Know Unix commands.
  • Have basic knowledge of Python.
  • Know numerical flow simulations.
  • Have level B2 of CEFR because the training can take place in French of English depending on the audience.

In order to verify that the prerequisites are satisfied, the following questionnaire must be completed. You need to get at least 75% of correct answers in order to be authorized to follow this training session. If you don’t succeed it, your subscription will not be validated. You only have two chances to complete it.

Questionnaire and registration : click here

Before signing up, you may wish to report us any particular constraints (schedules, health, unavailability…) at the following e-mail address : training@cerfacs.fr

Deadline for registration: 15 days before the starting date of each training


  • Trainees/PhDs/PostDocs : 336 € excl. tax
  • CERFACS shareholders/CNRS/INRIA : 840 € excl. tax
  • Public : 1680 € excl. tax


From 9h to 17h30
Jour 1

  • Physics of turbomachinery flows, aerodynamics of compressor/turbines, losses, flow stability/instabilities
  • Unsteady phenomena, rotor / stator interactions, multi-stages

Jour 2

  • CFD modeling of turbomachinery flows: RANS, URANS, LES state-of-the-art
  • Numeric and modeling in LES of turbomachinery flows: Turbo AVBP context

Jour 3

  • Complex turbomachinery LES: Turbo AVBP setup and case construction
  • Complex turbomachinery LES: Turbo AVBP advanced post-processing

Evaluation of learning

A final exam will be held during the training.

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