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PhD Defense: Sandrine BERGER – Implementation of a coupled computational chain to the combustion chamber’s heat transfer

  Monday 20 June 2016 at 14h00


 Abstract :

The design of aeronautical engines is subject to many constraints that cover performance gain as well as increasingly sensitive environmental issues. These often contradicting objectives are currently being answered through an increase in the local and global temperature in the hot stages of the engine. As a result, the solid parts encounter very high temperature levels and gradients that are critical for the engine lifespan. Combustion chamber walls in particular are subject to large thermal constraints. It is thus essential for designers to characterize accurately the local thermal state of such devices. Today, wall temperature evaluation is obtained experimentally by complex thermocolor tests. To limit such expensive experiments, efforts are currently performed to provide high fidelity numerical tools able to predict the combustion chamber walls temperature. This specific thermal field however requires the consideration of all the modes of heat transfer (convection, conduction and radiation) and the heat production (through the chemical reaction) within the burner. The resolution of such a multiphysics problem can be done numerically through the use of several dedicated numerical and algorithmic approaches. In this manuscript, the methodology relies on a partitioned coupling approach, based on a Large Eddy Simulation (LES) solver to resolve the flow motion and the chemical reactions, a Discrete Ordinate Method (DOM) radiation solver and an unsteady solid conduction code. The various issues related to computer ressources distribution as well as the coupling methodology employed to deal with disparity of time and space scales present in each mode of heat transfer are addressed in this manuscript. Coupled application high performance studies, carried out both on a toy model and an industrial burner configuration evidence parameters of importance as well as potential path of improvements. The thermal coupling approach is then considered from a physical point of view on two distinct configurations. First, one addresses the impact of the methodology and the thermal equilibrium state between a reacting fluid and a solid for a simple flame holder academic case. The effect of the flame holder wall temperature on the flame stabilization pattern is addressed through fluid-only predictions. These simulations highlight interestingly three different theoretical equilibrium states. The physical relevance of these three states is then assessed through the computation of several CHT simulations for different initial solutions and solid conductivities. It is shown that only two equilibrium states are physical and that bifurcation between the two possible physical states depends both on solid conductivity and initial condition. Furthermore, the coupling methodology is shown to have no impact on the solutions within the range of parameters tested. A similar methodology is then applied to an helicopter combustor for which radiative heat transfer is additionally considered. Different computations are presented to assess the role of each heat transfer process on the temperature field: a reference adiabatic fluid-only simulation, Conjugate Heat Transfer, Radiation-Fluid Thermal Interaction and fully coupled simulations are performed. It is shown that coupling LES with conduction in walls is feasible in an industrial context with acceptable CPU costs and gives good trends of temperature repartition. Then, for the combustor geometry and operating point studied, computations illustrate that radiation plays an important role in the wall temperature distribution. Comparisons with thermocolor tests are globally in a better agreement when the three solvers are coupled.

keywords: combustion, heat transfer, aeronautical engine, LES, coupled simulation


Laurent.gicquel@cerfacs.fr  Directeur de thèse

Florent Duchaine@cerfacs.fr  Co directeur de thèse

Danièle Escudié Rapporteur CETHIL INSA LYON dany.escudie@insa-lyon.fr

olivier.gicquel@ecp.fr  Rapporteur Ecole Centrale de Paris, EM2C

marc.errera@onera.fr  ONERA Examinateur

elhafi.meh@gmail.com  Ecole des Mines d'Albi, RAPSODEE Examinateur

stephane.richard@turbomeca.fr  Industriel invité






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