🎓HDR Nicolas ODIER
Thursday 14 November 2024 at 14h00
JCA room, Cerfacs, Toulouse, France
Large Eddy Simulations for energy production systems

I will present my research activities dedicated to large-eddy simulations for energy production systems. The first part of these activities is devoted to the understanding and modeling of two-phase flows, their atomization, possibly in a reactive medium. The second part is devoted to the simulation of compressible turbulent flows in turbomachinery, and addresses both modeling and physical investigation aspects. The last part is devoted to the development of numerical methods in the numerical solver AVBP. Finally, I will draw up perspectives.
Sofiane Khelladi. Professeur | LIFSE | Rapporteur |
Eric Lamballais. Professeur | Institut Pprime | Rapporteur |
Jérôme Boudet. M. Conférence HDR | LMFA | Rapporteur |
Guillaume Balarac. Professeur | LEGI | Examinateur |
Bénédicte Cuenot. Professeur | Eindhoven / SAFRAN | Examinatrice |
Laurent Terray. Chercheur HDR | CECI | Examinateur |
Jean-Luc Estivalezes. Professeur | ONERA | Parrain |
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