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PhD Defense: Damien PAULHIAC – Modeling spray combustion in an aeronautical burner

  Thursday 30 April 2015

  Phd Thesis       CERFACS, Conference room Jean-Claude André    


The combustion of hydrocarbons still represents the major part of the worldwide production of energy, especially for aerospace. Most industrials burners are fed with liquid fuel that is directly injected in the combustion chamber, generating a strong interaction between the spray, the turbulent flow and the combustion. This interaction has been widely studied, but is not yet fully understood. In particular, modeling individual droplet combustion, in the framework of Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of complex geometries, is a difficult issue. This work aims at improving models for spray combustion, in the context of two-phase reactive LES of complex configurations using an Euler-Lagrange approach. First, a droplet combustion model accounting for the various regimes and called MustARD for « Multi-State Algorithm for Reacting Droplets » is proposed and validated on several academic configurations of growing complexity. Second, MustARD is evaluated in the LES of a lab-scale burner and compared to classical models neglecting individual droplet combustion. Results show in particular the importance of the new model and its impact on the flame structure. Moreover, the comparison with experiments shows that MustARD contributes to improve the numerical prediction of LES of two-phase reacting flows.


L. VERVISCH                        INSA Rouen                                       Referee

E. MASTORAKOS                Cambridge University                         Referee

F. GRISCH                            INSA Rouen                                        Member

M. CAZALENS                      INSA Rouen & SAFRAN Tech            Member

S. JAY                                   IFP Energies Nouvelles                       Member

S. RICHARD                         Turbomeca                                          Industrial supervisor

B. CUENOT                           CERFACS                                          Advisor

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