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Phd Defense: Martin THOMAS – “Combustor – turbine interactions: hot spot migration and thermal environment prediction for a better understanding and design of helicopter engines”

  Friday 28 May 2021 at 16h00

  Phd Thesis       Administration meeting room (webex), CERFACS Toulouse (France)    


This PhD thesis, funded by SAFRAN Helicopter Engines, focuses on Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of the FACTOR test rig to investigate combustor-turbine interactions in the context of next generation lean combustion engines. The FACTOR test rig is a full annular non-reactive lean combustion simulator with a single staged high-pressure turbine located at the DLR in Göttingen. Another test rig featuring three sectors or 54° of the full annular DLR test rig is available at the University of Florence. Both rigs provide a huge amount of validation data. In this thesis, certain aspects of LES in turbomachinery are investigated in detail and the manuscript is divided into two parts dealing respectively with the modeling of cooling systems and an analysis of the flow field in the combustion chamber and high-pressure vane passage. First, a heterogeneous and a homogeneous coolant injection model for multiperforated plates in combustion chambers are tested against experimental results. From this first study it is shown that the heterogeneous model allows for a more realistic coolant jet representation and should be retained for future simulations. In gas turbine engines the application of coolant systems is not only mandatory in the combustion chamber, but also in the first stages of the high-pressure turbine. The next section therefore investigates the previously presented heterogeneous injection model as a mean to model the effects of the NGV cooling system on the main flow and compares the simulation to a second one with a fully resolved coolant system. The second part deals with simulations that extend over combustion chamber and high-pressure vanes and specifically addresses the impact of the flow field in the combustor on the high-pressure vanes. The main objective here is to better understand wall temperature distribution on the turbine blade wall which is obtained by use of higher order statistics analysis to highlight thermally critical areas. Based on such coupled multiple component LES, a discussion is initiated to identify a path allowing to take into consideration the impact of the combustion chamber on isolated high-pressure vane simulations using different reconstructed unsteady inlet conditions. %Finally, a LES of combustion chamber and entire single-staged high-pressure turbine is performed and compared against experimental data from the full annular FACTOR test rig located at DLR Göttingen. Compared to RANS predictions, the investigation of this rich unsteady LES data allows a more comprehensive study of the flow field yielding predictions closer to available experimental results than other simulations performed within the FACTOR project.



GICQUEL Laurent – Advisor – Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, France

ANDREINI Antoni – Referee – University of Florence, Italy

Mme SANJOSE Marlene – Referee – École de technologie supérieure, Canada

MOREAU Stephane – Member – Université de Sherbrooke, Canada

BRUEL Pascal – Member – Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, France

GOURDAIN Nicolas – Member – ISAE Toulouse, France

DUCHAINE Florent – Invited member – Cerfacs, Toulouse France 

KOUPPER Charlie – Invited member-  Safran HE Bordes, France 






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  Salle JCA, Cerfacs, Toulouse    





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Thursday 20 February 2025 at 14h00

  JCA room, Cerfacs, Toulouse    





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Tuesday 4 March 2025 at 14h00

  JCA room, Cerfacs, Toulouse