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Code Coupling and User Interface


CERFACS has a strong expertise in the development and use of generic code coupling libraries.The couplers developed at CERFACS are daily used to address complex scientific problems such as:

Chemistry-Atmosphere coupling with OASIS

Chemistry-Atmosphere coupling with OASIS

  • earth system modelisation for climate science
  • multiphysics coupling (heat transfer, fluid/structure interaction …)
  • multi-composant coupling
  • data assimilation
  • multidisciplinary optimization

All these applications rely on the integration of different solvers that interact at different levels between each others following coupling algorithms.


OASIS and OpenPALM couplers are used to make modular and evolutive coupled applications in a user friendly way. The domains of applications go from many types of research fields to industrial uses.

Any type of code can be coupled with different languages (Fortran, C, C++, Python, Perl, R, …) and type of parallelization (from mono-processor to massively parallel). Coupling of commercial solvers is performed thanks to TCP/IP protocols through user defined functions.

Both coupling libraries provide interpolation functionalities when quantities to exchanges are discretized on different meshes. In OASIS, the interpolation is dedicated to geophysical applications while OpenPALM provide a more generic interpolation framework based on an unstructured mesh formalism thanks to the CWIPI library developed by ONERA.

Both OASIS and OpenPALM runs on high performance computers where computation times as well as parallel data exchanges are optimized in order to not penalize the speed up of massively parallel codes.

ESCAPADE project with OpenPALM

ESCAPADE project with OpenPALM

Associated with the Graphical User Interface generator OpenTea, OASIS and OpenPALM are daily used by Cerfacs and its partners involving academic laboratories as well as industrial companies. OASIS and OpenPALM are distributed under the OpenSource license LGPL.

About two training per year are proposed for Oasis and OpenPalm. OASIS and OpenPALM are still under development following users’ requests as well as optimizations and bug corrections. The funding of these actions rely on different collaborations through industrial, national or european projects.

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