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PhD defense : Romain BIZZARI – “Aerodynamic and thermal modelling of effusion cooling in LES”

  Monday 5 November 2018 at 14h00

  Phd Thesis       Cerfacs, Toulouse France    


Numerical simulation is progressively taking importance in the design of an aeronautical engine. However, concerning the particular case of cooling devices, the high number of sub-millimetric cooling holes is an obstacle for computational simulations. A classical approach goes through the modelling of the effusion cooling by homogenisation. It allows to simulate a full combustor but fails in representing the jet penetration and mixing. A new approach named thickened-hole model was developed during this thesis to overcome this issue. A work on improving the mesh resolution on key areas thanks to an automatic adaptive method is also presented, leading to a clear breakthrough. In parallel, as the flame tube temperature is a cornerstone for the combustor durability, a low-cost approach is proposed to predict it. To meet the time-constraints of design, it is based on thermal modelling instead of a direct thermal resolution.


Françoise BATAILLE PROMES CNRS Perpignan Referee
Tony ARTS   VKI Bruxelles (Belgique)  Referee
Eva DORIGNAC Pprime Université de Poitiers        Member
Pascal BRUEL Univ. de Pau & des Pays de l’Adour  Member
Marianna BRAZA IMFT Toulouse    Member
Franck NICOUD IMAG Montpellier    Member
Stéphane RICHARD SAFRAN HE Bordes Invited member
Thierry POINSOT IMFT Toulouse  Advisor
Antoine DAUPTAIN CERFACS Toulouse Co Advisor

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