Paul CASEAU 2022 thesis prize for Rem-Sophia MOURADI, in the framework of a Cerfacs EDF R&D collaboration
On November 9, 2022, Rem-Sophia MOURADI will receive the Paul CASEAU prize in the field of modeling and numerical simulation for her thesis “Non-linear data-driven modelling on multidimensional fields : an application to hydro-morphodynamic coastal flows”. This research work was carried out in the framework of a collaboration between the Cerfacs-CNRS laboratory “CECI” (Climate, Environment, Couplings and Uncertainties) and the “National Laboratory for Hydraulics ans Environment” (LNHE) of EDF R&D. The thesis was supervised by Olivier THUAL (Cerfacs) and Cédric GOEURY (LNHE)
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