Training | Computational Fluid Dynamics | Combustion, High Performance Computing
Required Education : Master ou ingénieur dernière année
Start date : 1 February 2024
Mission duration : 6 mois
Deadline for applications : 21 December 2023
Gratification : 650 EUros net
Decarbonizing heavy industry is a key issue in the fight against the effects of CO2. The aim of this internship is to calculate several configurations of an initial propane/oxygen flame, transformed into a hydrogen/oxygen flame to decarbonize a Saint Gobain industrial process.
The simulations will be carried out using the CERFACS AVBP code, which is the world reference in the field, in the CERFACS CFD team (around 80 people, including 45 theèsards), in liaison with the Saint Gobain Recherche team. This internship should lead to a thesis in autumn 2024, in conjunction with Saint Gobain.

Examples of CH4/H2 flame calculations with the AVBP code
The three configurations to be calculated are cases already tested by Saint Gobain, and some experimental results will be available to verify the simulations carried out during the internship.
During the internship, the trainee will mesh the geometries of an injector representative of the flame with its variants, then set up a complete reactive AVBP calculation. Particular attention will be paid to the position of the hydrogen flame in the injection tube, its stability and interaction with the walls. For each case, the species, temperature and velocity fields will be characterized as a function of distance from the injector. A heat transfer calculation will be performed in the solid part of the injector itself, using the CERFACS AVTP code, to evaluate the wall temperature. Hydrogen/oxygen flames have high flame velocities and can rise up the injectors or heat them up sufficiently to damage them. This mechanism is controlled by the wall temperature, which must be calculated at the same time as the combustion in the gas.
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