From Monday 3 December 2018 to Wednesday 5 December 2018
Deadline for registration: 15 days before the starting date of each training
Duration : 3 days / (21 hours)
OpenTEA is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) engine working with XML specification and simplified Python scripts. It is used in the industry to provide the GUI of complex setup applications such as AVBP, a massively parallel Large Eddy Simulation solver for reactive and two-phase flow configuration on complex geometries , or AVSP , a parallel Helmhotz solver for the prediction of thermoacoustic instabilies in aeronautical engines.
It is also used in academia for the setup of the european Ocean-Atmosphere coupler OASIS3-MCT, or the management of a blood circulation network with data-assilimilation. The software is free, under the terms of the Cecill-B Licence.
Target participants
The workshop id dedicated to new or experimented users.
Basic knowledge of the Python language and Unix OS.
Scientific contact
- Trainees/PhDs/PostDocs : 180 €
- CERFACS shareholders/CNRS/INRIA : 540 €
- Public : 1080 €
From 9:00 to 12:30 and from 14:00 to 17:30
Day 1 morning : Super-user training
Installation issues,
Memory management,
Validation behavior,
Guided development on a simple application
Day1, morning , Day2 and 3 :Workshop
Each participant work on his/her application. All aspects, from the architecture to the ergonomy, are possible to explore.
Several « musical chairs » rounds will allow the participants to play the part of the new user on a GUI application, and suggest improvements to the authors.