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Jobs in Research

Alongside permanent researchers and research engineers at CERFACS, who, according to their fields of competence, contribute to research, training and to the framework for students, we welcome at CERFACS, the following position profiles :

Young researchers in training via Research:

Young PhD researchers (PhD) : CERFACS welcomes young students holding a Master 2 or the equivalent. They will be trained so as to prepare their PhD within a research team at CERFACS. Duration : 3 years.

Young Post-doctoral researchers (Post-doc) : CERFACS also welcomes young researchers holding a PhD who wish to conduct their research after the completion of their doctoral studies. Duration : between 12 and 24 months.

Research Engineers : for young students who have just graduated (+5 years after their A levels). They will be in charge of a specific and one-time job related to a particular contract or project. Duration : depending on the project.

Trainees : This category applies for students in Master 1 or 2 or from an engineering school who do a training in research within their studies. A training agreement must be signed between CERFACS and their school. Duration : up to 6 months

Research Support Jobs

Engineers, executives, technicians and employees who are specialized either in computing, administration, accounting, library, law, or secretariat, assure the smooth running of CERFACS and enable researchers and engineers to work in the best conditions.

How to Apply

Trainees :

If you are interested in a topic related to the trainings from the “Offers section”, please send the following requested information to the mentioned contact.

– A curriculum vitae

– A cover letter

Young PhD researchers (PhDs) :

If you wish to embark on a doctorate at CERFACS in a topic from the “Offers section”, please send the following requested information to the mentioned contact.

– A curriculum vitae

– A cover letter

– Post-doctoral researchers (Post-docs) :

If you wish to continue as a Post-Doc after your thesis defence, and are interested in a topic from the “Offers section”, please send the following requested information to the mentioned contact.

–       A curriculum vitae

–       A cover letter

–       A list of your publications along with the 2 most representative ones

–       One or several reference letters

Research Engineers :

If you wish to apply for a position from the “Offers section”, please send the following requested information to the mentioned contact.

–       A curriculum vitae

–       A cover letter

For the other positions, please keep to the specific points which are mentioned in the offer.

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