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Come to Cerfacs by bicycle

Cycling is good for your health, air quality and climate! This page presents Cerfacs initiatives to promote the daily use of bicycles.

News & Events

From February 3 to 7, Cerfacs will participate to Allons-Y A Vélo winter 2025 !
Last February, for the 5th time in 4 years, Cerfacs was on the podium of the “Allons-Y À Vélo” (AYAV) enterprise challenge in its category (100-500 employees) with a bronze medal for its cycling regularity. During the  AYAV period (5-9 February 2024), almost 30% of Cerfacs employees came to work by bike. Cerfacs was also on the AYAV podium with a 3rd position in winter 2022 and in spring 2021, 2022 and 2023. “Allons-Y À Vélo” is a campaign organised by the association “2 Pieds 2 Roues” and “La Maison du Vélo de Toulouse” to promote the use of the bicycle for every day travels; all details can be found on AYAV web site.
In April 2024, Cerfacs has been awarded the silver label from the program Objectif Employeur Pro-Vélo (OEPV) program in recognition of its cycling-to-work policy ! OEPV is a national program managed by the FUB (Fédération des Usagers de la Bicyclette) and funded with Energy Savings Certificates. A diagnosis and an action plan over 2023-2025 have been drawn up as part of this programme. Actions aimed at improving the lives of Cerfacs cyclists have been carried out, such as the installation of good quality hoops, and will be continued in the years to come !

The map of the routes of Cerfacs cyclists

Many people come to Cerfacs daily by bike. Here is the map of their itineraries. Feel free to contact velo@cerfacs.fr if you want more information about these trips, or if you want to add your route!

Bicycle mileage allowance (Forfait Mobilité Durable – FMD)

Since January 1, 2021, Cerfacs has implemented the bicycle mileage allowance (FMD for Forfait Mobilité Durable) for its employees, according to this agreement, which regulates its terms. If you are a Cerfacs employee and wish to benefit from the  FMD (up to 500 Euros per year), first read the document on bicycle safety rules and then complete and sign the FMD payment request form. The  will be paid quarterly upon presentation of the completed template file.

Self-service bicycles

Do you need a bike for a race in Les Pradettes, to get around the campus, or even to go home one night because your car broke down?

Two bicycles are in self-service, one pink and white and one green just outside the old building. Feel free to take advantage of it. The keys are available at the Cerfacs reception desk and in the B5 office. You will then be asked to sign a release form.

Repair material

Bicycle repair equipment is now available in room H8 (near the entrance of the “old” building) : patches and glus, tubes, keys, etc. A stand pump and a bicycle repair stand are also available. Cerfacs employees are welcome to use this equipment when needed but are asked to replace what they use.

There is also an inflation and repair station with a stem and various tools on the parking lot of the social centre on the right as you leave Météo-France.

Nearest VélôToulouse station

The nearest VelôToulouse station is located 700 m from the entrance to the site at the junction between Chemin Reboul and Chemin du Marin, and there are also some at Les Pradettes and Route de Saint-Simon. All the details on the Vélô Toulouse website.

Cyclist mailing list on Météo France campus

Finally, if you are interested to interact with other cyclists on Météo France campus, you can register to velo-meteopole@meteo.fr (send an empty mail to sympa@meteo.fr with in the Subject “subscribe velo-meteopole@meteo.fr FirstName FamilyName”)

Bike contact at Cerfacs: velo@cerfacs.fr






🎓Olivier GOUX thesis defense

Thursday 20 February 2025 at 14h00

  JCA room, Cerfacs, Toulouse    





🎓Francis MEZIAT thesis defense

Tuesday 4 March 2025 at 14h00

  JCA room, Cerfacs, Toulouse    





Introduction to programming practices for scientific computing

Monday 10 March 2025 at 14h00
