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Numerical methods for Large Eddy Simulations

  From Monday 26 November 2018 to Friday 30 November 2018


Deadline for registration: 15 days before the starting date of each training
Duration : 5 days / (35 hours)



This training course allows participants to understand the underlying basics of two-phase reacting Large Eddy Simulation (LES): numerics, boundary conditions, LES closures, two-phase flow and combustion modeling. The version 7.0.2 of AVBP has been used for hands-on since October 2016 to compute both academic and realistic configurations of two-phase reacting compressible flows.

Target participants
This training session is for engineers, physicists, computer scientists and numerical analysts who wish to learn to use LES and to manipulate a CFD code dedicated to LES.


Unix, Fortran, numerical simulation.

Scientific contact 

Eleonore Riber


Trainees/PhDs/PostDocs : 300 €
CERFACS shareholders/CNRS/INRIA : 900 €
Public : 1800 €


(Every day from 9h to 17h30)

Day 1:Introduction / Numeric for LES

9:00        Welcome and coffee

9:15       LES of reacting compressible flows – Introduction. The differences between RANS and LES. The codes for Large Eddy Simulation

10:45     How does AVBP work: files – scripts – general organization / Installation on computers, accounts, computer organization

11:30     How does Paraview work

14:00     Numerical schemes needed for LES. Dissipation and dispersion of waves. Implementation of numerical schemes in AVBP

15:00     Hands-on work on computers: measurement of dispersion and dissipation, effect of mesh and scheme for two canonical cases: the convection of two-dimensional vortices and the instability growth of a linear shear layer

Day 2: Boundary conditions

9:00       Boundary conditions in compressible flows: characteristic methods

9:45       Implementations of boundary conditions in AVBP

10:30     Hands-on: simulation of one-dimensional acoustic waves reaching non-reflecting boundaries. Generation of propagating acoustic waves

14:00     Hands-on: manipulation of boundary conditions to mimic reflections or to produce non-reflecting conditions. Application to two-dimensional vortices going through outlet

15:30     Hands-on: manipulation of boundary conditions to deal with walls and corners. Application to two-dimensional straight channel with sudden expansion

Day 3: LES of gaseous turbulent reacting flows

9:00       LES of reacting flows: thermodynamics, kinetics, laminar flames, turbulent combustion model, closure models for LES and wall modelling

10:30     Hands-on: post-processing LES of turbulent pipe flow. Effect of subgrid-scale model, wall model and grid refinement

14:00     Hands-on: simulation of a one-dimensional laminar flame (initial flame file (CANTERA) is provided) with and without flame thickening

16:00     Hands-on: post-processing the LES of a turbulent gaseous swirled propane-air flame

Day 4: LES of two-phase turbulent reacting flows

9:00       LES of two-phase reacting flows: Euler-Euler (EE) and Euler-Lagrange (EL) approaches, evaporation, injection, liquid-wall interactions, two-phase combustion modes

10:30     Hands-on: simulation of two-phase canonical cases using both  EE and EL approaches

14:00     Hands-on: simulation of a one-dimensional two-phase laminar flame

16:00     Hands-on: LES of a n-heptane-air swirled combustor

Day 5: Detailed analysis of LES – spot the difference

9:00       Hands-on: spot the difference on a three-dimensional LES deliberately riddled with errors

14:00     Custom-made afternoon : participants are welcome to discuss about their current objectives/perspecti- ves/problems using AVBP with the senior researchers of the CFD team







🎓Guillaume BOGOPOLSKY thesis defense

Monday 10 February 2025 at 9h30

  Salle JCA, Cerfacs, Toulouse    





🎓Olivier GOUX thesis defense

Thursday 20 February 2025 at 14h00

  JCA room, Cerfacs, Toulouse    





🎓Francis MEZIAT thesis defense

Tuesday 4 March 2025 at 14h00

  JCA room, Cerfacs, Toulouse