Cerfacs Enter the world of high performance ...

IT management and user support

Beyond standard computing frames (mail, web, accounting systems …) CERFACS’  research works rely on availability and intensive use of High Performance Computing.

  • computers allowing to run the numerical simulations developed by the teams,
  • high storage capacities housing the simulations’ results,
  • pre and post-processing services that prepare and ease the analysis of obtained results,
  • fast interconnection networks for both internal and external exchanges between the different computing and storage resources.

Today, CERFACS hosts 2 clusters for a global peak of about 1.3 Pflops/s, a primary space disk of 3.4 Petabytes inside the clusters and a secondary space disk of 3 Petabytes hosted on a Spectrum Scale server.

All these servers are interconnected on a backbone at 10 Gb/sec. Accesses to our partners’ computers (Météo-France and CCRT), and to national resources for research (Genci) and international ones (Prace and Incite) enlarge our global simulation capacities.

Head of I.T. Management :

Nicolas Monnier

HPC software engineer :

Isabelle d’Ast

System engineers :

Gérard Dejean

Fabrice Fleury

Yohann Gauville

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