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PhD Defense: Corentin LAPEYRE – Numerical study of flame stability, stabilization and noise in a swirl-stabilized combustor under choked conditions

  Friday 18 September 2015

  Phd Thesis       Conference room Jean-Claude André    


Civil air traffic increase requires to decrease future aircraft emissions. Aeronautic engine combustor technology has evolved towards Lean Prevaporized Premixed combustion to increase efficiency and reduce noxious emissions. Unfortunately, this technology tends to reduce engine robustness, with a decrease in flame stability and stabilization margins, and an increase in combustion noise.
Compressible Large Eddy Simulation (LES), a promising numerical approach to describe full combustors, is used in this Ph.D on an academic test rig of a typical modern combustor flame in confined conditions. This investigation gives insight on the effects of full system dynamics on combustion instabilities, flame flashback and combustion noise. It shows how these tools can yield understanding of the phenomena controlling flame stability and stabilization, which is essential in order to operate future engines safely.


Luc VERVISCH               CORIA – INSA de Rouen              Referee
Fabien HALTER              ICARE – Université d'Orléans       Referee
Sébastien DUCRUIX      EM2C- Ecole Centrale de Paris    Member
Carlo SCALO                  Purdue University                         Member
Stephane MOREAU        Université de Sherbrooke            Member
Laurent GICQUEL          CERFACS                                    Member
Thierry POINSOT           IMF Toulouse                               Advisor
Franck NICOUD             Université de Montpellier II          Advisor

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