Cerfacs on the new front of AI and very high resolution modelling of urban flows
A new European project, UrbanAIR*, led by TU Delft and in which Cerfacs is involved alongside CNRM and LAERO, has just been selected by the European Commission.
This new project will enable Cerfacs to explore emulation strategies combining deep learning, uncertainty quantification and multi-fidelity simulations based on very high-resolution Meso-NH urban simulations.
The key idea is to be able to generate and study plausible wind and air quality scenarios on the scale of European cities such as Barcelona. This project will enable Cerfacs to scale up the emulation strategies studied on experimental cases, as in Eliott Lumet’s thesis (https://theses.fr/2024TLSES003).
* UrbanAIR “Urban simulation for air quality and heat resilience strategies” submitted to the call “HORIZON-INFRA-2024-TECH-01-03: New Digital Twins for Destination Earth”.
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