🎓Thomas LESAFFRE thesis defense
Tuesday 21 January 2025 at 9h30
Phd Thesis JCA room, CERFACS, Toulouse
Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAFs) impact on engine operability: modeling and simulation
Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAFs) are renewable-source-derived fuels designed to meet the jet fuel requirements for compatibility with current aeronautical engines. Currently, their use is restricted to a maximum 50% blend with conventional jet fuel to comply with these constraints. However, there is growing interest within the aviation industry to transition toward 100% SAF usage, driven by the need to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. To evaluate the potential impacts of SAFs on engine performance, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) provides a cost-effective tool for analyzing critical operability limits, such as lean blow-out, ignition, and thermal stability. Developing an accurate and robust modeling framework is essential to capture the complex multi-physics phenomena governing engine performance. In this context, Large Eddy Simulation (LES) is employed to simulate the intricate interactions between turbulent reactive flows and SAF combustion, offering deeper insights into how fuel properties influence engine behavior.
Aymeric Vié | Professeur – Centrale Supélec | Rapporteur |
Marco Mehl | Associate Professeur – POLIMI | Rapporteur |
Marc Bellenoue | Professeur – PPRIME, ISAE ENSMA | Examinateur |
Jose Garcia-Oliver | Professeur – Universitat de València | Examinateur |
Eleonore Riber | Chercheure – CERFACS | Examinatrice |
Jean-Christophe Jouhaud | Directeur de recherche – CERFACS | Membre |
Quentin Douasbin | Co-encadrant – CERFACS | Invité |
Patrick Leclercq | Chercheur – DLR | Invité |