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Professional equality between women and men

Gender equality index

Companies with at least 50 employees are required to publish their gender equality index (article D1142-4 of the French Labor Code), calculated on the basis of four indicators, by March 01 each year.

These indicators are calculated on the basis of data from the annual reference period of 12 consecutive months preceding the publication year.

Annual reference period: 2024

Publication date: 24/02/2025

Cerfacs’ overall score for the gender equality index is 89/100, broken down by indicator as follows:

  • pay gap 36/40,
  • individual increase rate gap 35/35,
  • percentage of salaries increased on return from maternity leave: INCALCULABLE,
  • number of employees of the under-represented sex among the 10 highest earners 05/10.

Action plan on gender equality in the workplace

Cerfacs wishes to continue promoting the principle of professional equality between women and men, which is why Cerfacs, after consultation with the CSE, signed an action plan on professional equality between women and men on 13/12/2023, which was filed with the DREETS on 14/12/2023 in order to take action in 3 areas:

The recruitment process
Cerfacs affirms its commitment to combating all forms of discrimination in recruitment and, more broadly, in personnel management, which must enable all employees to be integrated into the company without discrimination as to culture, nationality, religion, political beliefs, sexual orientation, physical characteristics or gender.

More specifically:

  • The company’s selection and recruitment criteria are strictly based on candidates’ skills, professional experience and qualifications, and are identical for men and women.
  • Job offers are addressed to women and men without distinction. They are written in such a way as to make the jobs concerned accessible and attractive to both women and men.

Cerfacs has set itself the goal of increasing the number of women in its research teams, in order to improve the company’s gender balance. To this end, several provisions have been included in the action plan:

  • Carry out communication and awareness-raising initiatives by appointing men and women in the scientific professions to act as ambassadors for these professions in schools and universities;
  • Share Cerfacs employees’ career paths and events for women in employment and science on social networks and the Cerfacs website;
  • Promote the environmental actions carried out by the company and its employees by communicating on social networks such as LinkedIn and the Cerfacs website, the environmental added value of the company (for example: the actions of the Carbon group, or the bicycle group);
  • Create an area on the Cerfacs/CSE intranet site under the heading “Equality between women and men” to provide staff with additional resources (documentation) on this topic;
  • Improve the attractiveness of Cerfacs job offers by adopting a job offer format that is identical for all teams. It should be written in both French and English. Job offers should be proofread by HR to ensure that the vocabulary used is appropriate.
  • Improve recruitment methods by offering training on gender bias in recruitment. This training is aimed at all employees who carry out recruitment within the company.

Effective remuneration

Cerfacs has always respected gender equality in this area.
In particular:

  • Access to part-time work is easier for both men and women;
  • During maternity, adoption or paternity leave, Cerfacs guarantees salary continuation.

Cerfacs has set itself the goal of continuing to ensure :

  • Equal pay for men and women hired for the same job, with equivalent qualifications and professional experience, by carrying out an annual comparative analysis of salaries for men and women hired for the same job, with equivalent qualifications and professional experience.
  • That the development of remuneration between women and men throughout their working lives is based on skills, professional experience, level of responsibility, results and expertise in the position held, regardless of gender, by presenting an annual comparative analysis of the average gross remuneration of women and the average gross remuneration of men by professional category as it results from the company’s personnel statutes

Balancing work and family responsibilities

Cerfacs is keen to maintain this balance.
In particular:

  • A flexible timetable has been put in place for employees, both fathers and mothers, at the start of the new school year;
  • Sick-child leave has been introduced to enable employees, either mothers or fathers, to stay at their sick child’s bedside.

Cerfacs has set itself the goal of promoting :

  • Reconciling work and family life by taking greater account of parenthood in career paths, on the one hand by offering all employees who so wish an interview prior to maternity, adoption or parental leave, an interview to organize the departure on leave and to gather any wishes the employee may have for returning to work, so as to be able to anticipate and prepare his or her return in the best possible way; and secondly, to limit meetings taking place in the evening or early morning, so as to enable both women and men to carry out their professional activities while encouraging respect for their family obligations;
  • The move to part-time work as part of a phased retirement scheme, facilitating the end of a company employee’s career and enabling them to reorganize their working hours until they reach full retirement age, either because they have reached the legal age for full retirement or because they have contributed enough quarters to qualify for full retirement.

🎬Women Scientists

Over the coming months, Cerfacs will be showcasing the careers of women scientists, and highlighting our women collaborators. Our aim is to encourage young girls to take up a career in science. Read what our young women scientists have to say about their experience at our company and their future projects.

Testimony of Hélène Hénon,
former Cerfacs trainee
Testimony of Solène Hoflack,
young doctoral student at Cerfacs
Testimony of Sophie Valcke,
Research engineer at Cerfacs

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