Cerfacs Enter the world of high performance ...

Conference Dinner

The Conference Dinner will take place at the restaurantCôté Garonne” on Thursday June 30th, 19:30.Restaurant "Côté Garonne"

Registration is required

40€ per head


Restaurant “Côté Garonne” Toulouse
8, avenue Maurice Hauriou
31000 Toulouse



Access :

Metro line B station “Palais de Justice”
Parking Saint Michel
At a short distance from the courthouse




Kir with amuse bouche


Semi-cooked duck foie gras with Armagnac, toasted country bread, jam of dried fruits and mesclun salad


A “Samaran” duckling fillet grilled over a wooden fire, meat juice with ceps, potatoes and vegetables


Homemade warm Tatin pie with salted caramel ice cream


Wine of Corbières Château Capendu Cuvée Prestige



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