Testimony: “As a PhD student at CERFACS, I had the chance to attend a variety of training courses about concepts/methods on both applied and fundamental topics. To name a few, trainings on wall and turbulence modeling, numerical methods for large eddy simulations, mesh generation, parallel programming, and GIT versioning, have provided me with all the necessary notions to properly approach each problem I face in my daily work as a researcher.
This is in contrast to other research institutions that typically focus on very specific training that does not address research topics as a whole, i.e., from mathematical/physical modeling to efficient code implementation and maintainability. I can therefore only recommend the courses offered at CERFACS.” Christophe(2021)
The Cerfacs training centre welcomes young researchers (trainees, doctoral students and post-doctoral students) to its projects. In addition, it offers high-level training in its fields of expertise, either face-to-face at its site in Toulouse or by distance learning. Since 10 June 2021, Cerfacs has been certified according to the National Quality Reference System for its training activities. This QUALIOPI [PDF1] [PDF2] certification attests to the operational control of processes contributing to quality training (meeting 32 criteria on teaching, organisation, communication, continuous improvement, etc.). It also allows for the use of public or mutualised funds and should thus help to clarify the choice of service providers by clients – whether they are individuals or companies.
Face-to-face training sessions
Since 2011, Cerfacs has set up advanced face-to-face training sessions in scientific computing aimed at PhDs, engineers and researchers, from academic and applied fields. Trainings are given by Cerfacs researchers and engineers and are either dealing with general HPC topics and applied mathematics or with dedicated disciplines of importance to Cerfacs. Duration is typically between 1 and 5 days.
Practical trainings to software developed or co-developed by Cerfacs (AVBP, DSCLIM, CESC, OASIS-MCT) are included in this program.
Online training sessions – SPOC
Since 2017, Cerfacs has created an online training program, based on Small Private Online Courses (SPOC) principles. Theses online courses are 100% are fully online, divided into consecutive weeks (typically 3 to 6) and require typically 3 hours of work per week.