Cerfacs Enter the world of high performance ...

Past Internal Algo-Coop Meetings


  • Turbulence in the age of data, Luciano DROZDA
  • An h-Multigrid method for Hybrid High-Order discretizations in CFD, Pierre MATALON
  • Code Generation for Lattice Boltzmann Phase-Field Models for Immiscible Fluids with High Density Ratios and High Reynolds Numbers, Markus HOLZER
  • Implicitly extrapolated geometric multigrid on disk-like domains for the gyrokinetic Poisson equation from fusion plasma applications, Martin KUEHN



  • A brief introduction to OOPS, Ogan ALPAR
  • Preconditioning of the bound constrained optimization applied to aerodynamics optimization, Selime GUROL



  • A Parallel Domain Decomposition Method for Stochastic Elliptic Equations, Olivier LE MAITRE (LIMSI-CNRS, Orsay)
  • Surrogate-Assisted Bounding-Box Approach Applied to Constrained Multi-Objective Optimisation Under Uncertainty, Pietro CONGEDO (INRIA Bordeaux)
  • CERFACS Meetup HPC: Introduction to Krylov solvers for linear system solution, Luc GIRAUD (HiePACS project – Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest)
  • Introduction to Multigrid methods, Ulrich RUEDE
  • Accounting for model error in the iterative ensemble Kalman Smoother, Anthony FILLION
  • Derivative-free optimization under uncertainty and multidisciplinary optimization, Benoît PAUWELS
  • Introduction à la méthode de Galerkin Discontinue pour les problèmes elliptiques, MBarek FARES
  • A Comparative study between algebraic structures for a goal-oriented efficiency in Scientific Computing, Jean-Baptiste LATRE



  • Modelling observation error correlations using a diffusion operator on unstructured grids, Oliver GUILLET
  • Improvement of history matching by application of post-processing techniques in ensemble-based methods,Sungil KIM
  • Quasi static ensemble variational data assimilation, Anthony FILLION
  • ABCD-solver: A Hybrid method for solving large sparse linear systemsPhilippe LELEUX
  • Investigation of a Nucleated-Polymerization Model applied to Polyglutamine Aggregation, Carola KRUSE
  • Space-Time Parallelization strategies for Turbulent Flow Simulations,Thibaut LUNET
  • Introduction to Krylov subspace methods for the solution of linear systems, Luc GIRAUD
  • Representing correlation operators on unstructured grids, Oliver GUILLET
  • Hard faults and soft errors : possible numerical remedies in linear algebra solvers, Luc GIRAUD
  • Resilient PDE solving approaches for exascale computing, Paul MYCEK
  • Towards error control in faulty computing environments, Markus HUBER
  • Adaptive refinement recovery after fault simulation, Linda STALS
  • Block Cimmino – ABCD-solver: A Hybrid method for solving large sparse linear systems, Daniel RUIZ
  • Generalized Golub-Kahan bidiagonalization and stopping criteria, Mario ARIOLI
  • Convergence rates and control sequences on Kaczmarz-type algorithms, Constantin POPA
  • Linear Algebra applications in the context of EoCoE, Philippe LELEUX
  • Characterization and Uncertainty Assessment of Channel Gas Reservoirs with an Aquifer Using EnKF, Sungil KIM
  • Resilient PDE solving approaches for exascale computing, Paul MYCEK



  • Physical log inversion under capillary equilibrium, Thibaud VANDAMME



  • Solveurs non linéaires rapides en mécanique des solides.Enrichissement de préconditioneurs pour des problèmes symétriques indéfinis et nonsymétriques, avec application aux systèmes point selle, Sylvain Mercier
  • Derivative free optimization methods for solving large size optimization problems, Nacer Soualmi
  • Beyond and behind linear algebra II, Jean-Baptiste Latre
  • Hermitian Matrices: spectral coupling and chaining, plane geometry and optimisation, Monserrat Rincon-Camacho
  • Passage à l’échelle de la régression linéaire aux données de grande dimension, Zakariae Jorti
  • Python as programming language for algorithms development: study, applications, examples …, Thibaut Lunet
  • Correlation operators based on the iterative solution of an implicitly formulated diffusion equation, Jean Tshimanga
  • An algebraic palette for scientific computing and information processing in small dimensions, Jean-Baptiste Latre
  • A general hybrid formulation of the background-error covariance matrix for ensemble-variational ocean data assimilation, Anthony Weaver






🎓 Soutenance de Thèse : Susanne BAUR

Thursday 12 September 2024From 14h00 at 18h00

  Thèses Cerfacs       JCA room, Cerfacs, Toulouse, France    





Machine learning for data science

From Monday 7 October 2024 to Thursday 10 October 2024






Fundamentals to understand and analyse high fidelity compressible Large Eddy Simulations

From Monday 14 October 2024 to Wednesday 16 October 2024

  Training       Cerfacs, Toulouse, France