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Ph.D. Students’ Day : Thursday October 8th, 2020

  Thursday 8 October 2020

  Ph.D. Students' Day       Virtual event, Cerfacs, Toulouse, France    


Ph.D. Students’ Day

(JDD 2020)

Thursday 8 October 2020

Virtual event

open to our partners and associates




The 2020 edition of the PhD Students’ Day will take place on October 8th, 2020. This year, this day of the PhD students of the Cerfacs, will take place mainly in visio in order to respect all the health safety measures relating to Covid-19.

This day will be held in a virtual way through oral presentations filmed and broadcast on a private link, which we will distribute to all participants. Everyone will thus be able to discover at a distance the subjects developed by the doctoral students.

At the same time, the “Posters session” will be opened on the morning of the JDD, by sending all the posters in pdf format by e-mail to all the participants for consultation, and by opening the “50-minute question session” on a channel whose links we will send you. This will allow participants to ask questions about the posters of the session.

Finally, we have included in this 5th edition a great novelty, by allowing several students to present their subject in the popularised form of “My thesis in 3 minutes“, guided by Matthieu Pouget, actor and theater director.

This day will end with the vote for the “Best poster” and the “Best presentation of My thesis in 3 minutes“.

Participation in the event is free of charge. However, for logistical reasons, registration, only by invitation, is mandatory.


Organising Committee: 

Scientific committee 

Inscription &  information







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