Cerfacs Enter the world of high performance ...

Sparse Days in Saint-Girons IV

  From Monday 20 June 2022 to Wednesday 22 June 2022

  Conference       Saint-Girons, Ariège, France    

Sparse Days Meeting 2022

🗓️  20-22 June 2022

 @ Saint-Girons, France


🌐 https://cerfacs.fr/sparsedays/en/


Sparse Days 2022 will be held in Saint-Girons, Ariège, from 20-22 June. This enhanced version of Sparse Days is being co-organized by Cerfacs and ENSEEIHT/IRIT. It will be the fourth meeting in Saint- Girons following the tradition of the previous meetings held in 1994, 2003, and 2015. The tradition involves coupling our highly successful annual technical meeting with the ambience and hospitality of this wonderful Pyrenean town which encourages fruitful informal exchanges between participants.



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