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Algo Past Workshops

The Parallel Algorithms Project at CERFACS has been involved in the organization of the following workshops :


GODAE OceanView Data Assimilation Task Team Workshop (20-22 January 2020)

Sparse Days Meeting 2019 at CERFACS (July 11th-12th, 2019)

Sparse Days Meeting 2018 at CERFACS (September 27th-28th, 2018)

EoCoE Face-to-Face Meeting Autumn 2017 (November 29th – December 1st, 2017)

Sparse Days Meeting 2017 at CERFACS (September 6th-8th, 2017)

AVENUE Project Workshop  (June 20-21, 2017)

Sparse Days Meeting 2016 at CERFACS (June 30th – July 1st, 2016)

Sparse Days Meeting 2015 in Saint-Girons III (June 28th-July 2nd, 2015)

Sparse Days Meeting 2014 at CERFACS (June 5th-6th, 2014)

Recent Advances on Optimization 2013 at Meteo-France Conference International Center, Toulouse (July 24th-26th, 2013)

Sparse Days Meeting 2013 at CERFACS (June 17th-18th, 2013)

Sparse Days Meeting 2012 at CERFACS (June 25th-26th, 2012)

Sparse Days Meeting 2011 at CERFACS (September 6th-7th, 2011)

FOIE 2010 (July 7th, 2010)

Sparse Days Meeting 2010 at CERFACS (June 15th-17th, 2010)

Sparse Days Meeting 2009 at CERFACS (June 18th-19th, 2009)

Sparse Days Meeting 2008 at CERFACS (June 23rd-24th, 2008)

Gene around the world at CERFACS (February 29th, 2008)

Sparse Days Meeting 2007…CERFACS 20th Anniversary Meeting   (October 10th-12th, 2007)

PRECOND07 at CERFACS (July 9th-12th, 2007)

Sparse Days Meeting 2006 at CERFACS (June 15th-16th, 2006)

Second International Workshop on Combinatorial Scientific Computing (June 21th-23th, 2005)

Sparse Days Meeting 2004 at CERFACS (June 2nd-3rd, 2004)

Sparse Days and Grid Computing at St. Girons (June 10th-13th, 2003)

Sparse Days Meeting 2002 at CERFACS (June 24th-25th, 2002)

Sparse Days Meeting at CERFACS (June 13th, 2001)

Industrial days at CERFACS on Inner-Outer iterations (September 11-12, 2000)

Euro-Par’99 Conference, Toulouse (Aug 31-Sept 3,1999)

PINEAPL Workshop (Febr. 1998)

Odesim Internal Workshop (May 1996)

International Linear Algebra Year [ILAY] (Sept. 1995 – Sept. 1996)

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