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Mesh generation using CENTAUR

  Thursday 16 November 2023


Cerfacs is Qualiopi certified for its training activities

Duration : 1 day / 6,5 hours

Satisfaction index

In April 2023, 100% of participants were satisfied or very satisfied

(results collected from 10 respondents out of 10 participants, a response rate of 100%)


CFD in realistic geometries requires complex meshes. Among the many commercial knitters on the market, CENTAUR is particularly powerful for unstructured meshes. It is therefore a good candidate for meshing complex geometries.

Objective of the training

The objective of this training is to learn mesh generation techniques, especially for unstructured and hybrid meshes using the CENTAUR software.

Learning outcomes

At the end of the training, participants will be able to:

  • Use CENTAUR via the graphical interface.
  • Import a geometry, clean it and put in data the boundary conditions.
  • Create the sources of refinement, whether they are surfacic or volumic.
  • Generate a first mesh and have a critical look at the number of cells and smallest cell volume.
  • Evaluate the quality of the mesh and know how to clean it.

Teaching methods

The training is an alternation of theoretical presentations and practical work. A multiple choice question allows the final evaluation. The training room is equipped with computers, the work can be done in sub-groups of two people.

Referent teacher: Carlos Perez Arroyo

Target participants

This course is intended for anyone in the field of CFD (engineers, doctoral students, postdocs, trainees) wishing to mesh any geometry under Centaur. The target is primarily internal aerodynamics, not external (aircraft wing for example).


Basic knowledge of what a mesh is and preliminary notions of CFD.

In order to follow this course, you need to:

    • be familiar with the use of basic Linux commands
    • have level B2 of the CEFR because the training can take place in French or in English depending on the audience.

In order to verify that the prerequisites are satisfied, the following questionnaire must be completed. You need to get at least 75% of correct answers in order to be authorized to follow this training session. If you don't succeed it, your subscription will not be validated. You only have two chances to complete it.

Questionnaire 1: https://goo.gl/forms/x14ruiJgac8x2b9t1


I certify that I obtained at least 75% of correct answers, I register

Deadline for registration: 15 days before the starting date of each training

Before signing up, you may wish to report us any particular constraints (schedules, health, unavailability…) at the following e-mail address : training@cerfacs.fr


  • Trainees/PhDs/PostDocs : 104 € excl. tax
  • CERFACS shareholders/CNRS/INRIA : 260 € excl. tax
  • Public : 520 € excl. tax


(From 9h00 to 12h15 and from 13h45 to 17h00)

• 9:00 am: Welcome and coffee
• 9:15 am: Introduction
• 9:15 am
o Presentation of the Centaur GUI
o Import and clean CAD in CENTAUR
o Meshing generation concepts
• 12.15 pm: break
• 1:45 pm: Tutorials/ Hand-on
o Description of CENTAUR features
o Qualities of a mesh and techniques of improvement.
o Generation of hybrid and modular meshes
o Centaur tutorials with trainer assistance
o and / or personal application provided by the participant if the reading format of the files provided is available.

Evaluation of learning

A final exam will be conducted during the training.

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