Training | Computational Fluid Dynamics | High Performance Computing
Required Education : Master ou école d'ingénieur
Start date : 1 March 2024
Mission duration : 6 mois
Deadline for applications : 1 February 2024
Gratification : 650 euros/mois
Hydrogen, as a versatile energy carrier, is one of the solutions to the energy transition problem. If produced with renewable or nuclear energy, Hydrogen can help to decarbonize a large range of sectors, including transport and chemicals, where reducing emissions has proven to be particularly difficult. Hydrogen can also provide a support for the integration of variable renewables in the electricity system, being one of the few options for storing energy over long periods.
The widespread use of hydrogen in our society requires the understanding of the different phenomena that take place during its production, storage, transportation and consumption, in particular the safety challenges that are raised and the peculiar dynamics involved during its consumption. The accurate prediction of these phenomena, that can take place at large scales, is only possible if a reliable and efficient modeling of H2/air kinetics is available.
This internship delves into this issue by developing a systematic approach to construct reliable and efficient reduced mechanisms of H2/O2/N2 chemistry. These mechanisms must be able to predict fundamental properties of H2/O2/N2 flame kinetics at a large range of pressure, temperature and composition conditions, thereby enhancing their pertinence for a large range of applications. These kinetic descriptions will be validated against fundamental test cases, of interest for the combustion community:

Research project:
This internship is part of a research project TRACKDEMO (TRAnsition of shoCK to DEtonation in Media with Obstacles) funded by the ANR (collaboration between CERFACS and institut Pprime). Two PhD positions are associated to this project (start septembre 2024), one at CERFACS (numerical simulations) et one at Pprime (simulation/experiment). The student will therefore have the opportunity to join a PhD program, should he demonstrate strong motivation.
The internship will follow these steps:
- Literature review of available reduced mechanisms for H2/O2/N2 chemistry
- Development of a systematic method to extend the validity limits of the available mechanism in the literature. The solver Cantera will be used. Optimization procedures will be developed in python.
- Test case on a fundamental problem to validate the approach.
During this internship, the student will develop a detailed understanding of the fundamental processes governing H2/O2/N2 kinetics and their impact on hydrogen flame dynamics, of crucial importance for the fast deployment of hydrogen-based technologies in our society.
He will also be trained on two solvers: (1) kinetics solver CANTERA and (2) the CFD code AVBP, a reference code worldwide for the simulation of compressible reactive multiphase flows.
Contacts: send CV to
omar dounia: ; Olivier Vermorel: ; Thomas Jaravel: