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PhD defense : Maxime FIORE – Influence of inter-disc cavity flow on turbine aerodynamics

  Tuesday 7 May 2019 at 14h00

  Phd Thesis       JCA CONFERENCE ROOM, CERFACS, Toulouse, France    

In order to deal with high temperatures encountered by the components downstream of the combustion chamber, some relatively cold air is bled at the compressor.

This air feeds the cavities underneath the turbine main annulus and cool down the rotor disks ensuring a proper and safe operation of the turbine. This thesis manuscript introduces a numerical study of the effect of the cavity flow close to the turbine hub on its aerodynamic performance. The interaction phenomena between the cavity and main annulus flow are not currently fully understood. The study of these phenomena is performed based on different numerical approaches (RANS, LES and LES-LBM) applied to two configurations for which experimental results are available. A linear cascade configuration with upstream cavity and various rim seal geometries (interface between rotor and stator platform) and cavity flow rate available. A rotating configuration that is a two stage turbine including cavities close to realistic industrial configurations. Additional losses incurred by cavity flow are measured and studied using a method based on exergy (energy balance in the purpose to generate work).

Jury :

Paul Tucker                                                 University of Cambridge                    Referee

Vittorio Michelassi                                       BAKER HUGHES (GE)                     Referee

Isabelle Trébinjac                                        Ecole Centrale Lyon                          Member

Jean-François Boussuge                           CERFACS                                           Member

Eric Lippinois                                              Safran Aircraft Engine                        Member

Nicolas Gourdain                                       ISAE                                                    Advisor

Pierre Ginibre                                             Safran Aircraft Engine                         Invited


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