Within the PRACE project FULLEST (First fUlL engine computation with Large Eddy SimulaTion), a joint collaboration between CERFACS, SAFRAN and AKIRA technologies, two joint papers got recently published in open access in the Journal of Global Power Propulsion Society.
We acknowledge PRACE for awarding us access to Joliot-Curie (Genci) hosted at CEA/TGCC, FRANCE, Safran Tech and DGAC fundings within the project ATOM, along with the invaluable technical support at
CERFACS: Dr. G. Staffelbach, Dr. F. Duchaine, Dr. L. Gicquel, Dr. N. Odier and M. B. Martin.
Akira Tech: Dr. T. Quirante and N. Vieira-Nobre.
@Safran Helicopter Engines: Dr. S. Richard , Dr. N. Buffaz and Dr G. Exilard.
It also benefited from developments done in projects EXCELLERAT (H2020 823691) and EPEEC (H2020 801051).