Cerfacs Enter the world of high performance ...

young phd day 2020 Oct 08th

  1. NOUN Mark – Prediction and mitigation of cavity instabilities of a rocket turbopump resulting from fluid structure interaction – CFD
  2. NONY Bastien Model reduction in presence of atmospheric uncertainties for pollutant dispersion simulation GLOBC
  3. LINE Aurélien Prévisibilité et incertitude de la variabilité des températures et précipitations sur la France sur la décennie 2020-2030 GLOBC
  4. AJURIA Ekhi – Accelerating fluid solvers using artificial intelligence techniques – CFD – Vidéo
  5. WIRTZ Jonathan Lean Blow-Out prediction using Analytically Reduced Chemistries of alternative fuels (JETSCREEN) CFD
  6. BARLEON Nicolas Modelling and simulation of plasma-assisted combustion: application to ignition using NRP discharges CFD
  7. SENGUPTA Soumyo – Adaptive mesh refinement for high performance-large scale computations – COOP – Vidéo
  8. BADHE Abhijeet – Reduced-Order Modeling of thermo-acoustic combustion instabilities in complex configurations – CFD – Vidéo
  9. CRESPO-ANADON Javier Numerical Simulation of Ignition in Combustion Chambers with Strong Azimuthal Flow CFD
  10. LAFARGE Thomas Lattice Boltzmann method for multiphase flows applied to primary atomization in swirled injectors CFD
  11. PEATIER Saloua Quantification of uncertainties associated with climate projections GLOBC
  12. LAMIDEL David – Sound generation mechanisms of tip clearance flow in fan stage of turbofan engine – CFD – Vidéo
  13. PERROT Aurélien – Wall-law cooling modeling for LES of aeronautical turbomachinery – CFD – Vidéo
  14. OGIER Théo High fidelity CFD modeling (LES) of real fuels combustion in aeronautical engines CFD
  15. SUAU Adrien Quantum computing, a new way to speed-up scientific computations? COOP
  16. VENKOVIC Nicolas Iterative methods for stochastic elliptic PDEs ALGO
  17. VIRY Frédéric Improvement of data assimilation techniques in river hydraulics GLOBC
  18. AGARWAL Shubham Développement d’une méthodologie prédictive du refroidissement par film sur aubages CFD
  19. MARTIN Benjamin – Explicit Local Time Stepping method applied to Large-Eddy Simulation – CFD – Vidéo
  20. BESOMBE Camille – History matching using GANs for reservoir modeling application – COOP – Vidéo
  21. PESTRE Antoine Development of models and numerical methods for LES of reactive and turbulent twophase flows in sub-atmospheric conditions CFD
  22. XING Victor – Exploration of deep learning methods for surrogate modeling in numerical combustion – CFD – Vidéo
  23. EL AABARIBAOUNE Mohammad – IASI Inter-channel error covariances: estimation and impact on ozone assimilation in a chemical transport model – GLOBC – Vidéo
  24. CELLIER Antony – Large Eddy Simulation of Lithium-ion batteries for the diagnostic of Thermal Runaway – CFD – Vidéo
  25. WINGEL Christopher – Unsteady modeling and analysis of the aerodynamics and aero-thermal of a cooled turbine stage – CFD – Vidéo
  26. GALLARDO-FERNANDEZ Victoria – Evolution of extreme hot temperature events in the Europe Mediterranean region and its impact on aircraft take-off performance – GLOBC – Vidéo
  27. BOGOPOLSKY Guillaume –  Modeling of a Hall-effect thruster – CFD – Vidéo






🎓Jean VILLARD thesis defense

Wednesday 30 October 2024From 14h00 at 16h00

  Phd Thesis       JCA Room, CERFACS, Toulouse, France    





🎓Thomas NAESS thesis defense

Thursday 31 October 2024From 14h00 at 16h00






🎓Paul WERNER thesis defense

Wednesday 6 November 2024From 9h30 at 12h00

  Phd Thesis       JCA room, Cerfacs, Toulouse, France