PhD Defense : Javier CRESPO-ANADON : ” Large Eddy Simulation of Aircraft Engine Ignition under Relevant Operating Conditions and Application to the Spinning Combustion Technology”
Thursday 12 January 2023 at 10h00
Phd Thesis Conference room - CERFACS - Toulouse - France
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Abstract :
SAFRAN Helicopter Engines has recently developed the spinning combustion technology in which the burnt gases from one injector travel tangentially along the combustor annulus towards the neighboring injectors. Compared to a conventional design, this arrangement modifies the ignition process, which is a critical phase for aeroengines. In addition to that, few ignition studies in literature feature actual aeronautical igniters. This thesis aims to numerically reproduce the kernel formation and flame propagation at conditions occurring in spinning combustion engines fitted with aeronautical igniters at relevant operating conditions. For this objective, the in-house code AVBP has been used together with models for the energy addition from the igniter, semi-detailed chemistry and a recent version of the thickened flame model using a generic sensor and a static and dynamic formulation for the subgrid chemistry-turbulence closure term. The results have been compared to experiments from partner laboratories and show that the Large-Eddy Simulation calculations are able to reproduce the kernel formation and propagation in spinning combustion technology engines. An average error of 10\% in the time for complete chamber ignition was obtained when using a dynamic formulation of the subgrid chemistry-turbulence closure term. As a conclusion, this thesis gives further support to the use of LES as a tool for the design of combustion chamber systems in aircraft engines, in particular in novel configurations such as the spinning combustion technology.
Jury :
Marc Bellenoue Prof., ENSMA Poitiers, Member
James R. Dawson, Prof., NTNU Norway, member
Andreas Kempf Prof,. University Duisburg-Essen, Referee
Denis Veynante CNRS Research Director, Referee
Bénédicte Cuenot, CERFACS, Advisor
Eleonore Riber, CERFACS, co-advisor
Stéphane Richard, co-advisor
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