Sparse Days Meeting 2011 at CERFACS
September 6th-7th, 2011
We are as usual holding our annual Sparse Days at CERFACS but there are significant building works at CERFACS in May and June and so we will hold this year’s Sparse Days in September, the week after the ParCo and Europar meetings.
As is our custom, we try to have a focus on a topical theme. The « in topic » this year seems to be discussing and formulating strategies for developing software, algorithms, and libraries for the Exascale computers anticipated in 2018-2020 so we particularly welcome any contributions addressing this issue. However, as always feel free to present your latest ideas and work on exploiting sparsity.
Registration (Deadline : August 22th)
As usual there will be no registration fee although you must register beforehand with Brigitte Yzel (
People wanting to speak should email Xavier Vasseur ( with a title and abstract of up to one page in LaTeX or plain text. Normally talks would be for thirty minutes (including questions) but this could be negotiable (either way). We do not want to have parallel sessions so we will not necessarily be able to accept all submissions. A poster session will be available. Please let us know if you would prefer this mode of presentation.
Accomodation (Deadline : August 22th)
Some low cost accomodation is available but limited at Meteo residences. You should let us know as soon as possible whether you want to stay there. If you require assistance with accomodation you must let Brigitte Yzel know before the deadline:
Slides: click on the author’s name to download the slides
Cleve Ashcraft : On direct elimination of constraints in KKT systems
Alfredo Buttari : On the memory behaviour of a multifrontal QR software for multicore systems
Mathieu Chanaud : Parallel multigrid solver for time harmonic Maxwell equations
Riadh Fezzani : BFD:a preconditioning technique using block filtering decomposition
Pavel Jiránek : Estimating the backward error in least squares problems
Amal Khabou : Communication-avoiding LU factorization with panel rank revealing pivoting
Philip A. Knight : Balancing to prescribed row and column sums
Murat Manguoglu : Sparse matrix computations in arterial fluid mechanics
Esmond G. Ng : A combinatorial problem in sparse orthogonal factorization
Ahmed Sameh : Towards a scalable parallel sparse linear system solver
Jennifer Scott : An introductory look at the antibandwidth problem
Hanan Sheikh : A scalable Helmholtz solver combining the deflation with shifted Laplace preconditioner
Masha Sosonkina : Memory affinity in sparse matrix-vector multiplications on multicore NUMA architectures